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Feature Access in Time Processing

You can define feature access levels to decide if and how users can use Time Processing

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can define feature access levels to ensure that users gain the relevant access they need in Time Processing.

Note: This feature operates within the same section as user access and security groups.

In this article, we'll be looking at the following on Feature access within Time Processing:

Enabling Time Processing for users

Feature access levels

Enabling Time Processing

To enable Time Processing, you'll need to head to Settings > Security > Manager access > Feature access.

Feature access in Manager access in Security in Settings in Schedule Xpress

Once inside, you'll need to select a Feature access group. In this example, we'll use the Supervisor group.

Note: Time Processing is automatically enabled for the Full access system group as this group cannot be edited.

Enabling Time Processing in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

You can toggle this button to Yes, which will give all users in the group the access to Time Processing.

Enabling Time Processing in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If access is granted to the Schedule module and Time Processing, they will display alongside each other in the toolbar.

Note: The user does not require access to the Schedule module in order to use Time Processing.

Schedule and Time Processing modules alongside each other in Schedule Xpress

Tooltip message

Before we explore how you can define your feature access levels, it's important to understand the Tooltip message which displays as an information sign.

If you click this, a message will highlight that some of the feature access options will be labelled with a single asterisk *, or a double asterisk **.

The message reads:

Permissions set up here determine which shift and related features the group members have access to.

  • * items which are only available to users with access to the Schedule module.

  • ** items which are only available to users with access to the Time Processing module

Tooltip message in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

This helps you to define which feature access is related to Time Processing.

Defining Feature access levels

We're going to explore the different feature access levels and how they will impact your use of the Time Processing module.

You can click the pencil to define whether your user gets:

  • No access - The user has no access to this feature.

  • Run access - The user has the feature available, but cannot modify and save anything to do with the feature.

  • Full/Update access - The user has full access to the feature, and can modify and save anything to do with this feature.

Defining levels of access between No access, Run accesss, Full/Update access in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If access levels underneath a header are different, the access level will default to Custom access.

Custom access in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

Feature access headers

You'll notice that the different feature access options are broken down by headers.

You can collapse and expand the headers using the arrows to the left.

Feature access headers in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

By clicking this arrow, it will expand and show all the features within this header.

Access to filtering and viewing shifts

In this example, Access to filtering and viewing shifts is set to Update access. This means that all the feature access levels under this header will reflect Update access too. However, please note that some options such as Layout selector can only be set to Run & Configure.

Advanced filters in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

Advanced filters

Giving Full access for advanced filters will allow you to display the filter search as the top of your screen.

Advanced filters in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

This will present as below.

Allow access to view and edit for all dates in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

The advanced filters operate in the same way as the Schedule filters.

Allow access to view and edit shifts for all dates

When this option is selected as Full admin, the user can access and edit all shifts for all dates in Time Processing.

Allow access to view and edit shifts for all dates in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If this option is set to No, the system will default to giving the user access to 30 days prior to the current date, and 30 days after the current date.

This default can be changed by a Full admin user.

Allow access to view and edit shifts for all dates in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

An attempt to find shifts outside of the range will result in an error message disclosing the day range they're permitted to see, and no shifts will be found.

Layout selector

If Layout selector is set to Run & Configure, the user will be able to use and customize any of the grid view layout filters.

Layout selector in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

This includes full access the layout filter settings cog, cloning layouts, and configuring all of your grid view layout columns.

You can read all about this in our grid view layouts article.

Multiple shift selection

If Multiple shift selection is set to Yes, the user will be able to select multiple shifts in the Time Processing grid, allowing them to use the bulk update function.

Multiple shift selection in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Enabling this feature gives the user the opportunity to select the entirety of the shifts in their layout grid.

Multiple shift selection in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

They can then take advantage of doing bulk updates.

Shift form in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If this is set to No, the multiple shift selection will not be available.

Shift form

The Shift form contains a variety of ways that a user can create, update or delete a shift or anything relating to fields in the shift form.

Shift form in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

Let's look at the 3 different ways access can be given at header level.

No access - If a user is given No access for the Shift form, then the Shift Tools button will be hidden in Time Processing.

View only - If a user is given View only access, the Shift Tools button will display with only the Update shift option.

Update access - If a user is given Update access, all of Add shift, Update shift and Delete shift will be enabled in Shift Tools.

The example below is for a user with Update access.

Update access for Shift form in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


Under General, you're given the opportunity to make changes to anything under the General form.

General in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

The level of access you provide for the above options will determine what the user can edit in fields:

  • Employee name

  • Shift Date

  • Scheduled start date

  • Scheduled end date

  • Scheduled start time

  • Scheduled end time

  • Customer name

  • Site name

  • Service

  • Shift tag

  • Location

  • Bill OT

  • Tentative

General in shift form in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

So, if for example you made these fields View only, the user will be able to see the fields but not edit them. They become greyed out.

View only for Shift form in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


If a user is given Update access for Attendance, they'll have full access to update shifts using the Time processing tools. such as:

Update access for References in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress
  • Add in and out times

  • Remove in and out times

  • Approve time

  • Remove time approval

Update access for Attendance** in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

View only mode removes Add in and out times and Remove in and out times from the Time processing tools.

View only for Attendance** in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


If the user is given Update access for References, the References will become visible in the Update shift panel and when bulk updating shifts.

Update access for References in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

Update access for References in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

View only access will allow you to see the References, but not edit them.

No access will remove the References from the panel altogether.


Giving Update access to Publish at header level will give the user full access to:

  • Publish for self-scheduling

  • Publish for shift bidding

  • Drop feature override

  • Confirmation override

Publish in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

By setting Publish to Update access, all four of the Publish options will become available in the shift panel.

Publish in shift form in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

For users with Update access, Publish options will also be available for bulk updates.

Bulk updates for Publish options in shift form in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

View only access will make it visible, but the user will be unable to edit.

No access will mean that Publish options will not be visible for the user. You'll see that it will no longer be available in the shift panel.

Bulk updates for No access for Publish in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

No access will also remove Publish options from bulk updates.

Bulk updates for No access for Publish in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Employee shift log

The Employee shift log can only be set as View only or No access, as this feature is not editable.

Employee shift log in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If set to View only, the Employee shift log will be available in the shift panels in Time Processing.

Employee shift log in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress
Employee shift log in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

You'll notice that Download attachments allowed will default to Yes when setting your feature access level to View only for Employee shift log. This means that if an employee attaches a note or signature for a shift via their Team Xpress, then you will allow this to be shown.

Note: If in View only mode, you can choose to select No for Download attachments allowed.

Signature submitted for Download attachments allowed in Team Xpress

This will display similar to the image below. You can click the link and the image will automatically download.

Signature submitted for Download attachments allowed in Team Xpress

If you choose No access for Employee shift log, the Employee shift log button will not be visible to the user, and Download attachments allowed will always remain as No.

No access for Employee shift log in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

The Employee shift log is no longer visible to the user.

Employee shift log not visible in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Shift change history

The Shift change history operates the same way as the Employee shift log. Due to it not being editable, it can only be set in View only or No access mode.

Shift change history in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

When in View only, the Shift change history can be found in the shift panel. This will display any changes made by a user or the employee themselves.

Shift change history in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress
Shift changes in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If you choose No access for Shift change history, the Shift change history button will not be visible to the user.

No access to Shift change history in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

The Shift change history is no longer visible to the user.

Shift change history not visible in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Can override warnings on save

Can override warnings on save works similar as in the Schedule grid.

Can override warnings on save in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

When toggled to Yes, users can Ignore all warnings and save shifts. When toggled to No, the user can only Discard changes and will be unable to save the shift(s).

The example below shows a user who is able to override warnings.

Ignore all warnings in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The example below shows a user who is unable to override warnings.

Can override errors on save**

In the Schedule module, error messages can never be ignored. However, if you toggle Can override errors on save** to Yes, Time Processing will allow you to ignore them.

If overriding errors is toggled to No, users will only see Discard changes.

Ignore all errors in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If set to Yes, the user will be able to bypass the error(s) by ignoring all errors.

Ignore all errors in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Instead of clicking the 3 dots, you can ignore all warnings and errors by using the Ignore all warnings for all shifts and Ignore all errors for all shifts.

Ignore all warnings for all shifts and Ignore all errors for all shifts in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If set to No, the user will be prompted to Discard changes.

Discard changes in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Can add new shifts

Can add new shifts allows the user to add new shifts in Time Processing.

Can add new shifts in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If Can add new shifts is toggled to Yes, the user can click Shift Tools and Add shift.

Update shift

If Can add new shifts is toggled to No, Add shift and Delete shift will be removed and no longer be an option within the user's account.

No Add shift or Delete shift in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Note: This will subsequently make Add shifts method to No access, and Can delete shifts toggled to No. This cannot be changed unless Can add new shifts is toggled to Yes.

Can add new shifts and Can delete shifts in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

Access levels for the Add shifts method form can be changed between Run access and No access for:

  • Shift form

  • Shift template*

  • Repeat shift

Rates and Hours form**

The Rates and Hours form contains access levels for Payroll and Billing. You can elect to either gives Update access, View only or No access at header level.

As Payroll and Billing are divided into sub-headers, the same can be applied for those as sub-header levels too.

Rates and Hours form** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

No access

If No access is chosen, the user will not have any access to Update rates and hours or Reset rates and hours.

No access to Update rates and hours or Reset rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

This will also null out any columns that relate to Payroll and Billing rates.

No view of columns for Update rates and hours or Reset rates and hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

It's also important to understand that No access will result in restrictions to Payroll and Billing in eTime Xpress.

For example, if you're trying to make adjustments to rates inside of Time & Attendance, you'll be greeted with the following warning.

Note: This will also affect the user's ability to adjust Allowances in eTime Xpress.

You do not have security privileges to access this function in Time & Attendance in eTime Xpress

Update access and View access

If this is set to Update access, the user will have full access to rates and hours.

Update access and View access for Rates nd Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The user will be granted full access to rates inside of Time & Attendance in eTime Xpress.

For View access, the user will be able to view all of these features. However, they will remain in read-only mode and will not be editable to the user.

Let's break down, Payroll, Billing and Allowances.


Payroll is divided by Hours** and Rates**.

Just like the entire Rates and Hours form, Payroll can be made Update access, View access or No access.

Payroll** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If No access, is given to Payroll, then it will removed from the Update rates and hours form.

No access to Payroll** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress
No access to pay Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If Update access or View access is given to the user, then Payroll will become available.

Payroll visible in Update rates and hours form in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


No access to the Hours form means that the user will not be able to view pay hours in the grid view layout. This will include all pay hours and pay override hours fields.

Hours** under Payroll** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

As shown below, the grid doesn't contain any hours, and the Payroll Hours section of the Update rates and hours form is greyed out.

No access to Payroll Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

While set to No access, auto-recalculations will not be editable by the user. It will remain greyed out.

While payroll hours is set to No access, auto-recalculations will not be editable by the user for Payroll Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If Rates** is set to Update access, the Reset rates and hours will remain accessible. Even when Hours** is set to No access.

Rates** under Payroll** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress
Update access for hours allows user to see and adjust all pay hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Update access will allow the user accessibility to see and adjust all pay hours. You'll now see that the Hours are adjustable in the Update rates and hours form, and are visible in the grid view layout.

Update access for Hours will allow the user accessibility to see and adjust all Payroll Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Auto-recalculations will now become available to edit.

Auto-recalculations will now become available to edit for users with Update access for Payroll Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

View access permits the user to have read-only on all of the above.


No access to Rates means that the user will be unable to see any pay rates in the Update rates and hours form.

Rates** under Payroll** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

You can see that no rates are adjustable in the Update rates and hours form, or visible in the grid view layout.

No Pay Rates are adjustable or visible in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The user is also unable to edit the auto-recalculations.

The user is also unable to edit the auto-recalculations if No access is set for Payroll Rates in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The Reset rates and hours form will still remain available for users with No access to Rates.

For Update access, users will have full access to view and adjust any pay rates in the Update rates and hours form, and all rates will be visible in the grid view layout.

Pay Rates are visible in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Auto-recalculations will become editable for the user under Update access.

The user is also unable to edit the auto-recalculations if No access is set for Payroll Rates in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

View access permits the user to have read-only on all of the above.


Just like Payroll access levels in Time Processing, Billing is made up of Hours** and Rates**.

Billing** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

If No access is selected at header level, the user will not see Billing in the Update rates and hours form.

Note: This will also remove Allowances from the form.

No access to Billing** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress
No access to Billing in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If Update access or View access is given to the user, then Billing will become available.

Update access and View access to Billing in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress


No access to the Hours form means that the user will not be able to view bill hours in the grid view layout.

No access to Billing Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

As shown below, the grid doesn't contain any hours, and the Billing Hours section of the Update rates and hours form is greyed out.

No access to Billing Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The user is also unable to edit the auto-recalculations.

Auto-recalculations will become editable for the user under Update access for Payroll Rates under Payroll in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If Rates** is set to Update access, the Reset rates and hours will remain accessible. Even when Hours** is set to No access.

If Rates** is set to Update access, the Reset rates and hours will remain accessible. Even when Hours** is set to No access in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress
If Rates** is set to Update access, the Reset rates and hours will remain accessible. Even when Hours** is set to No access in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Update access will allow the user accessibility to see and adjust all bill hours. You'll now see that the Hours are adjustable in the Update rates and hours form, and are visible in the grid view layout.

Access to Billing and Bill Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Auto-recalculations will now become available to edit.

Auto-recalculations will now become available to edit for those with Update access for Billing Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

View access permits the user to have read-only on all of the above.


No access to Rates** means that the user will be unable to see any bill rates in the Update rates and hours form.

No access to Rates under Billing in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

You can see that no rates are adjustable in the Update rates and hours form, or visible in the grid view layout.

No access to Rates in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The user is also unable to edit the auto-recalculations.

Auto-recalculations will now become available to edit for those with Update access for Billing Hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The Reset rates and hours form will still remain available for users with No access to Rates.

For Update access, users will have full access to view and adjust any bill rates in the Update rates and hours form, and all rates will be visible in the grid view layout.

Access to Billing and Bill Rates in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Auto-recalculations will now become available to edit.

 The user is also unable to edit the auto-recalculations when No access in given for Billing Rates in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

View access permits the user to have read-only on all of the above.


No access to Allowances will result in the user being unable to being unable to view Allowances in the Update rates and hours form.

Allowances** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

You can see that Allowances is not present in the form. The user will also be restricted to seeing any columns relating to Allowances in the grid view layout.

No access to Allowances in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

This will also affect the user's ability to make access and adjust Allowances in the Time & Attendance section of eTime Xpress.

You do not have security privileges to access this function for Allowances in eTime Xpress

Before using Update access or View access, please ensure that Shift Allowances is togged to Yes in the Rates and Hours form.

Enabling Shift allowances in Hours and Rates form in Settings in Schedule Xpress

A user with Update access for Allowances will be able to edit Allowances in the Update rates and hours form, and have visibility of Allowances in the grid view layout.

Approve/Remove time approval** in Feature access in Schedule Xpress

This will also give the user full access to adjust Allowances in the Time & Attendance section of eTime Xpress.

Access to Allowances in eTime Xpress
Access to Allowances in eTime Xpress

View access permits the user to have read-only on all of the above.

Approve/Remove time approval**

Approve/Remove time approval** can be toggled to Yes or No. This determines whether the user can Approve or Remove time.

No access

If Yes, the user can Approve time.

Note: This will lock the shift which will subsequently prevent any further changes from being made.

Approve time and Time approved column in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

They can also Remove a time approval.

Remove time approval in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If a user has View access, they can use read-only mode. They cannot change a approve or remove a time approval.

For users with No access to Approve/Remove time approval**, the Approve time and Remove time approval will not be available. However, they will still be able to view the grid view layout column for Time approved.

No access to Approve/Remove time approval** shows no Approve time, Remove time approval, but does keep Time approved column data in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

For more information on Time Processing, please Contact Support now!

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