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Adding employees

Take a look at the different ways to add employees in the Manage people section of Schedule Xpress

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

You can add employees in the Manage people section of your Schedule Xpress.

Manage people is where you'll add employees

In this article, we'll look at the following on how you can add employees in Schedule Xpress:

Adding employees

Adding employees

You can add an employee by clicking either Add employee or Quick add multiple.

You can click Add employee or Quick add multiple to add employees

Add employee

Add employee allows you to define every detail that is required for the employee.

Add employee allows you to define all fields for employees

The details you can fill, are:

  • General info - Information like First name, Last name, Employee ID and Status.

  • Contact - Home address, email address and mobile phone numbers.

  • Settings - Employee group, default customer, site and service, time zone and workdays.

  • Accounts - Username and Update Team Xpress account for passwords changes/invites.

  • Personal info - Personal information if required.

  • References - References can be used to input additional information if a field is not already available for it.

  • Registrations - Registrations can be used for vehicle information.

  • Hiring history - Start date, End date and Termination reason.

  • Pay info - Department, Position, Employee type, Pay cycle and Seniority is added here.

  • Pay rates - Pay rates per service.

  • Max hours - You can input a daily, weekly or monthly max hours to cap how many hours an employee works. Your Schedule will warn you if a shift will make the employee exceed their allocated max hours.

  • Qualifications - Qualifications for this employee, including an effective date and an expiry date.

  • Availability - Availability records for the employee. These can be submitted by them, or created by a User.

The list of section in the employee profile will show at the top

Quick add multiple

Quick add multiple is the fastest way to create an employee account. You only need to fill out the required fields.

Quick add multiple in Manage people

The required fields to create an employee account trough:

  • Employee ID (unless you have auto-numbering)

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email or SMS

  • Employee group

  • Send invite via (optional)

Adding an employee through Quick add multiple

Adding multiple employees with Quick add multiple

If you want to add multiple employees at once, then you can press Add employee in Quick add multiple. This will allow you add as many as 10 employees at one time.

You can add multiple employees at once in Quick add multiple

For more information on adding employees, please Contact Support now!

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