The Grid view layouts are designed to provide you with an extensive view of your Payroll and Billing information in Time Processing.
The purpose of Grid view layouts is to give you a wide range of options when viewing your scheduling data. Great emphasis has been put on providing custom-built filters that can be easily exported with all the information you need.
This article will cover the following topics in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress:
Grid View Layout filters
Customizing your Grid view layout filters
Check in/out source
Grid View Layout filters
Time Processing provides a range of pre-defined layout filters which will allow the user to organize their information in their desired order. This feature helps to support the user by giving them Payroll and Billing layouts to produce reports.
If required, you can choose to create your own filter and customize it exactly as you want.
Let's first look at where these Grid layouts can be found.
Note: Your default filter will be highlighted with an orange star.
The formatting of your Time Processing will be dependent on which Grid layout you select. Before we look at an example, let's take a look at the pre-made Grid layout filters you have to choose from:
(The asterisk* signifies that you are unable to edit the Grid layout filter)
Billing Detail Export *
Billing Summary Export *
Billing Summary by Customer *
Billing Summary by Site *
Check in Time verification *
Default Time and Attendance *
Payroll Detail Export *
Payroll Summary by Customer *
Payroll Summary by Employee *
Payroll Summary Export *
The example below shows Billing Summary by Customer *.
Billing Summary by Customer * - As you can see, it's broken down by grouping the shifts per Customer in the grid formatting. The columns are focused on providing site and service descriptions, while breaking down all bill hours and rates.
Selecting all shifts for a Customer
If you want to select the entire shifts for a particular Customer, you can tick to select them to the left of the Customer name.
Or, alternatively, you can select each shift individually.
Collapsing and expanding Grid headers
You can collapse or expand your Grid headers by clicking the arrow to the left of the header.
Now let's take a look at a couple more Grid layout filters.
Payroll Detail Export * - This filter focuses on how much you're paying your employees per their shift(s). This will show details of the employee and their shift(s), including all pay rates and hours. This will also include columns for total pay and hours per shift.
Check in Time verification * - This filter is focused heavily on employee logs within Team Xpress, which highlights Check-in time, Check-out time, Break duration and Safety check log entries.
By clicking the 3 dots, you can temporarily add in columns to display for your current session inside Time Processing.
Note: To make permanent changes to column display, you'll need to add these in to a Grid layout filter. This will be discussed further down the article in the Columns displayed section.
Adding columns can be very useful for displaying all the information you want to include before exporting a report. The pre-defined Grid layout filters have been designed to display the all-important information for reporting purposes.
Defaulting a Grid layout filter
You can change your defaulted Grid layout filter by clicking the Settings cog to the right.
Or alternatively, and for easier access when you're not inside Time Processing, you can access you Layout manager to see the Grid view layout settings. In Schedule Xpress, head to Settings > Layout Manager > Grid view layouts.
Settings cog through Time Processing:
Layout manager through Schedule Xpress Settings:
Once inside, you can change your default by clicking the star next to the relevant Grid layout filter, and it will highlight orange to mark as the new default. This will instantly remove the old default.
You'll notice that the pre-defined Grid layout filters are listed as view only, which means they cannot be edited.
Customizing your own Grid layout filter
To create your own filter, you'll have to clone an existing one and make the changes you require.
Remember: You can not edit a filter with an asterisk * next to it.
Select the filter you'd like to clone and then press Clone.
You'll then be prompted to type and name and fill out a description.
Your new Grid layout filter will appear at the bottom of your Grid layout list.
Grid header settings
The Grid header settings allow you to choose how to want your columns to display in Time Processing.
Group by
Group by allows a user to group the items based on particular fields. The dropdown will show a pre-defined list of the columns available for the Time Processing grid.
So let's say you selected employee ID in your list, it would group shifts together that contained the same employee ID. Let's look at an example.
Once employee ID is added in, you'll now see any shifts with the same employee ID grouped together.
You can setup formatting of your Grid view layout using the Formats section of your Layout settings.
This allows you to select different formatting per Grid view layout filter you're using. Listed below are the format types you're now able to select a viewing preference for:
Date format
Time format
Time duration format
Date & Time format
Rate format
Amount format
Grouping header display
Grouping header display will allow the user to set the columns in the way they want their data to be shown in the grid. You can select these the same way as Group by.
There's two important things to be aware of:
The full list of Grouping header display fields will only be available if the Group by ID fields are selected. For example, employee ID, site ID.
Please ensure that your Show grouping header labels (below the list) is set to Yes. By toggling to Yes, it will present the grouping header display inside Time Processing.
In this example, the Grouping header display contains site name and customer name. You can see how they present below.
Show totals and Show total column labels
You can also choose to Show totals and Show total column labels in custom filters.
Show totals will help the user to display a sum of particular columns/rows/fields.
Show total column labels allows the user to choose to display the total for both sub-level totals and grand totals.
Note: Shift count labels are not controlled by this toggle.
The totals will be displayed inside of your Time Processing as below.
The example above shows:
Total break durations
Total shift time
Standard bill hours (included for shifts not yet worked)
OT Bill Hours
Note: The totals will show different information based on the Grid layout filter you're using.
Columns displayed
Columns displayed allows you to choose the columns you want a certain filter to display. Whichever columns you choose to select will save and display when you use the filter.
Customizing your Grid view layout columns
You can customize a Grid view layout by selecting or deselecting the options. These can be reordered using the arrows at the end of each selection.
The Grid columns can be frozen so that they stay in the same place.
Note: If a column is frozen, it can not be moved when reordering.
Shift sort order is a tool used to sort your data per preference.
Take a look at a breakdown of the ways it will order your data:
Down arrow - Highest to lowest
Up arrow - Lowest to highest
Up or down arrow with 1 or 2 (image below) - These are present if two columns are used by Shift sort order. The 1 and 2 define which order the data from these columns will be processed in. The 1 signifies that this column's data is the first selection of the shift order.
In the example below, Service description will impact the shift order first.
Custom columns
You can customize your own columns for exports in Time Processing.
Note: Custom columns can only be added for layout filters you've cloned. You cannot add them for Celayix created layout filters.
To create a custom column, click the settings cog next to your Grid view layout filter.
Once inside, head to the Grid columns section and you'll see the option to Create custom column.
You can name your column header in the Custom header section.
Fixed text value/blank in Custom columns
You can choose Fixed text value/blank or Concatenated value for the Column value type. Let's look at Fixed text value/blank first.
You can then choose whether to fill out a Value of leave it blank.
It will then appear at the bottom of your Grid columns section. You can move this using the arrows or freeze it using the pin on the right-edge of the block.
You can see the difference between a fixed text column and a blank column, below.
Concatenated value in Custom columns
If you choose Concatenated value as a Column value type, you can combine 2 or more fields together in your column.
The example below shows Employee full name and Employee ID.
Once complete, press Create. Your column will then be added to the layout filter.
Choosing a field separator for Custom columns
You can choose your Separator value for each field. This will determine how you data is displayed.
Grid layout visibility
You can click the dropdown above the Grid layout filters to choose which ones you want to be visible, and which ones you don't. This can be achieved by ticking and unticking.
Subsequently, this will change the amount Grid layout filters visible within your list.
You can reorder your Grid layout filters by clicking the double-sided arrow, and dragging it up or down.
Note: You must be clicked onto the filter you want to move.
The Grid layout filters chosen will be visible inside of Time Processing.
Modified Grid layout filters
If you make changes to any of the Grid settings, your Grid layout filter will be in Modified state.
So, for example, if you decided to move a column in your Grid layout filter, you'll see the filter become Modified.
When a change requires saving, the Save disk will highlight in dark grey and offer you to Save layout changes. You'll need to press it to complete the change.
Note: If no changes are made, the Save disk will remain disabled.
If you click the Settings cog next to your Grid layout filter when in Modified state, a pop up prompt will be shown. The pop up will display:
Discard Changes - Discard Changes will undo changes and remove Modified state, and the user will remain on the Time Processing page.
Clone layout - Clone layout will open a Clone layout panel to allow the user to create a title and description for the layout, and then will proceed to Settings page once it is created.
Save changes to layout - Save changes to layout ensures that the current changes are made, and the user will remain on the Time Processing page.
Whichever way you choose to bypass the Discard changes warning, it will remove the Modified state and show Nothing to save.
Check-in and Check-out sources
You can now use Check-in and Check-out source columns in Time Processing to track which user and which platform made check-ins and check-outs for every shift.
Note: These columns will only track shifts from 09/27/2023 onwards.
The columns are:
Check-in source
Check-in user
Check-out source
Check-out user
The Check-in source and Check-out source columns are used to show whether it was Team Xpress, Schedule Xpress or Time Xpress where the clock was made.
The Check-in user and Check-out user will show the account that made the clock.
If it was an employee who did it, it will show with the employee ID number. If it was a user (admin), then it will show with the username of the account.
Exporting in Time Processing
Exporting in Time Processing works the same way as all other Schedule Xpress modules. It gives you the opportunity to pull data for reporting purposes.
You can click your Time processing tools button > Export, and then choose your method of Export.
A PDF export will capture all the information exactly as it's displayed. Here's some additional information that may be useful:
Exported file name will show as TimeProcessingDataPDF_MM//DD/YYYY.pdf. The section titled MM/DD/YYYY will be the current date.
Export goes page by page based on the page size selected.
It exports all the selected columns selected from the 3 dots.
For the columns having multiple entries (break logs/safety checks/allowances), it shows only whatever is visible in the grid. It doesn't show all entries.
An Excel export will provide a detailed breakdown which is editable. Further information on the Excel export is listed below:
Exports the data from all pages collectively.
Groupings/group headers/aggregate totals are displayed properly.
Column titles are pinned to the top.
Nested columns are shown.
Extra row is added for total shift count.
All collapsed groupings are expanded when the user exports.
If you have any questions on Grid layout filters, please Contact Support now!