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Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Find out more about the Time Processing module in Schedule Xpress

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

Time Processing gives admin users control over their schedule, specifically the distribution of time among Regular, Overtime, Holiday, etc. This includes advanced filters for shift attendance, and the ability to adjust hours and rates before running your Billing and Payroll.

This additional control allows the user to manage and review their work schedule within Schedule Xpress. It's designed as the last step of using Celayix before billing clients and paying employees.

Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Using Time Processing for best scheduling

Although this article will give you an in-depth view of the basic features, we do encourage you to look at all of our Time Processing articles to fully optimize your scheduling using this module.

This article will cover the following topics in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress:

Accessing Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Layouts in Time Processing

Shift form in Time Processing

Exporting in Time Processing

Any additional questions?

Accessing Time Processing

The Time Processing tab can be accessed inside of your Schedule Xpress account.

Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Inside Time Processing

Once inside of the Time Processing tab, you'll see a range of shifts that have either been worked or are scheduled.

Note: The data displayed will be reflected by the date range selector.

Date range selector in Time Processing

You can also click on the dates themselves to edit the period in which you choose. As seen below, you can make it either Day, Week, Month or create a Custom range.

Note: Your maximum custom range is a span of 90 days.

Selecting your date range in Time Processing

Time Processing columns

The layout is based similarly to your Manage people and Manage sites tabs. You get to select the columns you want to use. The columns visible below are the default columns.

Sticky columns

The Time Processing feature includes sticky columns. This means that if you wish to change the order of your columns, you can simply drag and drop them to the left and right.

In the example below, you can see that the Service description has been dragged to the left.

Sticky columns can be reordered by dragging left or right

Once dropped into position, you can use the Save disk to make the change permanent if it's your own layout filter.

Saving the changes to your grid view layout filter

Editing and adding columns

To edit these, you can hit the 3 dots toward the top right corner (green arrow). This will activate a drop down menu which will allow you to add or remove (red arrow) the columns you display (green box).

You'll notice that these are broken down by different sections. See the list below:

  • Employee details

  • Shift scheduled date & time

  • Attendance

  • Pay hours

  • Pay rates

  • Bill hours

  • Bill rates

  • Rates and hours overrides

  • Shift publishing

  • Other shift details

  • Customer details

  • Site details

  • Service details

  • Location details

Note: These may differ depending on how you've chosen to name your custom labels.

Editing and adding columns in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

If you want to display the columns of an entire section, you can simply tick the box of the section header and Apply. This will display all columns from that section within your Time Processing module.

Adding entire section of columns in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Filter search in columns

If you're looking for a quick search within Time processing, you can click the relevant funnel (purple arrow) to filter within a column. You'll be able to choose to filter a word that either:

  • Contains

  • Is equal to

  • Is not equal to

The example below shows a search for an employee by first name that contains 'Alex' (red arrow).

Once you've entered your search criteria, press Filter.

Filter search in columns in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

In this search for 'Alex', it will display as below.

Note: When a filter is active, the funnel will display in the color orange.

Filter search display in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

If you want to revert back to how it was previous to the Filter search, you can re-enter the funnel and clear the search.

Thumbnail pop-up for shifts

Clicking on an employee profile thumbnail (red arrow) after ticking the assigned shift will show the same pop-up as in the employee module (green box).

The fields displayed will be according to the selected fields in Settings > Shift form > Shift quick view fields.

Note: Pop-ups will not display for Open shifts.

Thumbnail pop-up for shifts in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Should you need to select the entirety of the shifts in your Time processing, you can hit the box situated above your employees.

Note: Bulk updates will be released shortly by our Development team. Check back here for more details soon.

Selecting all shifts in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Advanced filters in Time Processing

Advanced filters work the same in Time Processing as they do in your Schedule. This feature allows you to simplify your scheduling through creating and saving filters that present exactly the information you're looking for.

Advanced filters in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Searching for specific data

To search for specific data, you can use the Display records dropdowns in All Employees, All Customers, All Sites and All Services.

Find the relevant data for your Advanced filter search in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Or alternatively, you can use the filter funnels in each column.

Using filter funnels to find the relevant data for your Advanced filter search in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

For All Shift Statuses and All Shift Activities, the options to select are already available.

All Shift Statuses in Advanced filters in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

All Reference 1 will only relate if you have customized your shift reference fields.

For more information on Advanced filters and how you can use them for specific searches, please read our Advanced filters article.

Add shift

The Add shift form is an option that gives you the chance to create a shift that will save directly to your schedule.

The Add shift form can be located as below.

Add shift form in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Creating a new shift

Once you've clicked the Add shift, you'll probably be familiar with this process before. However, there are some new additions to be aware of.

You can either scroll down or click the relevant button for the section you wish to view.

Different sections of the Add shift form in Time Processing

You can collapse these sections by clicking on them.

Collapsing the sections in your Add shift form

Let's take a look at the different sections.


The first section is General. That contains the basics, such as employee name, scheduled start, scheduled end, and customer, site and service.

General section in Add shift form in Time processing in Schedule Xpress


The Attendance section allows you to input Check-in and Check-out times either prior or after a shift has taken place.

Attendance section in Add shift from in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Break duration

There is also the option to add a break duration, which will calculate the shift total to the right hand side.

The break time can only be added if the Check-in and Check-out times are allocated.

Break duration in Add shift form in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Break log entries

Break log entries record the times in which an employee swipes to Check-in on break, and swipes to Check-out of break. This can be viewed after the shift has taken place.

In Time processing, this will display under the Break log entries column, which is divided by Break start time and Break end time.

Break log entries in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

If you click the shift in question, you can also visit the Employee shift log. The Employee Shift log will show the history of what the employee did on the shift, for example when they checked in or when they took a break.

See the example of how it will display below.

Employee Shift log in Update shift in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Note: Break entries cannot be performed outside of Check-in and Check-out times.

Also, please be aware that the exact same process is enabled for Safety check log entries. You can add columns for Safety check log entries if required.

Break log entries contain incorrect entries

This column will contain a simple Yes or No.

Breaks can be logged from when the shift is Check-in is activated.

If for example a break Check-in or out is invalid, then it will still display as No. But if the break is within the allocated shift time period, it will say Yes.

Break log entries contain incorrect entries in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Meal break exceptions

If Meal break exceptions are enabled in your system, employees will be able to record multiple breaks. All breaks taken will be displayed in the Break log entries column.

Note: Before trying to allocate Meal break exceptions, this will need to be switched on in the System Properties section of your eTime Xpress. You may need to Contact Support if this isn't the current setup.

References and Publish Options

Both References and Publish Options remain the same as in the schedule module.

References and Publish options in Time processing in Schedule Xpress

Add shift to complete

Click Add to complete.

Add shift to complete in Time processing in Schedule Xpress


You can use the Time processing tools to export any reports or your Payroll and Billing exports. If you have a payroll or billing connector, they will be accessible in here.

Any questions?

If there's anything regarding Time processing that you still need an answer to, then we encourage you to read all our Time Processing articles.

If you still have questions, please Contact Support now!

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