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Feature access groups

Find out how you can create Feature access groups to control the features that a Manager can use within Schedule Xpress

Written by James Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Feature access groups can be created in Schedule Xpress to ensure that you only allow Managers access to the features that they need. This is used as a way of preventing them from being able to view and change things they shouldn't.

Feature access in Schedule Xpress

In this article, we'll look into the following on Feature access groups in Schedule Xpress:\

Finding your Feature access groups

Managing your Feature access groups

Feature access group setup

How to define your Feature access group

Finding your Feature access groups

You can find your Feature access groups in Schedule Xpress, under Settings > Security > Manager access > Feature access.

Finding your Feature access groups in Schedule Xpress

Existing Feature access groups

Upon entering your Feature access, you'll see all existing groups under the Feature Access Groups section on the left-side.

A list of your existing Feature access groups on the left-side

You can re-order the list of Feature access groups by clicking down on the double-sided arrow, and dragging and dropping into position.

You can re-order Feature access groups using the double-sided arrow and dragging and dropping

Creating or Cloning a Feature access group

If you want to create a new Feature access group, you can either Create a new one, or Clone an existing. Typically, you'd only choose to Clone if you're looking to make a slight adjustment to an existing group.

Create and Clone a Feature access group

When creating a new one, you'll be prompted to give a Name and Description for your new Feature access group. If Cloning, you can overwrite the copied name.

Then press Create.

Giving a Name and Description when creating or cloning a Feature access group

Your new group will appear amongst the existing groups, and you can now define your Feature access group. We discuss this further down.

Deleting a Feature access group

You can delete a Feature access group by selecting the group, and clicking Delete in the top-right corner. If you delete a Feature access group that has assigned Users, then they will be placed into the default Feature access group.

Note: You cannot delete a defaulted Feature access group.

Delete a Feature access group

Let's look at how you can default a Feature access group.

Defaulting a Feature access group

You can default a Feature access group to ensure that all new Users are assigned to this group, unless changed. A default Feature access group will be shown with an orange star.

Note: Only one group can be defaulted, and you cannot delete it.

A default Feature access group will show with an orange star

If you want to default a Feature access group, you can hover in the same space of any Feature access group, and click the star shape to make it defaulted. The star will then show in an orange color.

You can select the star on any Feature access group to make it a default

Feature access group setup

Let's look at how you can define your Feature access group.

Shift access modules

The first section is Shift access modules. This section is about defining access for Scheduling, Billing and Payroll.

Shift access modules in Feature access

Access to managing records

The second section is Access to managing records. This section is about defining access within Manage people, Manage sites and Manage services.

Access to managing records in Feature access

Other modules

The third section is Other modules. This section is about defining access within the Requests module, to manage time off requests and shift drops.

Other modules in Feature access

Group members

The fourth and final section is Group members. This section contains all the Users that belong to this group.

You can read more about adding Users to the Group members section below.

Group members in Feature access

Let's look at how you can define each section.

How to define your Feature access group

There's different ways that you can define the level of access to differentiate each of your Feature access groups.

Yes/No toggle

The Yes/No toggle is a high-level switch that will determine if the User has access to the feature or not.

If you click Yes, you'll be able to further define the sub-feature access levels. If you click No, any User in this group will have no access to this feature at all.

Yes/No toggles to turn a feature on or off in Feature access

Header/Sub-header dropdowns

You can expand and collapse the headers and sub-header dropdowns to show all fields.


Header and sub-header dropdowns to expand and collapse rows in Feature access


Expanded sub-header in Feature access

Selecting level of access

If a feature has a pencil at the end of the row, it means that you can define a level of access.

You can use the pencil to choose a level of access in Feature access

There is 5 different types of access:

  • Full access/Update access - Access to update all this feature.

  • View only - View only access to this feature.

  • No access - No access to this feature.

  • Run access - Access to the feature, but cannot modify and save anything.

  • Run & Configure - Access to use and customize layout filters.

You can use the pencil to choose a level of access in Feature access

You can make changes at header level, sub-header level, or any given row. If you make a change at header or sub-header level, then all the rows beneath will reflect the same.

Let's change the Manage sites module to be No access. See example below.

Choosing No access for Manage sites module in Feature access

Once we make the change, you can see how the header collapses and says No access.

Manage sites modules is now set to No access

Group members

Group members is the area you can see the Users who are assigned to the Feature access group.

Note: A User can only be assigned to one Feature access group.

Group members in Feature access

Under Users assigned to group, you can see a list of names.

Group members in Feature access

Adding Users to a Feature access group

If you want to Add a User to a Feature access group, there's two ways you can do this.

Adding Users from within the Feature access group

You can add them from within the Feature access group by clicking the dropdown under Users assigned to group, and check marking any who need to be in it. Then press Apply.

Adding Users to a Feature access group using dropdown

Adding the Feature access group from within the User profile

You can also add the Feature access group from within the User profile, in Manage people > Administration > select User profile. Once inside, you need to change the Feature access groups under Access.

Feature access group in User profile in Manage people

Click the dropdown and select the relevant Feature access group. Then Save to complete the change to the User profile.

Changing a Feature access group in a User profile in Manage people

For more information on Feature access groups in Schedule Xpress, please Contact Support now!

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