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eTime: Administrative Part 3

This is part 3 of the help guide for administrative features within eTime.

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can view our additional administrative articles as below:

3.15. Branch Accruals

Accruals allow you to configure complex formulas to automatically calculate accrual balances such as holiday, sick time and other entitlements. Please refer to the Accruals User Guide for more information.

The Accruals module in eTime Xpress requires additional licensing. If you wish to purchase the Accruals Module, please contact your Celayix Software Sales Representative.

3.16. Branch Message Types

In the Visual Scheduler of eTime Xpress, shifts are validated against your business rules to reduce errors and to meet your scheduling objectives. The standard Business Rules validated by eTime Xpress can be found in the Branch Message Types screen.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Message Types. Branch Message Types should appear as follows:



Shift Exceeds Counter

The number of shifts exceeds the coverage requirements pre-defined in the Shift Counters (see Using Shift Counters).

Employee is Double Booked to a Shift

The Employee is has already booked during that time.

Employee Budget Exceeded

The shift will cause the total number of hours budgeted for the Employee to be exceeded (see Employee Main Screen > Pay Settings Tab).

Minimum Rest Period Between Shifts

There is insufficient time between shifts necessary for rest.

Location Travel Time

There is insufficient time between shifts necessary for travel.

Max Pay Rate Exceeded

The Pay Rate of the scheduled Employee exceeds the pay guidelines for the Site (see Site Main Screen > Pay Settings Tab).

Employee Failed Shift Qualifications

The scheduled Employee does not have the required Qualifications to work at the shift (see Employee User Guide > Employee Qualifications and Administrator Guide > Branch Rules Setting > Shift Qualifications).

Shift is Restricted

The shift is restricted (Administrator Guide > Branch Rules Setting > Shift Restrictions).

Site Budget exceeded

The shift will cause the total number of hours budgeted for the Site to be exceeded (see Site Main Screen > Bill Settings Tab).

Employee has Time Off

The scheduled Employee has time off booked (see Using the Time Off Schedule).

Employee has that Day Off

The scheduled Employee does not normally work on that day (see Employee Main Screen > File > Set Work Week).

Employee has Requested that Time Off

The scheduled Employee has requested time off which has not been posted in the Time Off Schedule.

Shift Self-Scheduled

The shift has been self-scheduled by an employee.

Shift Published for Self-Scheduling

The shift has been published to employees as available for self-scheduling.

When a validation fails, it can be classified as a Warning or Error. The proper classification of validations depends on the scheduling objectives of your organization. Generally, validations classified as Errors are limited to those business rules where zero tolerance is required.

Failed Validation Type



Scheduler has the option of 'Ignoring' the failed validation and can save the shift without changes.


Scheduler must correct the cause of the failed validation or "Reject" proposed shift. Schedulers are not permitted to "Ignore" validation Errors.


Business rule is not validated.

To change whether a Failed Validation is processed as a Warning or Error:

  1. Double-click on the Validation or Message Type you want to update. The Message Type field should become editable.

  2. Specify Warning, Error or Ignore (click the F5 key to bring up a valid list of entries). Setting a Message Type to Ignore will permanently disable the validation.

  3. Press the Enter key to save your new changes.

3.17. Branch Colors

In the Visual Scheduler of eTime Xpress, shifts are color coded to highlight specific shift types or conditions. Shift colors can be customized to match your preferences.
The default shift color scheme is summarized in the figure below.

Shift Type


Scheduled Shifts are set with blue text on a white background.

Scheduled Overtime Shifts are set with white text on a red background.

Worked Shifts are set with black text on a white background.

Worked Overtime Shifts are set with red text on a white background.

Locked Shifts are set with black text on a white background.

Locked Overtime Shifts are set with red text on a white background.

Open Shifts are set with black text on a yellow background.

Tentative Shifts are set with white text on a green background.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Colors. The Branch Colors screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Colors



(1) Shift Type Selector

Setup advanced rules for processing bill and pay information.

(2) Color Summary

Setup period start days for weekly, bi-weekly, tri-weekly and quad-weekly periods.

(3) Branch Colors Tab

Setup pay rate factors for regular, overtime, double overtime, statutory, training and other hours.

(4) Global Colors Tab

Setup overtime thresholds for bill and/or pay calculations.

Branches are configured by default to apply the Global color scheme unless a custom color scheme is defined for the Branch. If you want to modify the default color scheme of all Branches, simply update Global colors.
To Update the shift colors of a Branch:

  1. Select the shift type (i.e. Scheduled Shift, Scheduled Overtime Shift etc.) you want to update.

  2. Select the Branch colors tab and click Customize colors.

  3. Define the Background color and Foreground color by clicking the respective Update buttons

To Update the Global colors:

  1. Select the shift type (i.e. Scheduled Shift, Scheduled Overtime Shift etc.) you want to update.

  2. Select the Global colors tab.

  3. Define the Background color and Foreground color by clicking the respective Update buttons

3.18. Branch E-mail Settings

eTime Xpress allows you to email schedules to your Employees, Customers or Sites. Schedules can be emailed by clicking Reports > Scheduling > Schedules. The Schedules Report dialog box should appear as shown in the figure below.

Schedules Report Dialog Box
To email schedules:

  1. Select Employee, Customer or Site from the View pull-down. Based on your selection, schedules will be sent to the email addresses defined under the Contact tab found in the Employee, Customer and Site Main screens, respectively.

  2. Specify the schedule to be sent by defining the applicable settings including style, sort order, notes and other options.

  3. Check-on the E-mail option and specify CC and BCC email addresses, if required. Click OK to start emailing schedules.

By default, eTime Xpress attempts to send emails using the Microsoft Outlook account active on your PC. If you wish you sent emails using a SMTP server, you may configure your SMTP settings by going to the Main Menu and clicking Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch E-mail Settings. The Branch E-mail Settings Screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch E-mail Settings



E-mail Program

Select Outlook to use Microsoft Outlook to email schedules.Select SMTP to use a SMTP server to email schedules.

Use User's Address

Define the From address to be email address defined for the User under User Security.

Use Default Address

Specify From address to attach to emailed schedules.

SMTP Server Name

Specify URL or IP address of SMTP server.

SMTP Authentication

If SMTP server requires authentication, specify username and password.

Send as HTML

Select if emails are to be sent in HTML format.

Priority Level

Specify priority level.

Port Number

Specify the port number to be used when accessing the SMTP server.

Note: To configure your SMTP settings, please consult your network administrator.

3.19. Branch Alert Settings

If you have licensed the Alert feature of Voice Xpress, you will need to specify the program to be used to send emails.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Alert Settings. The Branch Alert E-mail Settings screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Alert Settings



E-mail Program

Specify email program.

From Address

Define the From address.

CC Address

Define the CC address.

BCC Address

Define the CC address.

SMTP Server Name

Specify URL or IP address of SMTP server.

SMTP Authentication

If SMTP server requires authentication, specify username and password.

Priority Level

Specify priority level.

Port Number

Specify the port number to be used when accessing the SMTP server.

Note: To configure your SMTP settings, please consult your network administrator.

3.20. Branch Services

Service is one of the primary objects used to define a shift - it is the 'what' or the action to be performed by an Employee. The Services relevant to your organization should be created before scheduling shifts.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company & Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Services. The Branch Services screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Services
To Add a Branch Service:

  1. Click the Add button

    on the Tool Bar - the fields under Service Details should become active.

  2. Assign the Service ID, Description and Status (Active).

  3. Click the Save button

    to save your new Service record.

3.20.1. Importing/Exporting Branch Services

eTime Xpress allows Branch Services to be imported or exported from/to a .CSV file.
From the menu bar in the Branch Services screen, click File > Import or Export. Select the Standard Format and click OK.

For more information on importing or exporting data from eTime Xpress, see the Global Features Guide.

3.20.2. Branch Service References

Service References are fields that let you add information to a Service record for use in other applications. In some cases, you may want to describe additional Service information not found in the standard fields of eTime Xpress. These References can be selected to appear in Reports, used as a linking ID when exporting to 3rd party applications and to create record filters.
To define a Service Reference:

  1. From the Branch Services Screen, select a service and click the update button.

  2. Click on the References tab.

  3. Click the Save button to save the new References.

Note: To replace the labels (i.e. Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3…) in the Service References tab, go to the eTime Xpress Main screen and click Configuration > Codes Maintenance (requires user with Administrator rights). From the Codes Maintenance screen, select 'External Srv Ref.' and then add a new Code with a matching number and description. The number in the Code field is the numeric label you want to replace and the description is the new label.

Service reference values can be added to lookups by selecting External Srv Ref. 1-10 Lookup in Codes Maintenance and adding applicable reference values.

3.21. Branch Locations

eTime Xpress allows you to create Branch Location types that can be assigned to shifts (i.e. cities, regions, buildings etc.). Travel times can then be defined between locations to ensure there is sufficient time left between shifts to accommodate for travel.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Locations. The Branch Locations screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Location Codes with Annotations



(1) Location Codes

Displays locations.

(2) Travel Times

Displays time required to travel between locations.

To create Location types:

  1. From the Branch Location screen, click the Add button

  2. Specify the Location Code, Description and Status (Active).

  3. Click the Save button

    to save the new Location code.

To create Travel Times:

  1. From the Branch Locations screen, select the applicable Location code and click the Add Time button.

  2. Specify another Location code and travel time in minutes. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

3.21.1. Importing/Exporting Branch Locations

eTime Xpress allows Branch Locations to be imported or exported from/to a .CSV file.
From the menu bar in the Branch Locations screen, click File > Import or Export. Select the Standard Format and click OK.
For more information on importing or exporting data from eTime Xpress, see the Global Features Guide.

3.21.2. Branch Location References

Location References are fields that let you add information to a Location record for use in other applications. In some cases, you may want to describe additional Location information not found in the standard fields of eTime Xpress. These References can be selected to appear in Reports, used as a linking ID when exporting to 3rd party applications and to create record filters.
To define a Location Reference:

  1. From the Branch Locations Screen, select a location and click the update button.

  2. Click on the References tab.

  3. Click the Save button to save the new References.

Note: To replace the labels (i.e. Reference 1, Reference 2, Reference 3…) in the Location References tab, go to the eTime Xpress Main screen and click Configuration > Codes Maintenance (requires user with Administrator rights). From the Codes Maintenance screen, select 'External Loc Ref.' and then add a new Code with a matching number and description. The number in the Code field is the numeric label you want to replace and the description is the new label.
Location reference values can be added to lookups by selecting External Loc Ref. 1-10 Lookup in Codes Maintenance and adding applicable reference values.

3.22. Branch Time Off Codes

eTime Xpress allows you to create the Time Off types applicable to your organization (i.e. days off, maternity leave, vacation time, sick days, personal leave days etc.). Time Off statuses (i.e. pending, rejected, approved etc.) allow you to setup an authorization process for Time Off requests.

From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Time Off Codes. The Time Off Codes screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Time Off Codes with Annotations



(1) Time Off Type

Displays Time Off record types.

(2) Time Off Status

Displays Time Off statuses associated with a record type. Each Time Off type may have different Time Off statuses.

To create Time Off types:

  1. From the Time Off Codes screen, click the Add button:

  2. Specify the Time Off Code, Description and Status (Active).

  3. Click the Save button

    to save the new Time Off code.

To create Time Off Statuses:

  1. From the Menu bar in Time Off Codes screen, click File > Status Setup. The Status Setup screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

  2. Click the Add button

    and specify the Time Off Status code, Description, Order and Status (Active). The Order field defines the logical sequence which the status should appear. For example, the order fields may be defined as follows: Draft (1), Submitted (2), Pending Review (3), Rejected (4) and Approved (5).

  3. Click the Save button

    to save the new Time Off Status code.

Time Off Status Codes
eTime Xpress allows you to define which statuses apply to specific Time Off types. Certain Time Off types may have only a single status type (i.e. sick days may always be Approved) where as others may require the full approval process to be followed (i.e. vacation requests).

To assign Time Off statuses to Time Off types:

  1. From the Branch Time Off Codes screen, select the applicable Time Off code and click the Add Status button.

  2. Specify the Status code, Order and Use Rules value. The Order value will be defaulted to the Order value defined in the Time Off Status Codes screen – you can update this value if required. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

The 'Use Rules' field determines whether the Time Off type and status combination will be validated against the Working Schedule. If a Time Off record has 'Use Rules' set to 'Yes', Employees are prevented from being scheduled at that time. Generally, an Approved status type has 'Use Rules' set to 'Yes' and a Pending or Rejected status type has the 'Use Rules' set to 'No'.

3.23. Branch Time Sheet Status Codes

If you have licensed the Time Sheet feature of Web Xpress, you will need to define Time Sheet Status Codes (i.e. draft, submitted, approved, rejected etc.) for the purposes of authorizing Time Sheets.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Time Sheet Status Codes. The Time Sheet Status Codes screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Time Sheet Status Codes
To create Time Sheet Statuses:

  1. From the Branch Time Sheet Status Codes screen, click the Add button

    the fields under Time Sheet Status Codes should become active.

  2. Specify the Time Sheet Status code, Description, Order, User Rules value and Status (Active). The Order field defines the logical sequence which the status should appear. For example, the order fields may be defined as follows: Draft (1), Submitted (2), Approved (3) and Rejected (4).

  3. Click the Save button

    to save the new Time Sheet Status code.

The 'Use Rules' field determines whether the Time Sheet Status code can be posted to the Time & Attendance records. For example, Approved may have the 'Use Rules' set to 'Yes' while Draft, Submitted and Rejected may have the 'Use Rules' set to 'No'.

3.24. Branch Shift Tag Sets

Shift Tags Sets are flags or classifications that can be attached to shifts so that they can be visually distinguished from other shifts. Shift Tag Sets allow you to customize shift colors and views of your schedule. For example, you can have a Shift Tag Set to distinguish "Indoor and Outdoor Shifts" or "Regular or Premium Shifts".
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Shift Tag Sets. The Branch Shift Tag Sets screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Branch Shift Tag Sets



(1) Shift Tag Sets

Grouping of Shift Tags.

(2) Setup Tab

Displays Shift Tag Set information and associated Shift Tags.

(3) Colors Tab

Custom color scheme for Shift Tag Set.

(4) Shift Tags

Shift Tags associated with Shift Tag Set.

3.24.1. Shift Tags versus Shift Tag Sets

A Shift Tag is a special classification associated with a shift (i.e. Indoor, Outdoor, Regular, Premium etc.). A Shift Tag Set is a grouping of one or more Shift Tags (i.e. a relevant grouping may be a Premium and Outdoor classification).
eTime Xpress allows you to attach only a single Shift Tag Set to a shift record. That is, for a shift to have multiple Shift Tags, they must be defined within the applicable Shift Tag Set.
Shift Tag Sets can be applied from the Visual Scheduler when creating and updating shifts. Both Shift Tags and Shift Tag Sets can be used to generate schedule views. See the Scheduling User Guide for more information.

3.24.2. Add a Shift Tag

  1. From the Branch Shift Tag Sets screen, click File > Shift Tag Setup from the Menu bar. The Branch Shift Tag Setup screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

  2. Click the Add button

    and specify the Shift Tag Code, description, Status (Active) and 'Display in View Options' value. If the 'Display in View Options' is checked-on, the Shift Tag will appear in the Shift Type pull-down in the Visual Scheduler. This allows you to generate schedule view based on the Shift Tag.

  3. Click the Save button

    to save the new Shift Tag.

Branch Shift Tag Setup

3.24.3. Add a Shift Tag Set

  1. From the Branch Shift Tag Sets screen, click the Add button

    and specify the Shift Tag Set Code, description, Status (Active) and 'Display in View Options' value. If the 'Display in View Options' is checked-on, the Shift Tag Set will appear in the Shift Type pull-down in the Visual Scheduler. This allows you to generate schedule view based on the Shift Tag Set.

  2. Click the Save button

    to save the new Shift Tag Set.

3.24.4. Add Shift Tags to Shift Tag Sets

  1. From the Branch Shift Tag Sets screen, select a Shift Tag Set and click the Setup tab.

  2. Under the Shift Tags browser in the Setup tab, click the Add Shift Tag button – the fields in the Shift Tags browser should become active.

  3. Specify the applicable Shift Tag to be associated with the Shift Tag Set. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the Shift Tag to the Shift Tag Set.

3.24.5. Customize Colors for a Shift Tag Set

In the Visual Scheduler of eTime Xpress, shifts are color coded to highlight specific shift types or conditions. By default, Shift Tag Sets apply the same color scheme as defined under Branch Colors unless a custom color scheme is defined for the Shift Tag Set.
To Update the shift colors of a Shift Tag Set:

  1. From the Branch Shift Tag Sets screen, select a Shift Tag Set and click the Colors tab.

  2. Select the shift type (i.e. Scheduled Shift, Scheduled Overtime Shift etc.) you want to update.

  3. Select the Customize Tag Colors option.

  4. Define the Background color and Foreground color by clicking the respective Update buttons

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