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Payroll & Billing in Time Processing

Your guide to Payroll & Billing in Time Processing

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over 11 months ago

Your Time Processing module gives you the all-important tools to ensure that your Payroll and Billing process is as smooth as possible.

This article will be focused on the different features of Payroll and Billing that you'll be using inside this module.

Payroll in Time Processing

In this article, we're going to explore the following on Payroll and Billing in the Time Processing module in Schedule Xpress:



Auto-recalculation of shifts

Shift Allowances

Shift Start Date vs. Midnight Cutoff

Reason codes


Payroll will give you a breakdown of the shift hours and the amount that will be paid to the employee. The amount that will be paid will be based on the hours worked against the rate paid per the service type of shift.

Number of Hours type(s) x Service rate(s) = Total Pay amount

Total pay hours accumulated to give the Total Pay amount

Adding pay rates

You can add pay rates inside Schedule Xpress or eTime Xpress.

In Schedule Xpress, you can change rates in the Pay rates section of an employee profile in Manage people.

Pay rates in employee profile in Manage people in Schedule Xpress

eTime Xpress allows you to create them in the Employees section. You can also choose to add combination pay rates (one below) if required.

Adding employee pay rates in eTime Xpress

Payroll and Billing Difference

The Payroll and Billing Difference will be shown at the top of the Update rates and hours form. It will order with the Payroll total, Billing total and the Difference between the two.

The Payroll and Billing Difference will change to the following colors:

  • Green - Positive

  • Blue - Equal

  • Red - Negative

In the image below, you can see the Difference between the Pay total and Bill total.

If you make any manual adjustments to the pay/bill rates or hours, the Difference will change.

Difference in Payroll and Billing Difference in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Pay settings

You can see Pay settings (red arrow) to find out your Pay information.

Pay settings in Update rates and hours in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Payroll export

You can produce a Payroll export from within Time Processing in Schedule Xpress. This means that you no longer have to log into eTime Xpress to export it.

Ensure the User has Run access to the Payroll export in their Feature access group.

Giving a User access to the Payroll export in their Feature access group

You can run the Payroll export by heading to Time Processing Tools > Export > Payroll export.

Payroll export in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Double-check the Date range that you're exporting shifts for is correct. This is located in the top left-corner of the panel.

Date range of Payroll export

Then, select your Payroll export template and complete the following details:

  • Shift status

  • Employee or Pay cycle

  • Batch number

  • File name

Note: The Payroll template(s) will only be available if you have an integration with your Celayix platform.

Payroll export form in Time Processing

At the end of the export, click Export CSV and the file will be saved to your Downloads folder. You can then upload the file into your accounting software as usual.

Payroll Export log

The Export log can be used to track all the Payroll exports.

Export log in Payroll export

The date range of the Last export will be listed in the top-right of the panel.

Last Payroll export dates

Once you click Export log, you'll see a list of previous exports with export information. This will include which User exported it and when.

List of most recent Payroll exports


Billing is formatted and calculated in the same manner as Payroll.

Billing in Update rates and hours in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

You can see Bill settings (red arrow) to find out your Billing information.

Bill settings in Update rates and hours in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Adding bill rates

You can add bill rates inside Schedule Xpress or eTime Xpress.

In Schedule Xpress, you can change rates in the Bill rates section of a site profile in Manage sites.

Add bill rates in Manage sites

eTime Xpress allows you to create bill rates in the Sites section, located inside Customers. You can also add combination bill rates (one below) if required.

Note: You can also add Employee bill rates in the Employee section of eTime Xpress.

Site bill rates can be added in eTime Xpress

Billing export

You can produce a Billing export from within Time Processing in Schedule Xpress. This means that you no longer have to log into eTime Xpress to export it.

Ensure the User has Run access to the Billing export in their Feature access group.

Giving a User access to the Billing export in their Feature access group

You'll find the Billing export in Time Processing > Time Processing Tools > Export > Billing export.

Billing export in Time Processing

Double-check the Date range that you're exporting shifts for is correct. This is located in the top left-corner of the panel.

Date range of the Billing export

Then, select your Billing export template and complete the following details:

  • Shift status

  • Choose by Site or Bill cycle

  • Customers

  • Sites

  • Invoice date

  • Invoice number

  • Batch number

  • File name

Note: The Billing template(s) will only be available if you have an integration with your Celayix platform.

Filling out your Billing export in Time Processing

At the end of the export, click Export CSV and the file will be saved to your Downloads folder. You can then upload the file into your accounting software as usual.

Billing Export log

The Export log can be used to track all the Billing exports.

Export log in Billing export panel

The date range of the Last export will be listed in the top-right of the panel.

Last export date range in Billing export

Once you click Export log, you'll see a list of previous exports with export information. This will include which User exported it and when.

Export log shows list of Billing exports previously exported

Auto-recalculation of shifts (Other)

You will find the Auto-recalculation setup under Other in the Update rates and hours module.

Auto-recalculation of shifts in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

What is Auto-recalculation and how does it work?

If Auto-recalculation is set to Yes, it will allow the system to calculate any retroactive changes based on business rules (which affect hours types) or pay/bill rates. These will be applied to any given shift marked as Yes.

Example: An example would be if you changed the standard pay rate of an employee, it would consequently impact the pay rate of an existing shift, if the shift was set to auto-recalculate. However, if the option was set to No, then no retroactive changes would be applied to the shift and it will calculate based on current input.

Take a look at other important information to be aware of when using Auto-recalculation.

  • All shifts will first default to Yes for Auto-recalculation.

  • Shifts cannot be edited to No until the shift is set to worked.

  • For locked/approved shifts, Auto-recalculation can’t be updated. It will stay in read-only mode.

  • Converting a worked shift to a non-worked will reset the Auto-recalculation to Yes again, if it was previously set to No. However, it will keep the hours in overridden mode if they were edited before making the shift non-worked.

  • If the user is manually overriding the distribution (Pay, Bill, or both rates and hours), the Auto-recalculation flag will set to No automatically after submitting the rates and hours form. The user can change the Auto-recalculation back to Yes and it will keep the overridden distribution. However, any other action may trigger the recalculation of this shift.

Update auto-recalculation

You'll find you can Update auto-recalculation in your Time processing tools.

Note: For users listed as a Manager, this option is only visible if they have update access to both Payroll and Billing. If any of the section has no access, view only or custom access, the auto-recalculation menu option will be hidden.

Update auto-recalculation in Time processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

For shifts which are eligible, you can click on the option. This will bring up a section called Update shifts auto-recalculation. Yes will show as the default.

Note: By choosing Yes or No, this will reflect in the Rates and Hours form where auto-recalculation can also be processed.

Update auto-recalculation in Time processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If you try to bulk update shifts for auto-recalculation and some are not eligible, you'll be presented with an errors or warnings.

Errors and warnings when using Update auto-recalculation in Time processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Which shifts are eligible for auto-recalculation?

The shifts which can use auto-recalculation are:

Note: If a single shift is open, not worked or not approved is selected, this option will not be enabled.

Shift Allowances

You have the option to add pay and bill allowances to shifts if required. If enabled, this will be located at the bottom of the Update rates and hours module.

To enable Shift allowances, you can head to Settings > Branch Defaults > Rates and Hours form. Here, you'll have the option to enable it.

Shift Allowances in Rates and Hours form in Settings in Schedule Xpress

Once enabled, you can locate it in your Update rates and hours module.

If you would like to add a pay and bill allowance, you can simply click the + Add allowance and then select the Type, Units, Pay rates and Bill rates. Once you create an allowance, here's some things to remember:

  • If you add more than one allowance, the most recent allowance will form at the top.

  • Allowances can only be modified for worked or unlocked shifts.

Note: Allowances will impact your Pay total, Bill total and the Difference between the two.

Shift Allowances in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Adding negative Shift Allowances

You can add negative allowances by adding a (-) to your Pay rate.

Note: These can only be added to worked shifts.

You can add a minus allowance to deduct from a shift total pay amount

Once you've added your Allowance Type and Units, highlight over the 0 pay rates and type minus (-) and your Pay rate amount.

Press Save to add the allowance. This will immediately deduct from the shift's Total Pay amount.

Ensure you highlight the Pay rates section to add your minus Pay rate

Removing a Shift Allowance

If you'd like to remove an allowance, you can do so by clicking the X in the top right hand corner of the allowance itself.

Removing a Shift Allowance in Time Processing

Configuring Shift Allowance types

To configurate a Shift Allowance type, you'll need to visit Manage codes in Schedule Xpress.

Adding Shift Allowance types in Manage codes

Alternatively, you can add Shift Allowance types in eTime Xpress. Once inside, click Configuration > Codes Maintenance and find Shift Allowance code in the list of options.

In here, you can add, update or delete Shift Allowance types.

Configuring Shift Allowances in Code Maintenance in eTime Xpress

Recurring Allowances

If you already have Recurring Allowances set up for particular shifts, then they will impact the same way. Click the link above to find out more on setting them up.

Shift Start Date vs. Calendar Date (Midnight Cutoff)

When it comes to reviewing your Payroll and Billing, it's important to understand the difference between the preferences of Shift Start Date and Calendar Date (Midnight Cutoff). Read the explanations below:

  • Shift Start Day - This is where the total hours of a shift are calculated for the day that the shift starts. For example, if an employee had a shift that was from 11pm-7am, with the shift starting at 11pm on 1st September, the entirety of the 8 hour shift would be designated to the 1st September. This is most significant towards the end of pay period, when a shift on the last day of the pay period overlaps into the next period. Even if the shift(s) crosses midnight into the next pay period, all the hours will still belong to the current pay period.

  • Midnight Cutoff - This is where the hours of the shift will be designated to whichever day they fall on. So, let's use the same example as above. If a shift began on 1st September at 11pm and finished at 7am on 2nd September, only 1 hour would be designated to the 1st September and 7 hours to the 2nd September. This is most significant towards the end of pay period, when a shift on the last day of the pay period overlaps into the next period. If the shift(s) crosses midnight into the next pay period, only the hours that fall on the last day of the pay period will be collected in the current pay period. The hours that cross midnight into the next pay period will be accumulated in the next pay period.

Before showing you how this will display in Time Processing, let's look at where to you can set your preference.

You can choose Shift start day or Midnight cutoff in your General settings in Schedule Xpress.

Choosing your Hour calculation of either Shift start day or Midnight cutoff in General settings

From the homepage of eTime Xpress, go to Configuration > Company Branch > Branch Bill/Pay Settings > File > Preferences. Here, you can select the distribution of your hours by Shift Start Date or Calendar Date (Midnight Cutoff).

Shift Start Date in Preferences in Bill/Pay Settings in eTime Xpress

Let's look at how Shift start day will display in Time Processing.

The Update rates and hours module displays the shift with one column per pay type. For example, Reg Pay hrs or OT Pay hrs.

Each hours type will only be listed with one column such as Reg Pay hrs

In contrast, let's look at how it displays when we switch the setting to Midnight cutoff.

You're also given the option to your Shift Break Allocation. It is currently set to even, which means however many hours fall on each day, the break time will be split evenly across the two days. Oher options include proportionally, current day, next day or middle of shift.

Midnight cutoff (Calendar Date) in eTime Xpress

Now you will see the shift will be broken down by two columns per pay type. For example, Start day Reg Pay hrs and Next day Reg Pay hrs.

For example, if a shift is 8:00pm to 2:00am, then 4 hours will belong to Start day and 2 hours to Next day.

Start day and Next day in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The majority of clients will use Shift start day, but it's important to have your settings exactly how you'd like before making adjustments in Time Processing.

Adjusting rates with reason codes (Payroll or Billing override reason)

If you choose to adjust any rates before approving time, you'll need to override the rates in eTime Xpress. Any hours or rates that are adjusted will highlight in red if they require a Payroll or Billing override reason.

Adjusting rates with reason codes (Payroll override reason) in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Note: Reason codes are created in the system account of eTime Xpress. You may need to Contact Support to gain help in creating these.

Payroll reason code in Update rates and hours in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

It's important to note that if a rate is overridden, the new rate will be highlighted in red within the Reg Pay rates column.

Overridden rate will highlight in red in Time Processing

Updating shift hours that do not match original shift hours

If the updated shift hours distribution is not matching with the original distribution, the user will not be able to submit the change and a red exclamation will be shown to alert the user.

If the updated shift hours distribution is not matching with the original distribution, the user will not be able to submit the change and a red exclamation will be shown to alert the user in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

You can hover over the exclamation mark which will highlight the original distribution that you need to match with.

Hours must match shift warning in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

So, using the example above, if you want to adjust the shift length to make it 4 hours instead of 3, you can revert to the Update shift tool to make the relevant changes.

Hidden shift hours

It's important to be aware of hour some shift hours can remain hidden if your rates are not selected in the Rates and Hours form. Let's discuss an example.

So, let's say that we had a 6 hour shift. The shift was broken down into 4 Regular paid hours and 2 Statutory (Holiday) hours, as below. You'll see the Shift total amount to 6 hours as it should.

Hidden shift hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

For example, if your Rates and Hours form had the Statutory (Holiday) unchecked, you wouldn't be able to view it in the Update rates and hours form. However, the Shift total would still remain 6 hours.

Next to the heading Hours, you'll see an exclamation mark highlighted in red. This is alerting you to the fact that the hours within your Shift total is not reflected in the panel.

If you hover your cursor over the exclamation mark, it will read:

"Some hours types containing values are not displayed. Please check rates and hours form settings."

Exclamation mark highlighted in red which is alerting you to the fact that the hours within your Shift total is not reflected in the panel in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

So if you feel that some of your Pay or Bill hours are not equaling the Shift total, then you may want to check for hidden shift hours by check marking all the hours types in your Rates & Hours form.

All hours are shown in the Hours and Rates section

For more information on Payroll and Billing in Time Processing, please Contact Support now!

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