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Custom & Reference Labels

You can make changes to your Custom & Reference labels so that your platform is labelled to your needs

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You now have the ability to edit Custom & Reference labels in Schedule Xpress. These labels give you the opportunity to rename the default labels that Celayix platforms provide.

You may be used to editing these in eTime Xpress in the Configuration section. But this newer method simplifies the approach.

Note: It's likely your labels are already set as you need them. This article is to explain where to go should you need to change one in the future.

Custom & Reference labels in Settings in Schedule Xpress

This article will cover the following steps in Custom & References labels in Schedule Xpress:

Finding your Custom & Reference labels

Custom labels

Reference labels

Reset to system defaults

Finding your Custom & Reference labels

The labels can be found in the Settings are of Schedule Xpress. Please see the image below.

Custom & Reference labels in Settings in Schedule Xpress

When you click on Custom & References labels, you'll be greeted with the following page.

Custom & Reference labels in Settings in Schedule Xpress

It's important to note that we will be referring to these Reference labels by their system default name. If you have changed these labels since, then they may be named differently. The system default name can be seen within each of the Reference labels, which we will discuss further in the article.

Custom labels

You'll see the list of labels which you can select when you want to make an adjustment.

Your list of Custom labels

Adding or adjusting your Custom labels

Once selected, you can adjust in the labels section to the right. This section will allow you to define a New label and New plural label.

In the example, you can see we've changed Customer to Client and Customers to Clients.

Adjusting new labels and new plural labels in Custom & Reference labels

Where the changes will show

For the example of changing Customer(s) to Client(s), we're about to show you where the changes will show. However, be aware that each will be relative to whichever label it is that you've changed.

In Schedule Xpress, throughout your database. Here's inside of Manage sites, below.

Note: Once you've made any changes, we'd recommend logging out and logging back in to either Schedule Xpress and eTime Xpress to ensure the changes configure.

The changes made from Custom labels in Schedule Xpress

This will of course reflect in all other areas such as adding columns. See below.

Client name and Client ID columns in Manage sites

Also, the change from Customer(s) to Client(s) will reflect in eTime Xpress.

The changes made from Custom labels in eTime Xpress

Reference labels

Certain labels contain References in. You can also create References from within the labels section by choosing the Reference number and renaming it.

Reference labels in Settings in Schedule Xpress

Adding or adjusting your Reference labels

If you need to add or adjust these, head to the correct Custom label and then the References section.

Let's use Employee label as an example. You can press Add Reference label to add a label.

Then, you'll need to define the Reference label number by selecting it in the dropdown under Reference code, and then type the Label name in the adjacent box.

Making changes to Reference labels in Schedule Xpress

Dropdown with lookup options only

This option allows you to choose from a dropdown list and prevent anyone from freeform typing. This is to ensure consistency of references and to prevent anyone from typing incorrect information.

This is available for:

  • Employee references

  • Shift references

  • Site references

  • Service references

Let's use Shift reference lookups as the example.

Shift reference labels allow you to define lookup options

The new options allow you to choose:

  • Allow freeform text and dropdown with lookup options - This option allows you to type anything into a reference field, as well as using the dropdown.

  • Dropdown with lookup options only - This option only allows you to click the dropdown to select reference lookups that you've added in your Manage codes. You will not be able to type in the reference field when using this option.

You can see reference lookups in the image below.

You can choose to allow freeform text or allow only the Dropdown lookups to be selected for a reference

If you use Allow freeform text and dropdown with lookup options, you'll notice that you can type in the reference field as well as choose dropdown options.

You'll be able to type in the reference box if you're using Allow freedom text and dropdown with lookup options

If you use Dropdown with lookup options only, you'll notice that the reference box is greyed out. This will prevent all users from typing.

You won't be able to type in the reference box if you're using Dropdown with lookup options only

Using Dropdown with lookup options only, you will be required to click the dropdown arrow to select from the lookup list.

You'll be required to select from the dropdown list if using Dropdown with lookup options only

Applying a Reference label to a profile

All Reference labels will be relevant to the label you change. References are used for all of the following as well:

  • Branch

  • Company

  • Customer

  • Employees

  • Services

  • Sites

  • Shifts

Let's look at an example below.

We're going to apply a new Reference label to an employee profile. The example will show Reference label 2 as QuickBooks ID.

Once you've chosen the employee, click inside of their profile and press Edit employee. Then, head to the References section.

Adding Reference labels in Manage people in Schedule Xpress

If you click Add reference, you'll be able to choose the new Reference label you created.

Adding Reference labels in Manage people in Schedule Xpress

This will show in the References section of the Employee account in eTime Xpress.

References in Employees in eTime Xpress

Reset to system defaults

Please be aware that if you want to reset either your Custom or Reference labels back to the default name, please click either of the following buttons.

Reset to system defaults in Custom & Reference labels in Schedule Xpress

For more help on anything Custom & Reference labels, please Contact Support now!

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