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Advanced filters

Understanding the use of Schedule Xpress filters

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can use Advanced filters for specific searches in Schedule Xpress. This feature allows you to simplify your scheduling through creating and saving filters that present exactly the information you're looking for.

Schedule in Schedule Xpress

This article will cover the following on Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress:

Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress

Defining your Advanced filter search

Saving your Advanced filter

Where are Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress?

Advanced filters are located at the top of your Schedule page. The options you have to search are:

  • All Employees

  • All Customers

  • All Sites

  • All Services

  • All Reference 1

  • All Shift Statuses

  • All Activities

Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress

Defining your Advanced filter search

You can define your search by choosing options within each filter to ensure the Schedule shows exactly the data you're looking for.

Note: You can perform searches using multiple different Advanced filters at the same time. For example, you can choose options from both All Employees and All Sites combined.

Defining your Advanced filter search in Schedule Xpress

Searching for specific data

To search for specific data, you can use the Display records dropdowns in All Employees, All Customers, All Sites and All Services.

Find the relevant data for your Advanced filter search in Schedule Xpress

Or alternatively, you can use the filter funnels in each column.

Using filter funnels to find the relevant data for your Advanced filter search in Schedule Xpress

For All Shift Statuses and All Shift Activities, the options to select are already available.

All Shift Statuses in Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress

All Reference 1 will only relate if you have customized your shift reference fields.

Selecting specific data

When you know what you want to search for, all that's left to do is select it.

In this example, we're going to search for an employee named Dinesh Kumar, and also all of the shifts they are working at Mint Tea Inc in the current week.

First you can find and checkmark Dinesh in All Employees, then press Apply.

Selecting specific data in Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress

Then you can checkmark Mint Tea Inc in All Customers, then press Apply.

Selecting specific data in Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress

Once applied, you'll see your filter search(es) highlighted, and the shifts that match the criteria will display in your Schedule.

Advanced filter applied in Schedule in Schedule Xpress

Clear all filters

If you want to clear all your filters so that you can see your entire Schedule, press the Clear all filters option in the top-right corner.

Clear all filter in Schedule in Schedule Xpress

You'll now see your entire Schedule with no filters.

Schedule in Schedule Xpress

Saving your Advanced filter

Saving an Advanced filter to make it permanent will save you time when scheduling.

Once you've chosen the data you want your filter to consist of, you can press Save filter. Our example shows saving a filter for Open shifts only.

Saving your Advanced filter using by selecting data and pressing Save filter in Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress

Name and Save the filter.

Naming and Saving your Advanced filter using by selecting data and pressing Save filter in Advanced filters in Schedule Xpress

Using a saved Advanced filter

Once saved, your filter will be available in the top-left in the Advanced filter dropdown.

Using a saved Advanced filter in Schedule in Schedule Xpress

Click the dropdown and select your filter of choice.

Advanced filter dropdown in Schedule in Schedule Xpress

In this example, we'll choose the Open Shifts filter. You'll see that only Open Shifts are presented.

Using saved Advanced filter in Schedule in Schedule Xpress

For more information on Advanced filters, please Contact Support now!

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