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Bulk updating in Time Processing

See how you can save time by bulk updating in Time Processing

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

Just like in Schedule Xpress modules, bulk updating can be an important way to save time in Time Processing.

In this article, we'll be covering the following topics of Time Processing in Schedule Xpress:

Bulk updating - The Basics

Bulk updating rates and hours

Why would you use bulk updating?

Bulk updating is the method in between a singular record update, and a mass import using a .csv (Excel) file. It gives the user the opportunity to save time by producing an update for several records at once.

In Time Processing, this can be used in a range of different ways. Let's explore them now.

Bulk updating shifts

The simplest form of updating more than one shift is to select the shifts you want to update by check marking them.

In this example, we've chosen to update 2 shifts.

Bulk updating shifts in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If it's a Time Processing-related change, then it's likely that the update you want to make it either present on screen, or in the Time Processing tools.

By this, we mean:

  • Approve time

  • Remove time approval

  • Add in and out times

  • Remove in and out times

  • Update shift

  • Update rates and hours

  • Reset rates and hours

Note: Only users who's feature access levels permit them to view or adjust any of the above will be able to see these options.

Time Processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Prior to a bulk update, the number of shifts you have highlighted will always be present before choosing your selection.

In the example, 2 shifts have been chosen.

Time Processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If you chose to Approve 2 shifts time, it would approve times for both.

It's important that you use the grid view layout columns to highlight the data you want to see, so that you're fully aware of a shift's current status. You can use the 3 dots to select your columns to display.

Note: The columns will only stay temporarily for your current session. To ensure that they stay, we encourage that you customize your columns.

3 dots to select columns for grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Before you approve the times, you can see that these are currently set to No in the Time approved column.

Time approved set to No in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Now you can Approve 2 shifts time.

Approve 2 shifts time in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

You'll see the Time approved status is now set to Yes. This means that the shifts are now locked.

Time approved status now Yes in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Update shift

The Update shift is your pathway to choosing a range of different ways you can bulk update shifts.

Update shift in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If you choose the Update shift(s) option, you'll be prompted to Select fields to update. You can update more than one field in a single update.

Note: If you're bulk updating fields, you need to ensure that the change for all shifts is the exact same. You cannot make different changes to shifts in a single update.

Bulk update fields in Update shift in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

For example's sake, let's change the Shift dates, Schedule start times and Schedule end times.

Bulk update fields in Update shift in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

When you've selected the fields you want to update, you'll be prompted to fill the new details for each field.

Bulk updating shift date in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

You'll see these shifts have now been moved to August 3rd 2022, from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Bulk update changing data in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Delete shift

You can also bulk Delete shift(s).

Delete shift in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

However, it's important to be aware that dependent on the current status of the shift, you may be greeted with warnings and errors. If your feature access levels permit you to override warnings and errors, you'll be able to proceed. If not, you may be declined when trying to make the change.

Bulk update rates and hours

Time Processing gives you the ability to bulk update rates and hours.

Pay hours

You can bulk update the Pay hours option for any shifts that have been worked but not approved (locked). Shifts that haven't been worked or locked will not be replaced.

This feature gives you the opportunity to bulk replace hours types such as regular and overtime.

Bulk update Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Hours type

You can choose from which hours types you want to move.

Note: The hours types will only display when bulk replacing if they're selected in the Rates and Hours form.

Bulk update Hours type in Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress
Bulk update Hours type in Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


The Hours section allows you to define how you move your hours from and to, as above. You have the following 5 options to choose from:

  • All available

  • Flat amount

  • Within time range

  • Over

  • Under

Bulk update Hours in Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

All available

The All available option is selected by default. It means all the available hours will be moved from one hour type to another.

Flat amount

Using Flat amount allows you to specify the amount of hours you move from and to using the selected hours types.

Note: If the specified hours is more than the shift length, the form will correct the hours to match the original shift length. For example, if you want to move 5 hours from Regular to Overtime, if you enter 6 hours to replace, the entire original 5 hours will be moved. However, the additional 1 hour will be deducted.

Bulk update Flat amount in Hours in Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Within time range

Within time range moves any hours occurring during a specified time period from and to the selected hours types.

From example, if the specified time period is between 12:00am and 04:00am, then your selected hours types will be replaced if any shift hours occur during this time.

Bulk update Within time range in Hours in Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


Over allows you to move any shift hours over a specified threshold from and to selected hours types.

Bulk update Over in Hours in Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


Under allows you to move any shift hours under a specified threshold from and to selected hours types.

Bulk update Under in Hours in Pay hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


Let's look at an example of how it will display. We're going to move Pay hours from Regular to Overtime using the Over method. You'll see that at this current moment, the shift hours are distributed as Regular only.

Example of moving Regular hours to Overtime hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

In this case, we're going to bulk replace any hours of 2 selected shifts that are more than 7 hours, from Regular to Overtime. Also, we'll use Night - 02 as our Payroll override reason, because the 2 shifts overlapped into the nighttime period.

Note: Before adding hours, it's important to know that when no hours types are selected to move, the Payroll override reason will stay disabled. After selecting the hours type to replace, the Payroll override reason code will default (00) by populating automatically, and the user will be able to change the code if required.

Example of moving Regular hours to Overtime hours using Payroll override reason code in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Once updated, the shift hours will distributed as between Regular and Overtime, as per the Pay hours replacement.

Hours moved from Regular to Overtime in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Pay rates

The Pay rates option of the Time Processing replace tool allows you to perform a bulk update of the Pay rates for worked shifts. It allows to increase/decrease pay rates by a flat amount or percentage.

Bulk updating Pay rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Rate type

The Rate type section allows you to define which rate type you want to change.

Note: The rate type drop-down shows rates based on rates and hours branch configuration.

Bulk updating Rate amount using Increase by in Pay rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Rate amount

The Rate amount gives you the opportunity to select whether you want to Replace with, Increase by or Decrease by. Once you've chosen one of these options, you can input the new rate.

Bulk updating Rate amount in Pay rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Before showing you an example, let's break down how these 3 options will come into play.

Replace with

Replace with allows you to replace a selected rate type with the new rate amount entered.

Increase by

The Increase by allows to increase the existing amount by a flat amount or by percentage.

Bulk updating Rate amount using Increase by in Pay rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Decrease by

The Decrease by allows to decrease the existing amount by a flat amount or by percentage.

Bulk updating Rate amount using Decrease by in Pay rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


Let's look at an example of how it will display. We're going to change two Regular Pay rates of $15.00 and $16.00 dollars to become $20.00 dollars an hour in a single bulk update.

Current Regular pay rates in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

So, we're going to make sure our Rate type is Regular. Also, our Rate amount will be Replace with and a new unit of $20.00. We'll also be deciding that the Payroll override reason for this change is because the shifts were created at short notice.

Changing Rate amount using Replace with new unit of $20.00 using Payroll override reason Short notice in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Once this change is made, you'll notice that the new Regular rate is displayed as $20.00 for the two shifts.

Changed pay rates in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Inline validations

You can choose to bulk update with more than one fields, however, inline validations are shown if required fields are not selected.

If you're updating both Pay hours and Pay rates at the same time, you'll need to ensure that every selection is made or you will not be able to proceed. In this example, the number shown exceeded the maximum character limit, producing a validation warning.

Inline validations when updating Pay hours and Pay rates in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Bill hours

Bill hours operates very similarly to Pay hours. Bill hours can be used to perform bulk updates for worked and unlocked shifts.

Bill hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Hours type

The Bill hours bulk update allows you to move hours types from and to other hours types. For example, Standard to Statutory hours.

Note: The hours types will only display when bulk replacing if they're selected in the Rates and Hours form.

Bulk updating hours type in Bill hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


The Hours section allows you to define how you move your hours from and to, as above. You have the following 5 options to choose from:

  • All available

  • Flat amount

  • Within time range

  • Over

  • Under

You can read the Payroll section of Hours to get a breakdown of what each means.

Bulk updating Hours in Bill hours in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


Let's look at an example of how it will display. We're going to move Bill hours from Regular to Statutory using the Within time range method. You'll see that at this current moment, the shift hours are distributed as Regular only.

The shifts below both cover 12:00am - 10:00am and the shift hours are both distributed using 8 Standard hours and 2 Overtime hours.

Current Regular and Overtime Bill hours in grid view layout of Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

So, were going to make any hours that fall Within time range 4:00am and 8:00am to become Statutory hours. This will mean that 4 hours should now be allocated to Statutory.

Example of bulk updating Bill hours from Regular to Statutory using the Within time range method in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Now you can see that 4 hours have been allocated to Statutory.

Changes in to Bill hours in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Bill rates

The Bill rates option of the Time Processing replace tool allows you to perform a bulk update of the Bill rates for worked shifts. It allows to increase/decrease Bill rates by a flat amount or percentage.

Bill rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Rate type

The Rate type section allows you to define which rate type you want to change.

Note: The rate type drop-down shows rates based on rates and hours branch configuration.

Bulk updating Rate type in Bill rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Rate amount

The Rate amount gives you the opportunity to select whether you want to Replace with, Increase by or Decrease by. Once you've chosen one of these options, you can input the new rate.

You can read more about the definitions of Replace with, Increase by and Decrease by in the Pay rates Rate amount section. You can add the unit that reflects whichever options you choose to the right hand side.

Bulk updating Rate amount in Bill rates in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


Let's look at an example of how it will display. We're going to change two Double Overtime Bill rates of $75.00 dollars to Increase by 20% an hour in a single bulk update.

Current Double Overtime Bill rates in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

So, we're going to make sure our Rate type is Double Overtime. Also, our Rate amount will be determined by Increase by, with a new unit which is 20% greater. We'll also be deciding that the Payroll override reason for this change is are default override.

Bulk updating to Increase by 20% for 2 Double Overtime Bill rates at $75.00 in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Once this change is made, you'll notice that the new Double Overtime rate is displayed as $90.00, which is 20% greater than the original record of $75.00.

Changes made to Double Overtime Bill rates in grid view layouts in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Shift start date and Midnight cutoff (Calendar Date)

When it comes to reviewing your Payroll and Billing, it's important to understand the difference between the preferences of Shift Start Date and Midnight cutoff (Calendar Date). These influence how your Update rates and hours presents when bulk updating.

Read the difference between the two below:

  • Shift Start Date - This is where the total hours of a shift are calculated for the day that the shift starts. For example, if an employee had a shift that was from 11pm-7am, with the shift starting at 11pm on 1st September, the entirety of the 8 hour shift would be designated to the 1st September.

  • Midnight Cutoff - This is where the hours of the shift will be designated to whichever day they fall on. So, let's use the same example as above. If a shift began on 1st September at 11pm and finished at 7am on 2nd September, only 1 hour would be designated to the 1st September and 7 hours to the 2nd September.

Before showing you how this will influence bulk updating in Time Processing, let's look at where to you can set your preference.

From the homepage of eTime Xpress, go to Configuration > Company Branch > Branch Bill/Pay Settings > File > Preferences. Here, you can select the distribution of your hours by Shift Start Date or Calendar Date.

Shift start date and Midnight cutoff (Calendar Date) in eTime Xpress

Bulk updating with Shift start date vs Midnight cutoff

When bulk updating with Shift start date applied, it will appear the same as all the above examples.

Bulk updating with Shift start date using Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

However, if you've applied Midnight cutoff, you'll notice how the form changes.

Note: This only applies for shifts that overlap from one day to another.

Bulk updating with Midnight cutoff using Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

How will Midnight cutoff effect updating rates and hours?

As the form shows, you can toggle between Start day and Next day.

Bulk updating with Midnight cutoff using Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

You can either choose to select one of the options individually, which will only change the hours for Start day or Next day.

Start day in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Or both, Start day and Next day combined. This will change all hours or rates in sync.

Start & Next day in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Let's look at some examples.

Start day

For Start day, we'll use Pay rates as the example. The example shows shifts from 8:00pm - 4:00am and 11:00pm - 7:00am.

For Start day, we're going to replace the current Regular pay rates of $18.00 and $15.00 to Replace with $25.00, with the Payroll override reason due to the shift being a Night shift.

Start day in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

This will subsequently have the following effects on the two shifts:

  • Shift 1 (8:00pm - 4:00am) - 4 hours of this shift will now be paid at $25.00 per hour.

  • Shift 2 (11:00pm - 7:00am) - 1 hour of this shift will now be paid at $25.00 per hour.

Note: If a shift is updated after this rate is changed, the entire hours of the Start day will revert back to the original. Any hours overlapping midnight will remain the same.

Start day in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Next day

For Next day, the same process applies as for Start day. However, only the hours on the next day will be affected.

Start & Next day

We'll use 2 shifts which both start and end at 7:00pm - 2:00am. This time, we're going to change the pay hours for Start day & Next day to Overtime because of short notice.

At this current moment, both Start day and Next day hours are Regular.

Start & Next day in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Now, we're going to make All available hours become Overtime pay hours.

Start & Next day in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

You'll see that all hours have been moved to Overtime, while removing the original Regular hours. This will also increase the Total pay amount.

Start & Next day changes in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Please apply the same methodology as above for Bill rates and hours.

For any changes, we encourage filtering for the overrides reasons, so that you can see the reason why the rate has changed.

Start & Next day changes for payroll override reason in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Update allowances

Update allowances allows you to perform bulk updates of shift allowances for worked shifts only. It permits to either add allowances for all the selected shifts, or replace all the existing allowances.

Update allowances in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

When updating an allowance, you can either Add allowances or Replace all existing allowances.

Replace will remove any previous allowances and replace them with the new records. Or if you aren't adding new records, it will just remove the original records, leaving them blank.

Bulk Update allowances in Update rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

As can be seen you can then click the dropdown to select an allowance type, the unit, and both pay and bill rates. Once applied, you can see the allowances form in the grid view layout.

Bulk update allowances in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If a unit shows 3 dots to the right, it means that their is more than one result for this shift. If you click the 3 dots, they will expand to show the results.

3 dots to expand all records in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress
3 dots to expand all records for Shift allowances in grid view layout in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Validation panel

A validation panel will appear if an entry requires your attention before being completed. The validations will be shown if you try to update rates and hours for:

  • Open shifts

  • Assigned non-worked shifts

  • Approved/Locked shifts

Validation panel for Shift allowances in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If the user is only trying to update an unlocked section of Payroll or Billing, then no validation will be shown and the update will be applied. But if user is either trying to update a locked section or both locked and unlocked sections together, then validation will be shown.

In the validation panel, you only have the option to Discard changes, because in this instance, nothing can be ignored and saved.

For more information on bulk updating in Time Processing, you can Contact Support now!

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