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Managing time off requests

All you need to know about managing your time off requests in Schedule Xpress

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can manage all of your time off requests from within the Requests section of your Schedule Xpress. You'll have access to approve, decline or add time off requests on behalf of your employees.

Requests in Schedule Xpress

This article will cover the following steps of the Requests section in Schedule Xpress:

Finding your Requests

Time off request settings

Giving access to the Requests feature

Adding Time off types

Employee access to Time off

Time off request notifications

Managing your Requests

Adding Time off on behalf of employees

Time off validations when scheduling

Time Off report

Finding your Requests in Schedule Xpress

You can find the Requests section on the command strip on the left-edge of Schedule Xpress. It appears as a check mark inside of a suitcase.

Requests icon in Schedule Xpress

Employee Time off settings

The Employee Time off settings allows you to define:

  • Cancellation deadline for an approved time off

  • From and To parameters for when employees can create and modify time off requests

Employee Time off settings in Additional employee settings

Let's look at how you can set them up.

Cancellation deadline for an approved time off

You can set a parameter to cancel an approved time off request prior to it taking place.

For example, if you chose 48 hours, the employees could cancel the time off request up to 48 hours before. Anytime within 48 hours will NOT allow the employees to cancel the time off request.

Cancellation deadline for an approve time off will be marked here

Employees can create or modify their time off records

Employees can create and modify their time off records using From and Up to dates.

From dates

Let's look at From dates for Time off requests.

All dates

If All dates is selected, the employees will be able to select any future date to create or modify time off requests.

From All dates in Employee time off settings

On or after 'x' date

On or after 'x' date means that employees can select the From date on or after the selected date (example shows 06/30/2023). Any date before this date CAN NOT be selected or modified.

From On or after 'x' date in Employee time off settings

'x' days before/after current date

You can choose 'x' days before/after or after the current date (example if 7 days) as a parameter for when employees can create or modify Time off records.

You can use the dropdown to choose before or after.

From 'x' days before/after current date in Employee time off settings

Up to dates

Let's look at Up to dates for Time off requests.

All dates

If All dates is selected, the employees will be able to select any future date.

Up to All dates in Employee time off settings

On or before 'x' date

On or before 'x' date means that employees can select the Up to date on or after the selected date (example shows 06/30/2023). Any date after this date CAN NOT be selected or modified.

Up to On or before 'x' date in Employee time off settings

'x' days before/after current date

You can choose 'x' days before/after or after the current date (example if 7 days) as a parameter for when employees can create or modify Time off records.

You can use the dropdown to choose before or after.

Up to 'x' days before/after current date in Employee time off settings

Time off requests blocked

You can use the Time off requests blocked feature to prevent employees from requesting time off on certain dates.

This can be found in Schedule Xpress, under Settings > Security > Additional Employee settings > Employee Time off settings.

Time off requests blocked in Additional employee settings

You can use this feature to choose any dates you want to block your employees from being able to request time off for. If they do request time off, they will receive an error message in their Team Xpress app.

Choosing your dates for time off requests to be blocked

If a day in your schedule is blocked for time off requests, it will also be shown in the Schedule info widget.

Time off requests shown as blocked in the schedule

The employee will receive the following error if they attempt to book time off on a blocked date.

Time off request is blocked from an employee in their Team Xpress app

Giving a User access to the Requests feature

If you haven't been given access to see and use this feature, it may not appear for you. If you require it, please contact your supervisor to enable it in your Feature access group.

Giving access to the Requests module in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

Adding Time off types

If you want to add new Time off types that employees can request, you can do so in either Schedule Xpress or eTime Xpress.

Adding Time off types in Schedule Xpress

Inside Schedule Xpress, head to Settings > Branch defaults > Time off types.

Time off types in Settings in Schedule Xpress

You'll see your list of Time off types and codes.

If you want to Add or adjust Time off type, click the Edit time off types option in the top-right corner.

Edit time off types in Time off types

Ensure you click Show codes if you're adding a new Time off type.

Show codes in Time off types

To edit an existing code, just retype over the description in the Time off type column.

Note: You cannot adjust the code of an existing Time off type.

You can adjust your Time off type descriptions in Schedule Xpress

Press + Add Time off type to add a new Time off type. You'll then see a new line is added and you can add your Time off code and Time off type.

Add time off type in Schedule Xpress

Adding Time off types in eTime Xpress

Inside eTime Xpress, head to Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Time Off Codes.

Adding time off types in eTime Xpress

Inside, you can click the green + to add a new Time off type.

Add to add time off types in eTime Xpress

Employee access to Time off

Employee access to submit time off requests from within their Team Xpress app is dependent on the settings in their Employee access group.

In the Time off section of any Employee access group, you're able to define:

  • Time off types available to view

  • Time off types available to request

  • Time off types require approval

  • Time off types employee can cancel after approval

Setting employee access levels from within their Team Xpress app in Employee access in Schedule Xpress

Cancellation deadline for an approved time off

If you've allowed employees to cancel time off after approval, you'll have to set a cancellation deadline prior to the time off start time. You can do this in your General settings.

If an employee cancels an approved time off, you'll be notified and it will list as Cancelled within your Requests. This will allow them to be scheduled.

Setting a cancellation deadline for an approved time off in General settings in Schedule Xpress

For example, if you set this time as 48 hours before time off start time, the employee will be able to cancel their time off up to 48 hours prior to it beginning. If they don't do this in time, they'll be unable to cancel it.

If you still want to allow them to cancel a request after the deadline has passed, you can decline the time off request to ensure that they can be scheduled.

Cancellation deadline for an approved time off in Schedule Xpress

Restricting when employees can request time off

Many companies like to restrict when employees can request time off. This is often to prevent last-minute changes to the schedule. An example is that an employee can request time no less than 14 days after the current date.

You can set this up in eTime Xpress, under Visual Scheduler > Tools > Time Off Schedule > File > Time Off Entry Settings.

You can choose your From Time Off Entry Date and To Time Off Entry Date. If you want a certain period between the current date and when an employee can request time off, you can choose the #days Days After Current Date, as below.

Time Off Entry Dates in eTime Xpress

How employees submit time off requests

If you want to see how an employee will request time off from within their Team Xpress app, please visit our Submitting Time Off Requests in Team Xpress article.

Time Off Requests in Team Xpress

Time off request notifications

You can ensure that you receive notifications for any time off requests sent by employees, and also any changes such as time off request cancellations. These can be received through you Notifications bell in the top-right corner of your Schedule Xpress.

Time off request notifications in Schedule Xpress

Please ensure you have Time off requests check marked in order to receive notifications.

Selecting filters to ensure you check mark Time off requests in Notifications in Schedule Xpress

Time off request email notifications

You can receive email notifications for time off requests. The setup is in Schedule Xpress, under Settings > Branch features > Notifications > Time off.

Setting up Time off notifications to email from Settings in Schedule Xpress

Inside, you can define message templates, notification quiet times and general Notification settings.

For the Notification settings, you can use your Global defaults settings or choose Custom. If you choose Custom, you'll be able to define how time off notifications are distributed to employees, and input a generic email address to receive all time off email notifications.

Notifications options in Time off Notifications in Schedule Xpress

If you want multiple email addresses to receive these notifications, add the email addresses and separate them with semicolons (;). See example below.

Adding multiple generic email addresses to received time off requests email notifications

Here's an example of a time off email notification. You can click Review Time Off Requests to access the request.

Time off requests email notification

Now that you understand how to receive alerts for time off requests, let's look into how you can navigate within the Requests module.

Managing your Requests

Let's break down how you can use the Request module to best manage your time off requests.


Upon entering Requests, you'll find yourself in the Approvals section. This section shows all time off requests which require you to Approve or Decline.

If you have any requests to action, they will be listed here. The orange toggle at the top of your screen will show with the number of requests you need to action.

Note: The Requests section is also home to Shift drops.

Approvals section of Requests in Schedule Xpress


You can choose filters to find specific requests. The filters are:

  • Request type - This option allows you to switch between View all requests, Time off and Shift drop.

  • Department - If you use the Departments field for employees, you can choose specific Departments to show.

  • Requested by - You can choose an employee, or group of employees to show requests for.

Filters in Requests in Schedule Xpress

If you select an option within a filter, press Apply to take ensure it takes effect.

Clicking dropdown to choose options within a filter in Requests in Schedule Xpress

You can Clear all filters to undo any filters.

Clear all filters to undo any filter selections in Requests in Schedule Xpress

Approve or Decline

You have the decision to Approve or Decline any time off request. To do so, highlight the specific request by check marking it on the left-edge, and choose Approve or Decline.

The employee will be informed of your decision via in-app notification in Team Xpress, and email or SMS if they've consented to receive them.

Approve or Decline

Whether you choose to Approve or Decline, or they remain in Requested or Cancelled status, all of the time off requests will be inside of the All requests section.

All requests

The All requests section is home to ALL of your requests. That includes:

  • Approve requests

  • Declined requests

  • Cancelled requests

  • Requested requests

All requests in Requests in Schedule Xpress

Date range

You need to ensure that your date range is showing the range of data you want to see. But before picking your date range, you need to ensure that you've chosen sent on or for date.

Sent on and For date

You can choose either sent on or for date for your date range.

  • Sent on - All requests will show requests that were sent within this date range.

  • For date - All requests will show requests that have been requested within the date range.

Let's look at sent on.

If you choose sent on, you can search for:

  • Past 14 days

  • Past 30 days

  • Past 60 days

  • Custom range

Sent on in All requests in Schedule Xpress

The example above shows a search for requests that were sent between April 1st - April 30th. The results will be indicated in the Sent column.

Sent column in Requests in Schedule Xpress

If we choose for date, you're able to select:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

  • Custom

For date in All requests in Schedule Xpress

The requests listed under for date will show the exact dates in the Date column of your All requests.

Date column in Requests in Schedule Xpress

Selecting columns to display

If you want to remove or add columns, you can use the 3 dots on the top-right corner of the grid.

Selecting columns to display in Requests in Schedule Xpress

Add time off

You can add time off on behalf of employees. This may be because they don't have access, or simply don't know how to do it.

To do so, click Add time off in the top-right corner of the All requests section.

Add time off in Requests in Schedule Xpress

You'll be required to fill the form, which consists of:

  • Employee

  • Time off type

  • Subject (if required)

  • Start date

  • End date

  • All day (Yes or No)

  • Start time

  • End time

  • Debit amounts (if required)

  • Time off status

  • Note

Add time off form in Requests in Schedule Xpress

Debit amount

This section is especially important, as it will reflect in your Payroll. It's entirely dependent on how you want to operate.

If you want to choose the Auto calculate debit amount option, you can select Yes. If not, ensure that you press No.

Auto calculating Debit amount in Add time off in Requests in Schedule Xpress

If you choose to Auto calculate, the debit amount will reflect the hours you've chosen in your Start date/End date and Start time/End time. For example, if you choose to pay for Vacation and an employee typically works 8 hours a day, you need to reflect those 8 hours in the date and time. Not 12:00am-12:00am.

Alternatively, if you want the time off requests to be 12:00am-12:00am (all day), but only reflect 8 debit hours for the actual time the employee would have worked, you can turn the Auto calculate debit amount to No, and manually add the 8 hours.

Choosing to manually calculate Debit amount in Add time off in Requests in Schedule Xpress

Time off validations when scheduling

It's important to know that your Schedule Xpress will prevent you from scheduling someone if they have an Approved time off request on the given day(s). This will appear a Time Off Conflict.

Dependent on your system setup, it will appear as either an error or a warning. If an error, you will not be able to bypass it, and will only be able to discard the shift. If a warning, you can decide whether to ignore the warning, or discard the shift.

Time Off Conflict validation can be set to an error or warning in Schedule Xpress

Time Off report

You can access the Time Off report inside eTime Xpress. It is located under Reports > Customer & Employee > Time Off.

Time Off Report in eTime Xpress

You can choose parameters for:

  • Date range

  • Employee

  • Time Off (type)

  • Time Off Hours From and To

  • Time Off Debit Amounts From and To

Here's an example of a report.

Time Off Report in eTime Xpress

If you require any support with managing your time off requests, please Contact Support now!

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