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Manage sites

All you need to know about managing your customers and sites in Schedule Xpress

Written by James Lewis
Updated over 5 months ago

Manage sites is home to all your customers and sites in Schedule Xpress. You can Add, Delete or Export your customers and sites from this section.

Manage sites in Schedule Xpress

In this article, we'll look into the following on Manage sites in Schedule Xpress:

Finding your Manage sites

Manage sites

Payroll settings in Manage sites

Exporting sites to PDF or Excel

Finding your Manage sites

You can find your Manage sites on the command strip on the left-edge. It appears as a map with a placemark.

Note: You may have labelled sites by a different name in your Custom & Reference Labels, which will subsequently change the title.

Finding your Manage sites in Schedule Xpress

Your customers and sites in Manage sites

Your customers and sites will be listed in the Manage sites section.

List of customers and sites in Manage sites

You can use the search bar to search for a specific customer or site.

You can use the search bar to search for sites in Manage sites

Site status filter

You can use the Site status filter to search for:

  • All sites

  • Active sites

  • Inactive sites

Site status filter in Manage sites

Press Apply to activate your choice.

Press Apply to search in Site status filter in Manage sites

Show sites for customer

You can use the Show sites for customer filter to search for any customers and the sites that belong to the customer. You can check mark as many customers as you'd like to show.

Show sites for customer filter in Manage sites

Press Apply to activate your choice(s).

Press Apply to search in Show sites for customer in Manage sites

Clear all filters

If you've chosen a filter to display, you can click Clear all filters to remove them. This will show all your sites data again.

Clear all filters allows you to remove all current filters in Manage sites

Display columns

You can select and deselect columns to display using the 3 dots at the top-right of the grid.

The 3 dots are used so that you can select and deselect site information that you do or don't want to include in the Manage sites grid

Adding customers

You can create a customer by clicking the wrench tool > Create customer toward the top-right corner of your Manage sites section.

Create customer in Manage sites

You'll be able to create a name and fill out any necessary contact details.

Creating a name and additional contacts for customer in Manage sites

Once created, it's important to know that your new customer will NOT appear until it has a site listed under it. However, you'll be able to see it under the Show sites for customer filter.

Once created, the customer will list in Show sites for customer filter

Let's look at how you can add a new site.

Adding sites

You can find Create site towards the top-right corner of the Manage sites section.

Create site in Manage sites

Inside, you'll be able to define the following sections:

  • General info - You need to add the Site name, Status and Site color.

  • Contact - Relevant contact details including address, email address and mobile phone numbers.

  • Geofencing - Add in Geolocation coordinates for site location to ensure that employees are where they say they are when checking in.

  • eClock alerts - If your eClock alerts are set to allow you to change at site level, then you can define which alerts are required for this site.

  • Settings - Information on the Record access groups that include this site and any Statutory days (holidays) that this site will be applicable for.

  • Qualifications - You can add General qualifications and Site-authorized qualifications to ensure that you only allow qualified employees to work here.

  • Restrictions - You can add Restrictions to prevent employees from working at a site.

  • Max hours - You can add daily, weekly and monthly max hours to ensure that you don't allocate more time than is required at site.

  • Bill rates - You can add Bill rates for services at site.

  • References - You can add References if required.

You can scroll down or click the section you want to visit at the top of the form.

List of sections in site profile in Manage sites

Site form

If any of these sections are NOT required in the form, you can click the settings gear to head to the Site form to make any relevant adjustments.

Finding the site form within a site profile in Manage sites

Site form sections visibility

In Site form sections visibility, you can select and deselect any sections that you do or don't need.

Site form sections visibility in Site form in Settings

Customer quick view fields

You can also use the Customer quick view fields to determine which information can be seen for the customers.

Customer quick view fields in Site form in Settings

See an example below.

Example of how Customer quick view fields display in Manage sites

Making a site Inactive

Making a site Inactive means that you no longer need to use the site in your Schedule, but you still retain all the past history of associated shifts.

If you want to make a single site Inactive, click into the site profile, change the Status to Inactive, and click Save.

Making a site inactive in site profile in Manage sites

If you want to make multiple sites Inactive, check mark them in your sites list. Then, click Update sites in the top-right corner.

Update sites after check marking sites in Manage sites

You'll need to check mark Site status in the Select fields to update.

Check marking Site status in the Select fields to update

Then choose the Site status as Inactive and Update sites to complete.

Choosing Inactive as the new Site status

Cloning a site

Cloning a site can be a useful time-saving tool. If you want to Clone a site, there's two ways you can do this.

The first option is to head inside the profile of the site you want to Clone and click Clone site in the top-right corner.

Clone site in site profile in Manage sites

The second option is to check mark the site in the sites list and click Clone site in the top-right corner.

Clone site in Manage sites

Whichever option you choose, you'll notice that once you click Clone site, a new site will be generated with the name of the site you cloned, which will include the word Copy in the title.

This is your chance to rename the site, and change the Customer name and any other details, if required. Press Save to complete.

A cloned site will have the original site name with the addition of Copy

Deleting a site

If you want to delete a site, check mark the site, click your wrench tool and press Delete site.

Note: We don't encourage that you delete sites if they have past history, such as they've been applied to shifts in your Schedule. The system will warn you that you need to delete the shifts associated in order to delete the site, which means you'll lose all the prior shift history. The best option is to make your site Inactive if it's no longer needed.

Delete site in Manage sites

You can also delete a site from within a site profile.

Delete option inside site profile in Manage sites

You'll be asked to confirm that you want to delete the site. Once you proceed, you'll be given a confirmation that your site has been deleted, or an error will explain why it couldn't be deleted.

Payroll settings in site module

Payroll settings can be adjusted at site level. This gives you the flexibility to choose rules and add site pay rates from within Manage sites in Schedule Xpress.

If you cannot see this option, please check mark it in the site form.

Pay rates section at site level in Manage sites

Pay rate rules for shifts at site

The Pay rate rules option allows you to determine the pay rate type that is applied to this site.

Pay rate rules for shifts at site in Pay rates section

The rules are:

  • Employee pay rates take priority.

  • Site pay rates take priority.

  • Combination pay rates take priority.

  • Employee is paid the higher pay rate when multiple rate types are found.

  • Employee is paid the lower pay rate when multiple rate types are found.

You can select from multiple options in the Pay rate rules for shifts at site

The option you choose will determine how your pay rates present.

For example, if you choose Site pay rates take priority, you'll see and have the options to apply site pay rates.

If you pick Site pay rates take priority, the site pay rates will list

Maximum pay rate

If the Maximum pay rate is defined for a site and the pay rate for a shift is greater than the maximum, the user will see a validation when attempting to save a shift.

Note: The pay rate that will be compared to the max pay rate will be applied based on the pay rate rule chosen at site level.

Maximum pay rate determines the max rate that can be applied to a shift before the system produces a warning

Below is an example of a validation that was caused by trying to add a shift that exceeds the max pay rate.

Exceed May Pay warning is used to prevent a scheduler from exceeding the maximum pay rate at a site

Pay Overtime

You can turn the Pay Overtime flag to Yes if you want this site to trigger overtime rules for shifts that exceed the stated thresholds.

You can define how the calculation of overtime is paid by summing shift hours for the:

  • Branch level.

  • Customer level.

  • Site level.

Note: Pay Overtime will be defaulted to Yes and will calculate at Branch level. You can change this if you want your overtime to be calculated differently.

Pay Overtime allows you to determine how you'd like to pay overtime

Pay Stat

If Pay Stat is toggled to Yes, any shift falling on a statutory holiday at this site will be paid at a stat rate.

Pay Stat allows you to define if you want this site to Pay Stat or not

Feature access for site pay rates

You can define if a user has Full access, View only or No access to site pay rates in their feature access group.

This is located in the Manage sites module, under the Manage records section of your Feature access groups.

You can determine who has access to site pay rates in your feature access groups

Exporting sites to PDF or Excel

You have the option to export your sites to PDF or Excel. Ensure you chosen your columns to display prior to exporting, as the information in your export will be the same as displayed on screen.

You can choose PDF or Excel export by clicking your wrench tool > Export > PDF export or Excel export.

Exporting sites from within the wrench tool > Export > PDF export or Excel export

PDF export:

PDF export from Manage sites in Schedule Xpress

Excel export:

Excel export from Manage sites in Schedule Xpress

For more information on your Manage sites module, please Contact Support now!

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