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eTime: Administrative Part 4

This is the fourth installment on our Administrative guide to the eTime module.

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can view our additional administrative articles as below:

4. Codes Maintenance

Many fields in eTime Xpress that require entry by codes are user definable. This allows you to define the terms and descriptions familiar to your organization. The list of user definable fields, definitions and where they are commonly used can be found in Appendix 3 - User Definable Codes.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Codes Maintenance. The Codes Maintenance screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Codes Maintenance
To add a Code:

  1. From the Codes Maintenance screen, select the Code Type that you want to add a new Code. You can filter the code types by entity using the Lookup Type filter.

  2. Click the Add button – the fields under Code Details should become active.

  3. Specify the code and description.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the new code.

5. Control Center

eTime Xpress allows you to set security on the Control Center to manage what dates are accessible as well as add, update and delete permissions.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Control Center. The Control Center Security screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Control Center Security



(1) User list

Specify Users which you want to apply security when accessing the Control Center.

(2) View Permission

Set range of dates that can be viewed.

(3) Track Changes

Specify if changes made by user should be logged.

(4,5,6) Add, Update, Delete

Specify edit permissions and applicable date ranges.

To set Control Center Security for a User:

  1. From the Control Center Security screen, the click the Add button

    the field in the Control Center Users browser should become active.

  2. Specify a user ID. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  3. Press the Enter key to save the user to the Control Center Security screen.

  4. Select a user ID and click the Update button

    on the Tool Bar – the fields under Control Center Settings should become active.

  5. Specify the users Control Center Security permissions.

  6. Click the Save button

    to save the user permissions.

If you select to 'Track Changes', you can review changes made through the Control Center by going to Reports > Scheduling > Control Center > Changes.

6. Workstations (Configuring Autodialing)

eTime Xpress allows you to use your PC's modem to autodial employee phone numbers when performing call-outs. Your PC must have a modem connected to your telephone to use this feature. Autodialing may be run from various modules in eTime Xpress by clicking the telephone button

You are required to register the computer name of each workstation that you want to enable autodialing. From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Workstations. The Workstations screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Workstation Setup
To register a Workstation for Autodialing:

  1. From the Workstations screen, the click the Add button

    the field in the Workstation ID browser should become active.

  2. Specify the applicable computer name(s) which you want to enable autodialing. The computer name is the unique description which identifies the PC on your network. You may find this information under the System Properties of your PC.

  3. Press the Enter key to save the Workstation ID.

  4. Select a Workstation ID and click the Update button

    on the Tool Bar – the fields under Workstation Setup should become active.

  5. Check-on 'Modem Enabled' and update the Modem Port and Dial Time if required.

  6. Click the Save button

    to save the Workstation Setup.

7. Custom Labels

eTime Xpress allows certain objects within the application to be customized to match the terminology used by your organization.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Custom Labels. The Custom Labels screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Custom Labels



Object Name

Formal description of objects found within the application.

Default Label, Plural and Short

Default label of objects.

Label, Plural and Short Parameter

Parameter values are used when creating custom views in the Visual Scheduler to apply custom labels to user defined descriptions. For example, by naming a view "[%Branch%]", eTime Xpress will apply the custom label defined for the Branch object.

New Label, Plural and Short

Specify edit permissions and applicable date ranges.

8. Employee Types

Employee types allow you categorize Employees by groupings or types for searches, seniority and reporting.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Employee Types. The Employee Types screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Employee Types
To add an Employee Type:

  1. From the Employee Types screen, click the Add button

    the fields in the Employee Types browser should become active.

  2. Specify the Employee Type code, Description and Seniority Level. The Seniority Level is the numerical ranking of Employee Types with '1' being the most senior (i.e. seniority levels 2, 3, 4… are considered progressively less senior). A Seniority Level of '0' means that the Employee Type should be excluded when evaluating seniority.

  3. Press the Enter key to save the new Employee Type.

To assign an Employee to an Employee Type:

  1. From the Main Menu, click Employees > Pay Settings tab.

  2. Assign the Employee Type in the applicable field.

9. Seniority

The Visual Scheduler in eTime Xpress allows you to use seniority as a criterion when scheduling shifts - seniority may be defined according to a number of conditions.
From the Main Menu, click Configuration > Seniority. The Seniority screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

Seniority Setup

Seniority Rules

Where to Configure

Length of Employment

Employee > History Tab > Start

Employee Type

Employee > Pay Settings Tab > Emp Type

Hours Scheduled

System will automatically sum scheduled hours of employees.

Hours Worked

System will automatically sum worked hours of employees.

Number of Qualifications

Employee > Employee Scheduling > Employee Qualifications

Seniority Hours

Employee > Pay Settings Tab > Seniority Hours

To define Seniority,

  1. Decide on the seniority rules you want to apply.

  2. Rank the seniority items by clicking the Update button

    on the Tool Bar and specifying a Sequence value. Sequence is the order in which the seniority rules should be applied. The system will try to rank Employees according to the first seniority rule and then apply successive seniority rules in tie break situations. A Sequence value of '0' will disable the seniority rule.

  3. Specify the Sort Order for a seniority rule as Ascending or Descending. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the seniority rule.

10. User Security

If multiple individuals are going to be using eTime Xpress, you may want to create a user account for each person or role accessing the software. You may restrict/grant user access depending on their responsibilities and position.
From the Main Menu, click Administration > Security > User Security - the User Security screen should appear as shown in the figure below.

User Security



(1) User list

List of User accounts.

(2) User Details

Displays User account information. You can also reset the passwords by updating the User Details.

(3) Company/Branch Tab

Specify the User's Company/Branch access rights.

(4) Sites Tab

Specify the User's Customer/Site access rights.

(5) Employees Tab

Specify the User's Employee access rights.

(6) Security Group Tab

Specify the Security Groups to which the User is a member.

(7) Menu Tab

Specify the User's Menu (module and feature) restrictions

10.1. Add a New User

  1. From the User Security screen, click the Add button

    from the Tool Bar – the fields under User Details should become active.

  2. Enter the User ID (login name), Last Name, First Name, Status, Administrator value, Email and password. The user Status should be 'Active' - you can disable a user account by changing the account status to 'Inactive' or 'Void'. If you want the user to have Administrator rights, check-on the 'Administrator' checkbox.

  3. Click the Save button

    to save your new user. You will be asked to verify the password.

Note: Security restrictions may be set for users with administrator rights to hide records and modules. When a user is created with non-administrator rights, by default that user has access to all modules except for those found under Security and Configuration options. Non-administrators cannot be given access to security related modules.

10.2. Company/Branch Access

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Company/Branch tab.

  2. Click the Add button next to the Company/Branch Access browser.

  3. Specify the Company and Branch IDs to which the User should have access. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the Company/Branch access record.

Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have All Company and Branches displayed.

10.3. Site Access

Before defining a user's Site Access rights, you must first specify the user's Branch Access.

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Company/Branch tab > Sites Tab.

  2. By default, the User will have access to all Sites. If the User should only have access to specific Sites, uncheck 'Allow Access to All Sites' and click the Add button next to the Site Access browser.

  3. Specify the Customer and Site IDs to which the User should have access. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the Site access record.

Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have 'Allow Access to All Sites' checked-on.

10.4. Employee Access

Before defining a user's Employee Access rights, you must first specify the user's Branch Access.

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Company/Branch tab > Employees Tab.

  2. By default, the User will have access to all Employees. If the User should only have access to specific Employees, uncheck 'Allow Access to All Employees' and click the Add button next to the Employee Access browser.

  3. Specify the Employee IDs to which the User should have access. Remember for fields that require entry by codes, you may press the F5 key to bring up a list of valid entries.

  4. Press the Enter key to save the Employee access record.

Note: If the user has been granted Administrator rights, the user will always have 'Allow Access to All Employees' checked-on.

10.5. Menu Access (Modules and Features)

eTime Xpress allows you to specify User access to modules and/or features within a module. Security is defined according to Restrictions which means that a User will have access to a module or feature unless they are restricted.
To Restrict Menu Access:

  1. From the User Security screen, select a User and click the Menu Tab – the Menu Restrictions should appear as shown in the figure below.

Restricting Menu Access

  1. By default, the User will have access to all Menu items (i.e. the user has no restrictions). If the User should only have access to specific modules or functions, double-click on the Restrict column next to an item that is to be restricted until it reads 'yes'.

Items proceeded by a


symbol denotes additional sub-items. To view the sub-items, double-click the


symbol. You may restrict sub-items by double-clicking on the Restrict column next to a sub-item until it reads 'yes'.
Note: If all sub-items are restricted, the 'yes' value next to a


symbol will be displayed as a blue font. If only specific sub-items are restricted, the 'yes' value next to a


symbol will be displayed as a black font.

10.6. Security Groups

Security Groups allow you to define a profile of access rights and menu restrictions. When a User is added to a Security Group, they automatically inherit the profile of the Security Group.
To Setup a Security Group:

  1. From the Menu bar in User Security screen, click Data > Security Groups > Security Group Details – the Security Groups screen should appear.

  2. Click the Add button

    from the Tool Bar – the fields in the Security Groups browser should become active.

  3. Specify the Group ID and Description.

  4. Click the Users tab to add Users to the Security Group.

  5. Click the Company/Branch tab to setup Company/Branch, Sites and Employee access rights.

  6. Click the Menu tab to setup module and feature restrictions.

Note: If a conflict exists between user security and group security records for site and employee permissions, the group security definition will win. For example, if a site is defined both at the user and group security level and that site access record is deleted from the security group, the site access record will be removed from the user permissions.

10.7. Change User Logon

If an individual has been issued multiple user logon accounts, those user logon accounts may be displayed as a grouped so that the individual can easily switch between user logon accounts. The system uses the email address field in the user account to determine which user accounts belong to the same individual.
Among other uses, multiple user accounts may used to apply record security to support specific reporting requirements.

To view and switch between user accounts, the individual may click Main Screen > File > Change User Logon.

The Change User Logon feature may be configured to automatically apply the existing password from the current user logon account, pre-populate the password or display an empty password field requiring the individual to re-enter their password when switching user accounts.

Note: This feature requires additional system configuration. If you require this feature, please contact Celayix support to have it enabled.

11. Log Manager

Log Manager allows users with administrator access to review system log records created. By default, the system will store log records for up to 2 years prior to overwriting. Administrators may also manually archive log records from the database and export them to a log file external to the database. When log records are archived, they are permanently deleted from the database.
Viewable log records include:

  • Alert errors;

  • Data Update transactions;

  • System errors;

  • Import errors;

  • Information messages (i.e. login);

  • Web Xpress transactions

To review log records, from the toolbar on the Main screen, click Administration > Log Manager. The Log Manager should appear as shown in the figure below.



(1) Record Filter

Create custom log record filters to view only specific log records.

(2) Refresh

Click refresh to load log records into viewer.

(3) Log Record List

List of log records

(4) Properties

Display additional information for a selected log record.

(5) Archive

Manually archive log records to a log file external to the database. Note: Archived records are deleted from the database after they are saved to the log file.

Appendix 1 – Backing-Up and Restoring Database

As part of your general maintenance procedures of eTime Xpress, it is recommended that you regularly backup your database.
The following backup options are available:

1. Offline Backup

The Offline Backup is the more simple backup procedure to perform but requires that the eTime Xpress database be stopped. Prior to stopping the eTime Xpress database, all users must first exit the application.

1.1. Performing an Offline Backup

To perform an Offline Backup:

  1. Ensure all users have logged off from the eTime Xpress application.

    1. Stop Database. From the eTime Xpress server, click the Start button and select Program Files > Celayix > dbstop.

You can also stop the database by running the following command from the command prompt: 'c:\program files\celayix\etx\dbstop.bat'.

  1. Copy all files under 'c:\program files\celayix' to a backup directory. After the backup is complete, it is recommended that a copy of the backup files be stored at an off-site location.

    1. Start Database. From the eTime Xpress server, click the Start button and select Program Files > Celayix > dbstart.

You can also start the database by running the following command from the command prompt: 'c:\program files\celayix\etx\dbstart.bat'.
Note: If you installed eTime Xpress in a directory other than 'c:\program files', please substitute the correct directory path in the steps above.

1.2. Restoring from an Offline Back-up

To restore from an Offline Backup:

  1. Re-install eTime Xpress, if necessary. Please refer to the applicable installation guide. The eTime Xpress version must correspond to the version of eTime Xpress at the time the database was backed-up.

  2. Stop Database. From the eTime Xpress server, click the Start button and select Program Files > Celayix > dbstop.

You can also stop the database by running the following command from the command prompt: 'c:\program files\celayix\etx\dbstop.bat'.

  1. Copy all files from your backup directory to 'c:\program files\celayix'.

  2. Start Database. From the eTime Xpress server, click the Start button and select Program Files > Celayix > dbstart.

You can also start the database by running the following command from the command prompt: 'c:\program files\celayix\etx\dbstart.bat'.

2. Online Backup

The Online Backup is recommended for environments where eTime Xpress users cannot log off (i.e. 24 hours operations) and/or using Celayix Voice Xpress and Web Xpress products.
The Online Backup generates a batch file of your database and requires more time to run relative to the Offline Backup.

2.1. Performing an Online Backup

To perform an Online Backup, enter the following commands in the command prompt:

  1. Go to the drive where eTime Xpress is installed.

Enter: c:
(note: if you installed eTime Xpress in another drive path, replace 'c:' with the correct drive letter)

  1. Go to the eTime Xpress directory.

Enter: cd "%celayix%etx\db"

  1. Run backup command.

Enter: "%dlc%\bin\probkup" online og400 og400backup.bkp
(note: if you wish to rename the backup file, replace 'og400backup' with the desired file name)
After the backup is complete, it is recommended that a copy of the backup files be stored at an off-site location.

2.2. Restoring from an Online Backup

To restore from an Online Backup:

  1. Re-install eTime Xpress, if necessary. Please refer to the applicable installation guide. The eTime Xpress version must correspond to the version of eTime Xpress at the time the database was backed-up.

  2. Stop Database. From the eTime Xpress server, click the Start button and select Program Files > Celayix > dbstop.

You can also stop the database by running the following command from the command prompt: 'c:\program files\celayix\etx\dbstop.bat'.
Enter the following commands in the command prompt:

  1. Go to the drive where eTime Xpress is installed.

Enter: c:
(note: if you installed eTime Xpress in another drive path, replace 'c:' with the correct drive letter)

  1. Go to the eTime Xpress directory.

Enter: cd "%celayix%etx\db"

  1. Run restore command.

Enter: "%dlc%\bin\prorest" og400 og400backup.bkp

(note: if you rename the backup file, replace 'og400backup' with the applicable backup file name)

Appendix 2 – Rule Processing

The manner in which business rules are processed varies by rule category.

Rule Category

Rule Processing

Hours Type Thresholds

First Match

Minimum Rest Period

First Match

Self-Scheduling Start Time

First Match

Shift Locations

First Match

Shift Qualifications


Shift Restrictions

First Match

Rule Processing Examples:

  1. First Match

Rules are processed in order until a matching rule is found. The order which rules are defined will impact what results are generated.
For example,
Rule 1: Daily OT occurs after 6 hours for any shifts worked by John Doe.
Rule 2: Daily OT occurs after 8 hours for all employees.
John Doe works 9 hours.
If Rule 1 is ordered before Rule 2 then 3 hours OT is calculated.
If Rule 2 is ordered before Rule 1 then 1 hour of OT is calculated.

  1. 'AND'

All rules for a rule sub-category are processed. The rule properties for all matching rules are accumulated and applied.
For example,
Rule 1: Shifts at XYZ require qualification 1.
Rule 2: Shifts worked from 12AM to 8AM require qualification 2.
A shift at XYZ from 12AM to 8AM requires qualification 1 and 2.

Appendix 3 – User Definable Codes

The following table is a summary of the user definable codes found in eTime Xpress.

Codes Type


Where It's Used

Bill Reason Code

Reason for overriding the bill hours or bill rates of a shift distribution

Time & Attendance

Billing Cycle Code

Defines bill cycles for processing billing

Site > Bill Settings tab

Call Status Code

Categorize call types or results

Employee Call Log

Complaint Code

Complaint types

Employee ComplaintsSite Complaints

Country Code

Country code for filling in addresses

Company, Branch, Employee, Customer, Site contact information

Customer Notes Code

Categorize Customer notes

Customer Notes


Define departments

Employee > Pay Settings tab

Employee Notes Code

Categorize Employee notes

Employee Notes

Employee Weight Code

Units of measure for weight – only one record should be specified


Ethnic Background Code

Ethnic types

Employee > Profile tab

External Branch Ref.

External Branch Reference Label

Branch > File > References

External Company Ref.

External Company Reference Label

Company > File > References

External Cust Ref.

External Customer Reference Label

Customers > References Tab

External Cust Ref. 1-10 Lookup

User definable Customer reference value

Customers > References Tab

External Emp Ref.

External Employee Reference Label

Employees > References Tab

External Emp Ref. 1-10 Lookup

User definable Employee reference value

Employees > References Tab

External Loc Ref.

External Location Reference Label

Administration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Locations

External Loc Ref. 1-10 Lookup

User definable Location reference value

Administration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Locations

External Shift Ref. 1-5 Lookup

User definable shift reference value

Visual Scheduler > Add/Update > References Tab

External Shift Ref. Labels

External shift reference label

Visual Scheduler > Add/Update > References Tab

External Site Ref.

External Site References

Customers > Site > References Tab

External Site Ref. 1-10 Lookup

User definable Site reference value

Customers > Site > References Tab

External Srv Ref.

External Service References

Administration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Services

External Srv Ref. 1-10 Lookup

User definable Service reference value

Administration > Company/Branch > Branch Codes > Branch Services

Incident Code

Incident types

Employee IncidentsSite Incidents

Inventory Code

Inventory type

Employee Inventory

Marital Status Code

Marital status

Employee > Profile Tab

Pay Reason Code

Reason for overriding the pay hours or pay rates of a shift distribution

Time & Attendance

Payroll Cycle Code

Defines pay cycles for processing payroll

Employee > Pay Settings tab

Phone Code

Type of phone number

Company, Branch, Employee, Customer, Site contact information

Position Code

Position types

Employee > Pay Settings tab

Qualifications Code

Qualification types

Employee Qualifications
Site QualificationsShift Qualifications Branch Rule

Restriction Code

Restriction types

Employee RestrictionsSite RestrictionsShift Restrictions Branch Rule

Shift Allowances Code

Allowance types

Branch Recurring Allowances
Time & Attendance

Site Notes Code

Categorize Site notes

Site Notes

State/Province Code

State/Province information

Company, Branch, Employee, Customer, Site contact information

Statutory Day Code

Statutory days

Branch Statutory DaysSite Statutory Days

Termination Code

Reason for termination

Employee > History tab

Volunteer Codes

Volunteer types

Volunteer Schedule

Appendix 4 – Database Administration

This section does not apply to databases hosted on the cloud.

The following items should be reviewed by the database administrator of the application.

1. Monitoring Database Size

Your database files should be monitored (.bi, .db, .lg, etc.) to ensure they do not exceed the design specifications of a single volume database. When any single database file exceeds 1.5 GB, the database must be setup to support multi-volumes. Exceeding the file size limit may result in data loss.
If any of your database files are approaching 1.5 GB in size, please contact Celayix support for assistance (conversion fees will apply).

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