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eTime: Administrative Part 2

This is the second installment on our Administrative guide to the eTime module.

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can view our additional administrative articles as below:

3.8. Branch Bill/Pay Settings

The Branch Bill/Pay Settings allows you to define your baseline business rules for calculating overtime and pay factors. These rules are applied when calculating Shift Distributions for Scheduled and/or Worked shifts in a Branch.

A Shift Distribution is the breakdown of how a shift will be paid and billed. It separates the total hours of a shift into its components such as overtime, double overtime and statutory (holiday) hours.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Bill/Pay Settings. The Branch Bill/Pay Settings Screen should appear as show in the figure below.

Branch Bill/Pay Settings with Annotations



(1) Preferences

Setup advanced rules for processing bill and pay information.

(2) Periods

Setup period start days for weekly, bi-weekly, tri-weekly and quad-weekly periods.

(3) Pay Rate Factors

Setup pay rate factors for regular, overtime, double overtime, statutory, training and other hours.

(4) Overtime Thresholds

Setup overtime thresholds for bill and/or pay calculations.

3.8.1. Bill/Pay Preferences

Bill/Pay Preferences allow you to define advance rules for processing bill and pay to comply with specific labor contracts or legislative requirements. From Branch Bill/Pay Settings, click the Preferences button on the Toolbar. The Preferences dialog box should appear as shown in the figure below.

Setting Hours Calculation:
The hours calculation rule sets the cutoff rule when a shift ends the following calendar day (i.e. a graveyard shift from 10pm to 6am). It is a fundamental rule needed to correctly measure the number of hours worked in a day.
The Shift Start Date option will allocate the total hours of a shift to the date when the shift started. The Calendar Date (Midnight Cutoff) option will allocate the total hours of a shift proportionately between the shift date and the next day. The difference between the hours calculation options are illustrated below based on a graveyard shift from 10pm to 6am (8 hours).


Shift Start Date Rule

Calendar Date Rule

Current Day (Shift Date)

8 Hours

2 Hours

Next Day

0 Hours

6 Hours

Total Hours

8 Hours

8 Hours

If the Calendar Date option is selected, use the "Shift Break Allocation" pull-down to define how you want to allocate break hours between the Current Day (Shift Date) and Next Day.

Break Allocation



Allocates shift break hours proportionately between the Current Day and Next Day (i.e. a 10pm to 6am shift would allocate break hours as 2/8 Current Day and 6/8 Next Day).

Current Day

Allocates all shift break hours to the Current Day (shift date).

Next Day

Allocates all shift break hours to the Next Day.


Allocates shift break hours 50/50 between the Current Day and Next Day.

Middle of Shift

Allocates shift break hours based on the date when the mid-point of the shift occurs (i.e. a 10pm to 6am shift would allocate all break hours to the Next Day).

Advanced Rules: eTime Xpress provides additional advanced hours allocation and rate calculation options to accommodate certain labor contracts or legislative requirements. To enable an advanced rule for bill and/or pay, check-on the applicable checkbox. This allows you to Pay Employees and Bill Customers differently for the same shift.

Advanced Rule


When working 7 consecutive days, allocate hours on the 7th day to OT

Select rule if overtime rule applies when working 7 consecutive days.

When working 6 consecutive days, allocate hours on the 6th day to OT & When working 7 consecutive days, allocate hours on the 7th day to DOT

Select rule if overtime rule applies when working 6 or 7 consecutive days.

Calculate OT, DOT and Stat rates based on average weekly regular earnings

Select rule to calculate OT, DOT and Stat rates by the following formula: (weekly earnings/weekly hours) * applicable pay factor.

Calculate OT, DOT and Stat rates based on blended weekly regular earnings

Select rule to calculate OT, DOT and Stat rates by the following formula: Regular rate + [(weekly earnings/weekly hours) * (applicable pay factor-1)].

3.8.2. Bill/Pay Periods

Overtime is calculated when the number of hours over a period exceeds a specified threshold. If you are configuring a Weekly, Bi-weekly, Tri-weekly and/or Quad-weekly overtime rule, you are required to specify the starting point for the applicable period. To specify a Bill/Pay Period, click on the Update button under Periods and define the start date of the applicable period(s).

Note: For Bi-weekly, Tri-weekly and/or Quad-weekly periods, specify a start date corresponding to a period that starts and ends prior to your first scheduled shift. eTime Xpress will then extrapolate the start and end dates of all future periods.

3.8.3. Pay Rate Factors

Pay rates may be grossed up by a multiple or factor based on the hours type listed below. To specify Pay Rate Factors, click on the Update button under Pay Factors and define the applicable multiple or factor.

Hours Type



Regular Hours


Overtime Hour


Double Overtime Hours


Statutory (Holiday) Hours


Training Hours


Other (Miscellaneous) Hours

3.8.4. Overtime Thresholds

Overtime Thresholds allow you to define overtime rules based on daily, weekly, bi-weekly, tri-weekly, quad-weekly and monthly periods.
To Add an Overtime Threshold:

  1. Click the Update button under Overtime Thresholds. The Branch Rule Settings screen for Hours Type Thresholds should appear.

  2. Follow the configuration instructions for Hours Type Thresholds under Branch Rule Settings.

3.9. Branch Rule Settings

Branch Rule Settings allow the definition of system rules governing certain validations, processes and calculations performed by the application. Filters can then be defined to apply system rules only when specified conditions are met.
Some examples of how the branch rules engine can be used are:

  • Defining different overtime rules for employees or groups of employees;

  • Defining weekday and weekend overtime rules;

  • Restricting shifts and/or defining shift qualifications by employee, customer, site, time of day, weekday or any combination of criteria;

  • Defining age restrictions for certain types of shifts.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Settings > Branch Rule Settings. The Branch Rule Settings screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Rule Sub-Category Tab on Branch Rules Screen



(1) Rule Category

Select the type of rule.

(2) Sub-Category Title

Select the specific rule by user definable name.

(3) Rule Sub-Category

Define the rule sub-category options and name (Sub-Category Title).

(4) Rules Configuration

Define rule properties, values and filter criteria.

Rules Configuration Tab on Branch Rules Screen



(1) Rule Views

Define custom list views to see specific sets of rules (see Filters in Global Features Guide).

(2) Ordering Controls

Define the order in which rules are to be processed.

(3) Rule Listing

Listing of rules matching rule and filter view selected.

(4) Rules Properties

Define rule values and filter to be applied.

(5) Filter Details

Text description of filter.

(6) Notes

User definable notes for rule.

(7) Filter

Select or define filtering criteria for rule (see Filters in Global Features Guide).

3.9.1. Hours Type Thresholds

Hours Type Thresholds allow you to define business rules based on the number of shift hours scheduled and/or worked by an employee.
To create an Hours Type Threshold Sub-Category:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Sub-Category Tab should become active.

  2. For Rule Category, select Hours Type Thresholds.

  3. For Sub-Category Title, specify a name or description for the rule. Specify a name which will allow you to easily identify the type of rule and its options. A description incorporating the Type, Period and Hours Type is recommended.

  4. For Type, select Billing or Payroll to define if the hours type threshold will be applied when calculating billing or payroll information.

  5. For Period, select the time period (i.e. daily, weekly, bi-weekly etc.) over which hours are to be calculated.

  6. For Hours Type, select Overtime or Double Overtime.

  7. Click the Save button

    to save your new Rule Sub-Category record. If there are no rule options then only one rule sub-category record will exist.

  8. Read the About information for details on how the Branch Rule will be applied.

To add an Hours Type Threshold Rule:

  1. For Rule Category, select Hours Type Thresholds.

  2. For Rule Sub-Category, select the applicable Rule Sub-Category.

  3. Click the Rules Configuration tab.

  4. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Properties Tab should become active.

  5. Specify a Rule Description, Filter (see Filters in Global Features Guide) and an hours threshold amount.

  6. Click the Save button

    to save your new Branch Rule.

  7. Specify the rule priority using the ordering controls (Move Up and Move Down buttons) to define when the rule should be run, if required. Hours Type Threshold rules are processed on a 'First Match' basis (see Appendix 2 – Rule Processing).

3.9.2. Shift Qualifications

Shift Qualifications define the type of qualifications/skills required by an employee to work certain shifts. The system will validate that employees scheduled to shifts have the necessary qualifications/skills matching the shift qualification rule(s).
To create a Shift Qualification Sub-Category:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Sub-Category Tab should become active.

  2. For Rule Category, select Shift Qualifications.

  3. For Sub-Category Title, specify a name or description for the rule. Specify a name which will allow you to easily identify the type of rule and its options.

  4. Click the Save button

    to save your new Rule Sub-Category record. If there are no rule options then only one rule sub-category record will exist.

  5. Read the About information for details on how the Branch Rule will be applied.

To add a Shift Qualification Rule:

  1. For Rule Category, select Shift Qualifications.

  2. For Rule Sub-Category, select the applicable Rule Sub-Category.

  3. Click the Rules Configuration tab.

  4. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Properties Tab should become active.

  5. Specify a Rule Description, Filter (see Filters in Global Features Guide) and qualification codes (see Codes Maintenance to define Qualification Codes). The system will validate that employees scheduled to shifts have qualifications/skills codes matching the qualification requirements of the rule.

  6. Click the Save button

    to save your new Branch Rule.

  7. Specify the rule priority using the ordering controls (Move Up and Move Down buttons) to define when the rule should be run, if required. Shift Qualification rules are processed on a 'AND' basis (see Appendix 2 – Rule Processing).

3.9.3. Shift Restrictions

Shift Restrictions prevent the creation of certain types of shifts. Prior to creating a restricted shift, a warning or error message will be displayed.
To create a Shift Restriction Sub-Category:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Sub-Category Tab should become active.

  2. For Rule Category, select Shift Restrictions.

  3. For Sub-Category Title, specify a name or description for the rule. Specify a name which will allow you to easily identify the type rule and its options.

  4. Click the Save button

    to save your new Rule Sub-Category record. If there are no rule options then only one rule sub-category record will exist.

  5. Read the About information for details on how the Branch Rule will be applied.

To add a Shift Restriction Rule:

  1. For Rule Category, select Shift Restrictions.

  2. For Rule Sub-Category, select the applicable Rule Sub-Category.

  3. Click the Rules Configuration tab.

  4. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Properties Tab should become active.

  5. Specify a Rule Description, Filter (see Filters in Global Features Guide) and restriction code (see Codes Maintenance to define Restriction Codes).

  6. Click the Save button

    to save your new Branch Rule.

  7. Specify the rule priority using the ordering controls (Move Up and Move Down buttons) to define when the rule should be run, if required. Shift Restrictions rules are processed on a 'First Match' basis (see Appendix 2 – Rule Processing).

3.9.4. Self-Scheduling Start Time

Self-Scheduling Start Time allows you define which employees may select shifts published for self-scheduling in advance of a shift's self-scheduling publish time.
To create a Self-Scheduling Start Time Sub-Category:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Sub-Category Tab should become active.

  2. For Rule Category, select Self-Scheduling Start Time.

  3. For Sub-Category Title, specify a name or description for the rule. Specify a name which will allow you to easily identify the type of rule and its options.

  4. Click the Save button

    to save your new Rule Sub-Category record. If there are no rule options then only one rule sub-category record will exist.

  5. Read the About information for details on how the Branch Rule will be applied.

To add a Self-Scheduling Start Time Rule:

  1. For Rule Category, select Self-Scheduling Start Time.

  2. For Rule Sub-Category, select the applicable Rule Sub-Category.

  3. Click the Rules Configuration tab.

  4. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Properties Tab should become active.

  5. Specify a Rule Description, Filter (see Filters in Global Features Guide) and the amount of lead time in minutes.

  6. Click the Save button

    to save your new Branch Rule.

Specify the rule priority using the ordering controls (Move Up and Move Down buttons) to define when the rule should be run, if required. Self-Scheduling Start Time rules are processed on a 'First Match' basis (see Appendix 2 – Rule Processing).

3.9.5. Shift Locations

Shift Locations allows you to auto-assign a location type to a shift. When a shift's location field is blank, the system will attempt to auto-assign a location type based on the branch's shift location rules.
To create a Shift Locations Sub-Category:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Sub-Category Tab should become active.

  2. For Rule Category, select Shift Locations.

  3. For Sub-Category Title, specify a name or description for the rule. Specify a name which will allow you to easily identify the type of rule and its options.

  4. Click the Save button

    to save your new Rule Sub-Category record. If there are no rule options then only one rule sub-category record will exist.

  5. Read the About information for details on how the Branch Rule will be applied.

To add a Shift Locations Rule:

  1. For Rule Category, select Shift Locations.

  2. For Rule Sub-Category, select the applicable Rule Sub-Category.

  3. Click the Rules Configuration tab.

  4. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Properties Tab should become active.

  5. Specify a Rule Description, Filter (see Filters in Global Features Guide) and Location type to be assigned.

  6. Click the Save button

    to save your new Branch Rule.

Specify the rule priority using the ordering controls (Move Up and Move Down buttons) to define when the rule should be run, if required. Shift Locations rules are processed on a 'First Match' basis (see Appendix 2 – Rule Processing).

3.9.6. Minimum Rest Period

Minimum Rest Period allows you to define a minimum time period between shifts.
To create a Minimum Rest Period Sub-Category:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Sub-Category Tab should become active.

  2. For Rule Category, select Minimum Rest Period.

  3. For Sub-Category Title, specify a name or description for the rule. Specify a name which will allow you to easily identify the type of rule and its options.

  4. Click the Save button

    to save your new Rule Sub-Category record. If there are no rule options then only one rule sub-category record will exist.

  5. Read the About information for details on how the Branch Rule will be applied.

To add a Minimum Rest Period Rule:

  1. For Rule Category, select Minimum Rest Period.

  2. For Rule Sub-Category, select the applicable Rule Sub-Category.

  3. Click the Rules Configuration tab.

  4. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Rule Properties Tab should become active.

  5. Specify a Rule Description, Filter (see Filters in Global Features Guide) and Location type to be assigned.

  6. Click the Save button

    to save your new Branch Rule.

Specify the rule priority using the ordering controls (Move Up and Move Down buttons) to define when the rule should be run, if required. Minimum Rest Period rules are processed on a 'First Match' basis (see Appendix 2 – Rule Processing).

3.10. Branch Statutory Days

When a shift occurs on a Statutory Day (Holiday), the associated hours may be broken-out as Statutory hours for billing and/or payroll purposes. Statutory days can be setup to apply to all shifts worked at a Branch or customized to apply to specific Employees and Sites.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Settings > Branch Statutory Days. The Branch Statutory Days screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Statutory Days
To Add a Statutory Day:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Statutory Days browser should become active.

  2. Assign the Date, Description, Bill (Yes/No), Pay (Yes/No), Employee (Yes/No) and Site (Yes/No) as shown in the figure below. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  1. Press the Enter key to save your new Statutory Day record.

Note: For each Statutory Day, you can define how a Statutory Day rule is applied by toggling between Yes and No for Bill, Pay, Employee and Site. For example, the combination Bill (No), Pay (Yes), Employee (Yes) and Site (Yes) results in shifts being billed normally and paid as a Statutory Day.

3.10.1 Customizing Statutory Days for Employees and Sites

The Employee (Yes/No) and Site (Yes/No) values of a Branch Statutory Day record are used as the initial 'Apply?' value in the Employee Statutory Days and Site Statutory Days screens, respectively. You can customize the Statutory Day rules for Employees and Sites by selecting which Statutory Days to 'Apply'.

To customize Employee Statutory Days:
From the Main Menu, click Employee > Employee Statutory Days. The Employee Statutory Days screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Employee Statutory Days
Employee Statutory Days lists all of the Statutory days defined for the Branch and whether a Statutory Day applies for bill or pay purposes. To turn off a Statutory Day rule, double-click on the record - the value in the 'Apply?' column will toggle between 'yes' and 'no'.

To customize Site Statutory Days:
From the Main Menu, click Customers > Site Statutory Days. The Site Statutory Days screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Site Statutory Days
Site Statutory Days lists all of the Statutory days defined for the Branch and whether a Statutory Day applies for bill or pay purposes. To turn off a Statutory Day rule, double-click on the record - the value in the 'Apply?' column will toggle between 'yes' and 'no'.

3.11. Branch Daylight Saving Times

When a shift occurs during a Daylight Savings Time change, the total hours of a shift can be automatically adjusted for the time change. A "spring" Forward rule would subtract one hour from a shift whereas a "fall" Back rule would add one hour to a shift.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Daylight Savings Times. The Branch Daylight Savings Time Changes screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Daylight Savings Times
To Add a Daylight Savings Time Change:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Daylight Savings Time Change browser should become active.

  2. Assign the Date, time of change and change type ("spring" Forward or "fall" Back). The time of change value is normally 0159 (01:59AM) in North America and 0059 (00:59AM) in the European Union.

  3. Press the Enter key to save your new Daylight Savings Time record.

3.12. Branch Break Thresholds

Unpaid breaks can be defined so that breaks are deducted from the shift's total hours when calculating billing and payroll information.
By default, you can enter breaks manually when you add or update a shift. Branch Break Thresholds simplifies the entry of breaks by auto-completing the Break field when a shift length exceeds a certain number of hours. When enabled, the Break field will be auto-completed after you specify the Start and End times of a shift (note: you may still override the break field by manually typing in the break).
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Break Thresholds. The Branch Break Thresholds screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Break Thresholds
To Add a Branch Break Threshold:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Break Thresholds browser should become active.

  2. Assign the minimum shift length (hours) and the break length (hours).

  3. Press the Enter key to save your new Break Threshold record.

Note: Break Thresholds can also be defined at the Employee and Site level. To select which Break Threshold rules to apply, go to Site Main screen, select the applicable Site, click the Billing Settings tab and choose the applicable rule under the Break Thresholds field.

3.13. Branch Time Off Debit Thresholds

When Time Off records are entered, the Debit Amount is the number of hours to be charged against an Employee's Time Off entitlement balance. For example, if an Employee is away on sick leave, the Employee would be unavailable for the entire day (24 hour period) but the Debit Amount would only be up to the standard work day of say 8 hours.

By default, you can enter Debit Amounts manually when you add or update a Time Off record as shown in the figure below.

Time Off Schedule – Time Off Record Entry
Branch Debit Thresholds simplifies the entry of debit amounts by auto-completing the debit amount field when a Time Off record exceeds a certain number of hours. When enabled, the Debit Amount field will be auto-completed after you specify the Start and End times when entering a Time Off record (note: you may still override the Debit Amount field by manually typing in the debit amount).

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Time Off Debit Thresholds. The Branch Time Off Debit Thresholds screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Time Off Debit Thresholds

To Add a Branch Time Off Debit Threshold:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields in the Time Off Debit Thresholds browser should become active.

  2. Assign the Time Off code (enter '*' for All Time Off types), minimum Time Off length (hours) and the Debit Amount (hours).

  3. Press the Enter key to save your new Time Off Debit Threshold record.

Note: If the debit amount is entered as zero, the system will calculate the debit amount to be equal to the total length of the time off period. To allow for zero debit amounts, create a Time Off Debit Threshold where Time Off code = '*', minimum Time Off length = 0 and the Debit Amount = 0.

3.14. Branch Recurring Allowances

Recurring Allowances are rules that can be created to automatically attach allowances (i.e. mileage, meals etc.) based on predefined shift criteria.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Recurring Allowances. The Branch Recurring Allowances screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Recurring Allowances



(1) View Selector

Specify the Recurring Allowance Rules to view. Enter "*" to display All records (i.e. Customer, Site, Employee, Service and Allowance).

(2) Allowance Rules

Displays applicable Recurring Allowance Rules.

(3) Allowance Details Tab

Define the shift criteria, allowance type, unit calculation, pay rate and bill rate.

(4) Pay Hours Filter Tab

Define pay hours sum rule and evaluative condition to be applied.

(5) Bill Hours Filter Tab

Define bill hours sum rule and evaluative condition to be applied.

To Add a Recurring Allowance:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields under Allowance Details tab should become active.

  2. Define Shift Criteria. Specify the shifts you want to apply the recurring allowance by defining the Customer, Site, Employee and Service requirements (enter '*' for All). Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  3. Define Allowance Type. Specify the type of allowance.

  4. Define Effective Date. Specify the effective and expiry date of the shift allowance. If the shift allowance does not expire then leave the expiry date blank.

  5. Define Unit Calculation. Select the unit calculation rule. The unit is basis for the allowance and is multiplied by the shift pay/bill allowance rate to calculate the total allowance.

Unit Type


Fixed Units

Define flat amount in the Unit field.

Total Hours

Calculates allowance based on total hours of a shift.

Fixed Units - Total Hours

Calculates allowance based on a defined flat amount less the total hours of a shift.

Total Hours - Fixed Units

Calculates allowance based on the total hours of a shift less a defined flat amount.

Total Hours * Fixed Units

Calculates allowance based on the total hours of a shift multiplied by defined flat amount.

  1. Define Allowance Rates. Specify pay and bill rates for the allowance.

  2. Define Day Criteria. Specify the days of the week that qualify for the allowance.

  3. Click the Pay Hours Filter and/or Bill Hours Filter tab to define the shift hours sum rule - you may define the hours filter to sum by specific hours types. By default, all hours types will be summed. Next, select the evaluative condition to be applied in order to qualify for the allowance - leave the 'Hours Over' or 'Hours Under' as zero if there are no hour limitations.



Hours Type

Specify the type of hours to be summed when applying the allowance.


Select the threshold hours condition.If Over, applies the allowance if the summed hours are over or equal to the specified threshold.
If Under, applies the allowance if the summed hours is less than or equal to the specified threshold.
If In Range, applies the allowance if the summed hours is between the specified thresholds.


Specify the threshold hours amount.

  1. Click the Save button

    to save your new Recurring Allowance.

To Apply Recurring Allowances:

  1. From Time & Attendance, click Tools > Recurring Allowances from the Menu bar.

  2. Specify the date range to calculate Recurring Allowances and click the Apply button. Allowances will be attached to shifts according to your Recurring Allowance rules.

Note: To define Allowance codes go to Administration menu > Configuration > Codes Maintenance. From the Codes Maintenance screen, select 'Shift Allowance Code' and click the Add button to create a new Allowance Code.

Schedule Change Acknowledgements

To access Schedule Change Acknowledgements you'll need to click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch > Branch Notifications.

From here, you'll see the below. Please ensure it is turned on for use.

Here, we will provide a breakdown of the notes inside of the green box.

Acknowledgement missed interval - 3 days. If the shift is less than 3 days from now and the employee has not yet acknowledged it, an visual shift status icon will be shown. Thumbs-up with a X in it.

Acknowledgement required interval - 7 days. If the shift is less than 7 days from now and the employee has not yet acknowledged it, then the notification email will go out at the programmed time.

Acknowledgement allowed interval - 14 days. If the shift is less than 14 days away, the employee will be able to acknowledge it. The won't actually get emails until 7 days before the shift, but they could 'get ahead of the game' and acknowledge it up to 14 days away. A shift more than 14 days away will not be acknowledgeable, even if the shift is visible in TeamXP.

Click the employee tab to see the employee setup. Here, you can choose the distribution method, and the timing of your notifications.

The section that defines the time means the message for any schedule change will be notified one a day at this time to an employee, should they have any changes they need to be made aware of. They will need to acknowledge these changes in their Team Xpress app, or they will be resent the message the following day.

For more information on any of the above, please contact us now!

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