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eTime: Administrative Part 1

This document will discuss how to use the various features found within the Administrator area of eTime Xpress.

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can view our additional administrative articles as below:

1. Administrator Overview

This document will discuss how to use the various features found within the Administrator area of eTime Xpress. You may wish to review the other topical user guides prior to reading the Administrator User Guide in order to understand the various features available in eTime Xpress. The Administrator Guide can then be used as a reference source to setup only those features that your organization needs.

Note: To configure features outlined in this guide you will need to log-on with a user account having administrator rights.

1.1. eTime Xpress Data Hierarchy

eTime Xpress is highly flexible and can match the scheduling needs of most organizations. However, in order to configure eTime Xpress for your scheduling needs, you will need to understand how it organizes data.
Below is a data hierarchy diagram of eTime Xpress with relevant definitions of how various objects are used in the application. This user guide deals with the setup and configuration of the Company and Branch objects.

eTime Xpress Data Hierarchy

Note: The terms Company, Branch, Customer, Site, Employee and Service are customizable to match the terminology used by your organization. You will learn how to change these labels later in this guide.


Common Alternate Terms


Headquarters, Parent, Partnership and District


Division, Subsidiary, Partner, Business Unit, Office, Hospital and Mall


Locations, Buildings and Teams


Rooms, Floors, Wards, Areas, Sections


Resource, Contractor, Worker, Personnel and Nurse


Task, Duty, Position

Company. The Company object is the top level organizational unit in eTime Xpress - all organizational units below Company are unique to the Company (i.e. Branch, Customer, Site, Employee and Service). eTime Xpress must have a Company defined to operate - one is created on installation called Default Company.

Branch. The Branch object is a sub-unit within a Company. Generally, branches are broken out in terms of common business rules for Customer, Site and Employee groupings. You should avoid creating unnecessary Branch groupings as Employees can only be scheduled within their home Branch (i.e. cross-Branch scheduling is not allowed). eTime Xpress must have a Branch defined in order to operate - one is created on installation called Default Branch.

Customer. The Customer object is a sub-unit within a branch. It is the 'where' to which an Employee is scheduled.

Site. The Site object is a sub-unit within a Customer. It provides further detail about the 'where' to which an Employee is scheduled. For example, instead of simply tracking the Customer (e.g. building) for a shift you can have the additional detail available by using a Customer/Site object relationship (e.g. building/main lobby).

Employee. The Employee object is a sub-unit within a Branch. It is the 'who', the person or the object you are scheduling.

Service. The Service object is a sub-unit within a Branch. It is the 'what', or the action to be performed by an Employee.

Shift. A Shift is comprised of the following objects: date, time, Break, Customer, Site, Employee and Service.

Now that you understand the purpose of each data object, you should map how you are going to apply them in your organization. For more complex configurations, your product specialist will guide you through the setup process during your training and configuration sessions.

Note: The rest of this user guide will reference the default labels. If you are planning on customizing your labels please make a note of what the original and new names are so you can still work along with the examples provided in this guide.

2. Company Overview

To access the Company screen, go to the Main Menu of eTime Xpress and click Configuration > Company/Branch. The Company Main screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Company Main Screen



(1) Company Tab

Displays Company related fields and information.

(2) Branch Tab

Displays Branch related fields and information.

(3) Company Listing

Listing of all the Companies in eTime Xpress.

(4) Company Details

Company Details contains general and contact information.

2.1. Rename Default Company

Your initial installation of eTime Xpress includes one default Company and one default Branch. You will want to rename these items to match your organization's information.
To rename the Default Company:

  1. Select the Default Company and click the Update button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in Company Details should become active.

  2. Fill out the applicable company fields - only the Company Name is required. The Status is set to 'Active' automatically.

  3. Click the Save button

    to save your Company's information.

2.2. Add a Company

eTime Xpress allows you to create multiple Companies to separate your data for scheduling and time & attendance purposes.
To Add a Company:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in Company Details should become active.

  2. Fill out the applicable Company fields - only the Company Name is required. The Status is set to 'Active' automatically.

  3. Click the Save button

    to save your Company's information.

2.3. Update a Company

To Update a Company:

  1. Select a Company and click the Update button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in Company Details should become active.

  2. Update the applicable Company fields.

  3. Click the Save button

    to save your changes.

2.4. Delete a Company

To Delete a Company:

  1. Select a Company and click the Delete button

    on the Tool Bar. If you already have Branches created for the Company, you must first delete all related Branches.

If you no longer want to use Company, you can update the status of the Company to Inactive or Void in the Company Main screen. If the Company status is set to Inactive or Void, you will not be able to add new records in the Company.

2.5. Company References

Company References are fields that let you add information to a Company record for use with other applications. In some cases, you may want to define additional Company information not found in the standard fields of eTime Xpress. These References can be selected to appear in Reports or used as a linking ID when exporting to 3rd party applications.
To define a Company Reference:

  1. From the Company Main screen, select a Company and click File > References > Company.

  2. Add your references to the Company References dialog box.

  3. Click the Save button to save the new References.

Note: To rename the numeric labels (i.e. 1, 2, 3…) in the Company References window, go to the eTime Xpress Main screen and click Configuration > Codes Maintenance. From the Codes Maintenance screen, select 'External Company Ref.' and then add a new Code with a matching number and description. The number in the Code field is the numeric label you want to replace and the description is the new label.

2.6. Company Settings

Company Settings controls the process of assigning IDs, rounding rules and other Company related settings. The default Company Settings are shown in the figure below.

Company Settings



Automatic Employee ID Assignment

If Yes, Employee IDs are assigned sequentially.If No, Employee IDs are user definable.

Automatic Customer ID Assignment

If Yes, Customer IDs are assigned sequentially.If No, Customer IDs are user definable.

Automatic Site ID Assignment

If Yes, Site IDs are assigned sequentially.If No, Site IDs are user definable.

Include Open shifts in Shift Counter

If Yes, Open shifts are included in shift counts tabulated in the Shift Counter.If No, Open shifts are excluded from shift counts tabulated in the Shift Counter.

Round Hours

Specify default rounding rule for shift hours.

Note: If the Automatic ID Assignment is set to 'Yes', IDs will be auto-assigned to records when importing Employees, Customers and Sites.

3. Branch Overview

To access the Branch screen, go to the Main Menu of eTime Xpress and click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Tab. The Branch Main screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Main Screen



(1) Branch Listing

Listing of all the Branches in the Company.

(2) Branch Details

Branch Details contains general and contact information.

(3) Branch Settings

Settings controlling Branch related features and options. Click the Branch Settings button to bring up the Branch Settings Options and double-click on a folder to run the selected option.

(4) Branch Codes

Branch related code setup. Click the Branch Codes button to bring up the Branch Code Options and double-click on a folder to run the selected option.

3.1. Rename Default Branch

Your initial installation of eTime Xpress includes one default Company and one default Branch. You will want to rename these items to match your organization's information.
To rename the Default Branch:

  1. Select the Default Company (renamed in the previous steps) and click the Branch Tab. The Branch listings for the Default Company should appear.

  2. Select the Default Branch and click the Update button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in Branch Details should become active

  3. Fill out the applicable Branch fields - only the Branch Name and Short Name are required. The Status is set to 'Active' automatically.

  4. Click the Save button

    to save your Branch's information.

3.2. Add a Branch

eTime Xpress allows you to create multiple Branches to separate your data for scheduling and time & attendance purposes.
To Add a Branch:

  1. Select a Company to which you want to add a Branch and click the Branch Tab.

  2. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in Branch Details should become active.

  3. Fill out the applicable Branch fields only the Branch Name and Short Name are required. The Status is set to 'Active' automatically.

  4. Click the Save button

    to save your Branch's information.

3.3. Update a Branch

To Update a Company:

  1. Select a Branch and click the Update button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in Branch Details should become active.

  2. Update the applicable Branch fields.

  3. Click the Save button

    to save your changes.

3.4. Delete a Branch

To Delete a Branch:

  1. Select a Branch and click the Delete button

    on the Tool Bar. You can only delete empty Branch objects (i.e. no customer, sites, employees, shifts etc. have been created) to ensure that historical information is always retained.

If you no longer want to use a Branch, you can update the status of the Branch to Inactive or Void in the Branch Main screen. If the Branch status is set to Inactive or Void, you will not be able to add new records in the Branch.

3.5. Branch References

Branch References are fields that let you add information to a Branch record for use with other applications. In some cases, you may want to define additional Branch information not found in the standard fields of eTime Xpress. These References can be selected to appear in Reports or used as a linking ID when exporting to 3rd party applications.
To define a Branch Reference:

  1. From the Branch Main screen, select a Branch and click File > References > Branch.

  2. Add your references to the Branch References dialog box.

  3. Click the Save button to save the new References.

Note: To rename the numeric labels (i.e. 1, 2, 3…) in the Branch References window, go to the eTime Xpress Main screen and click Configuration > Codes Maintenance. From the Codes Maintenance screen, select 'External Branch Ref.' and then add a new Code with a matching number and description. The number in the Code field is the numeric label you want to replace and the description is the new label.

3.6.1. Branch Bill Rates

Branch Bill Rates allow you to define a Bill rate where all Employees performing the same Service are billed at the same rate. Remember that Branch Bill Rates are default rates that are applied when an applicable bill rate cannot be found in Employee Bill rates, Site Bill Rates or Site/Employee Bill rates depending on your configured business rules. Branch Bill Rates can be used as a "catch-all" or if your organization simply bills according to the service performed.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Bill Rates. The Branch Bill Rates screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Bill Rates
To Add a Branch Bill Rate:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Bill Rates browser should become active.

  2. Assign the Service Code (enter '' for All Services), Effective Date and the applicable Bill Rates by hour's type (standard, overtime, double overtime, statutory and other). Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries. If a rate exists for both a specific Service Code and '' All Services, the rate assigned to the specific Service Code will be given priority.

  3. Press the Enter key to save your new Branch Bill Rate.

The Effective Date allows you to define current and future Bill Rates. When calculating billing, eTime Xpress will apply the Bill Rate in effect on the date of the shift.

Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Bill Rates or you are updating an existing Bill Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Bill Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your billing information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.

3.6.2. Branch Combination Bill Rates

Branch Combination Bill Rates allow you to view and administer All combination bill rates defined in a branch. Customer, Site, Employee and Service values may be a combination of specific or wild card values.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Combination Bill Rates. The Branch Combination Bill Rates screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Combination Bill Rates Screen



(1) Filter

Controls the subset of combination bill rates to be loaded the browser view. Options include filtering by Employee, Customer, Site, Service and Effective Dates.

(2) Rate Listing

Lists combination pay rate records based upon the selected filters.

To Add


or Delete

a Combination Bill Rate, click the corresponding buttons in the toolbar. When entering a new Bill Rate you can define the Customer, Site, Employee, Service, Effective Date and the applicable bill rates by hour's type (standard, overtime, double overtime, statutory and other). You may define 'All' for Customer, Sites and Employees by entering '0' and 'All' for Services by entering '*'.

The Effective Date allows you to define current and future Bill Rates. When calculating billing, eTime Xpress will apply the Bill Rate in effect on the date of the shift.

Viewing Combination Bill Rates

  1. Specify the applicable filters for the rate records you want to view.



Employee, Customer, Site and Service Pull-Down

All = No not filter based on that field
Fixed ID = Display pay records filtered by the specified value for that fieldFixed or Wild Card = Display pay records filtered by the specified value OR wild card for that field


Enter an Employee ID.


Enter a Service code.


Enter a Customer ID.


Enter a Site ID.

From/To Dates

Specify the effective date range.

Effective Date Pull-Down

All = No not filter based on that field
From To = Filter based on effective date range

  1. Click the Refresh button

Combination Bill Rate Tie Break/Priority Rules
Combination bill rates allow you to assign a bill rate based on a shift's customer, site, employee and service values. Those values may be defined as specific or wild card values. As a result, more than one combination bill rate may apply to a shift requiring prioritization rules as tie breakers.

The following tie break rules are applied in the following priority order when selecting between bill rates that are valid on the same shift:










































√ = Specific Value
All = Wild Card value

A basic scenario of 2 combination bill rates applying to the same shift would be as follows:

Combination Bill Rate





Bill Rate #1 = $25

Joe Doe




Bill Rate #2 = $20




On Call

If Joe Doe is scheduled to perform On Call duties that shift satisfies the criteria for both combination bill rate #1 and #2.

Based on the priority table above, bill rate #1 would have priority rank of 6 while bill rate #2 would have priority rank of 11. The system would assign combination bill rate #1 of $25 to the shift.

Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Bill Rates or you are updating an existing Bill Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Bill Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your billing information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.

3.7.1. Branch Pay Rates

Branch Pay Rates allow you to define a Pay rate where all Employees performing the same Service are paid at the same rate. Remember that Branch Pay Rates are default rates that are applied when an applicable pay rate cannot be found in Employee Pay rates, Site Pay Rates or Site/Employee Pay rates depending on your configured business rules. Branch Pay Rates can be used as a "catch-all" or if your organization simply pays according to the service performed.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Pay Rates. The Branch Pay Rates screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Pay Rates
To Add a Branch Pay Rate:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Pay Rates browser should become active.

  2. Assign the Service Code (enter '' for All Services), Effective Date and the applicable Pay Rate. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries. If a rate exists for both a specific Service Code and '' All Services, the rate assigned to the specific Service Code will be given priority.

  3. Press the Enter key to save your new Branch Pay Rate.

The Effective Date allows you to define current and future Pay Rates. When calculating payroll, eTime Xpress will apply the Pay Rate in effect on the date of the shift.
When entering a Branch Pay Rate, eTime Xpress automatically applies the 'Default' Pay Factors defined for the Branch. If a Pay Rate requires a custom Pay Factor that is different than the 'Default' Pay Factor, select the Pay Rate and click the Pay Factors button in the Tool Bar. The custom Pay Factors dialog should appear as shown in the figure below.

Custom Pay Rate Factors Window

Custom Pay Factors allow you to define new Pay Rate Factors (Multipliers) or dollar amounts (Fixed Amounts) for each hour's type. Pay Rates using custom Pay Factors will be identified in the Branch Pay Rates screen as 'Custom' under the Pay Factor column.

Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Pay Rates or you are updating an existing Pay Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Pay Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your payroll information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.

3.7.2. Branch Combination Pay Rates

Branch Combination Pay Rates allow you to view and administer All combination pay rates defined in a branch. Customer, Site, Employee and Service values may be a combination of specific or wild card values.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Combination Pay Rates. The Branch Combination Pay Rates screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Combination Pay Rates Screen



(1) Filter

Controls the subset of combination pay rate records to be loaded the browser view. Options include setting the Employee, Customer, Site, Service and Effective Dates.

(2) Rate Listing

Lists combination pay rate records. Click the Refresh button update the display.

To Add


or Delete

a Combination Pay Rate, click the corresponding buttons in the toolbar. When entering a new pay rate you can define the Customer, Site, Employee, Service, Effective Date and the applicable pay rates. You may define 'All' for Customer, Sites and Employees by entering '0' and 'All' for Services by entering '*'.

The Effective Date allows you to define current and future pay rates. When calculating payroll, eTime Xpress will apply the pay rate in effect on the date of the shift.

Viewing Combination Pay Rates

  1. Specify the applicable filters for the rate records you want to view.



Employee, Customer, Site and Service Pull-Down

All = No not filter based on that field
Fixed ID = Display pay records filtered by the specified value for that fieldFixed or Wild Card = Display pay records filtered by the specified value OR wild card for that field


Enter an Employee ID.


Enter a Service code.


Enter a Customer ID.


Enter a Site ID.

From/To Dates

Specify the effective date range.

Effective Date Pull-Down

All = No not filter based on that field
From To = Filter based on effective date range

  1. Click the Refresh button

Combination Pay Rate Tie Break/Priority Rules
Combination pay rates allow you to assign a pay rate based on a shift's customer, site, employee and service values. Those values may be defined as specific or wild card values. As a result, more than one combination pay rate may apply to a shift requiring prioritization rules as tie breakers.
The following tie break rules are applied in the following priority order when selecting between pay rates that are valid on the same shift:










































√ = Specific Value
All = Wild Card value

A basic scenario of 2 combination pay rates applying to the same shift would be as follows:

Combination Pay Rate





Pay Rate #1 = $10

Joe Doe




Pay Rate #2 = $ 9




On Call

If Joe Doe is scheduled to perform On Call duties that shift satisfies the criteria for both combination pay rate #1 and #2.
Based on the priority table above, pay rate #1 would have priority rank of 6 while pay rate #2 would have priority rank of 11. The system would assign combination pay rate #1 of $10 to the shift.

Pay Rate Factors
When entering a Combination Pay Rate, eTime Xpress automatically applies the 'Default' Pay Factors defined for the Branch. If a Pay Rate requires a custom Pay Factor that is different than the 'Default' Pay Factor, select the Pay Rate and click the Pay Factors button in the Tool Bar. The custom Pay Factors dialog should appear as shown in the figure below.

Custom Pay Rate Factors Window

Custom Pay Factors allow you to define new pay rate factors (Multipliers) or dollar amounts (Fixed Amounts) for each hour's type. Pay Rates using custom Pay Factors will be identified in the Combination Pay Rates screen as 'Custom' under the Pay Factor column.

Note: If shifts were created prior to defining Pay Rates or you are updating an existing Pay Rate, you will be asked whether you want to apply the new Pay Rate to existing shifts. Selecting 'Yes' will recalculate your payroll information with the new rate, where as selecting 'No' will apply the new rate only to newly created shifts.

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