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Employee Availability

Find out how to view Employee Availability and create Availability on behalf of an employee in Schedule Xpress

Written by James Lewis
Updated over a week ago

You can use Employee Availability in Schedule Xpress to determine when your employees are available to work. They can submit Availability through their Team Xpress app, and you can also create Availability on behalf of them from within Schedule Xpress.

Employee Availability and Time Off (Fixed) layout filter in Schedule Xpress

In this article, we'll look into the following on Employee Availability in Schedule Xpress:

Making Availability accessible for Employees

Employee Availability settings

Submitting Availability

Managing Employee Availability

Making Availability accessible for Employees

If you want your employees to be able to submit their own Availability, you'll need to turn this feature on within the Modules access section of the relevant Employee access group(s).

Availability in Employee group in Settings in Schedule Xpress

You can choose to allow the employee to select a Customer/Site to work, or submit Availability for all Customers/Sites.

Choosing the access level of the employee in their Availability in Team Xpress

Employee Availability settings

You can use your Employee Availability settings to choose From and Up to parameters for when employees can create and modify Availability.

The Employee Availability settings are located in your Additional employee settings in Schedule Xpress, under Settings > Security > Additional employee settings.

Additional employee settings in Schedule Xpress

You will find it as below.

Employee Availability settings in Additional employee settings

Let's break down the setup.

From dates

Let's look into the From date options.

All dates on or after current date

All dates on or after current date means that employees can select the From date as the current date and any date beyond.

From All dates on or after current date in Employee Availability settings

On or after 'x' date

On or after 'x' date means that employees can select the From date on or after the selected date (example shows 06/25/2023). Any date before this date CAN NOT be selected.

From on or after 'x' date in Employee Availability settings

On or 'x' days after current date

On or 'x days after the current date means that employees can select the From date as the current date, or 'x' days (example shows 7) after current date. Any date beyond 7 days CAN NOT be selected.

From On or 'x' days after current date in Employee Availability settings

Up to dates

Let's look into the Up to date options.

All future dates βœ” End date can be set to Never

If All future dates is selected then the employees can select up to any date in the future to create or modify Availability records.

If you choose to check mark the box prior to End date can be set to 'Never', then employees can set a recurrence pattern/continuous duration in which their Availability will continue.

Up to All future dates  βœ”  End date can be set to Never in Employee Availability settings

On or before 'x' date

On or before 'x' date means that employees can select the Up to date on or before the selected date (example shows 06/25/2023). Any date beyond this date CAN NOT be selected.

Up to On or before 'x' date in Employee Availability settings

On or 'x' days after current date

On or 'x days after the current date means that employees can select the Up to date as the current date, or 'x' days (example shows 7) after current date. Any date beyond 7 days CAN NOT be selected.

Up to On or 'x' days after current date in Employee Availability settings

How does an employee submit their Availability?

To gain perspective on how the employee submits their Availability, you can visit our Availability in Team Xpress article. However, it's important to know that you can create Availability records for employees from within Schedule Xpress.

Add new availability in Team Xpress

Let's look at how you can submit Availability on behalf of an employee.

Availability in Employee profile in Manage people

You now have the ability to view and create Availability within the employee profiles in Manage people.

You'll first need to ensure that Availability is selected in Schedule Xpress, in Settings > Branch defaults > Employee form.

Employee form in Settings in Schedule Xpress

Ensure you select Availability in the Employee form sections visibility.

Marking Availability for visibility inside Employee profile in Manage people

You'll then see that Availability appears in the employees' profile in Manage people.

Availability is now available in Employee profile in Manage people

Managing the Availability section of the Employee profile

You can use the Availability section of an employee profile to see their submitted Availability records from within their Team Xpress app. You can also use it to see more information on a specific record, or create Availability records on their behalf.

First, you'll need to choose the date range for availability records. The maximum you can display is 90 days.

Note: Availability records will show in reverse chronological order.

Availability section of Employee profile

The records are defined in the Availability section of the employees' Team Xpress app. You can change their level of accessibility to the Availability feature in the Modules access section of your Employee access group(s).

Add new availability in Team Xpress

The records will show in the Availability section of their Team Xpress app as below.

Availability schedule in Team Xpress

Adding Availability for Employees

As the User, you have the ability to add an Availability record on behalf of the employee. You can do this by clicking Add availability.

Add availability in employee profile in Manage people

When adding an Availability record for an employee, you can define:

  • Start date and end date

  • Time from or to, or select All day

  • Repeats weekly on

  • Availability types

  • Roles (Services)

  • Sites

Multi-selecting sites and services

You can multi-select sites and services when creating a record.

Multi-select sites and services for Availability in Schedule Xpress

Click the dropdown to choose the sites and services you want them to be available for.

Multi-select sites and services for Availability in Schedule Xpress

Saving an Availability record

Once you've completed the Availability record form, you can press Save to create the record.

Saving an Availability record

The record will display as below.

Availability record in employee profile in Manage people

Editing, cloning or deleting Availability records

You can Edit, Clone or Delete an Availability record at any time. See below.

Edit, Clone or Delete an Availability record

Let's explore the different ways you can track these records.

Employee Availability layout filter

The Employee Availability and Time Off (Fixed) is the best option to show Availability records. Note, this will also show time off.

Employee Availability and Time Off (Fixed) layout filter in Layout manager in Schedule Xpress

If you select this filter in your Schedule, it will show any Availability as green blocks on the day they were submitted for. The name of the person associated will be in the row on the left.

Employee Availability and Time Off (Fixed) layout filter in Schedule Xpress

Availability record information

There's two ways to find out more information about the Availability records in your Schedule. The first way is to visit the Availability section in the employee's profile.

Availability record information inside of Employee profile in Manage people in Schedule Xpress

Or if your prefer, you can use the Availability report to give a breakdown of the Availability records in your Schedule. This is located in eTime Xpress, under Reports > Scheduling > Availability Schedule.

Availability report in eTime Xpress shows all Availability record information

Availability columns in Manage people grid

You can use your fields in Manage people to see the current Availability records per employee.

The Availability fields that will display are:

  • Date

  • Time

  • Repeats weekly on

  • Availability type

  • Role (Service)

  • Site

  • Last updated by

  • Last update on

  • Availability records in effect exist (Yes or No)

Availability fields shown in columns in Manage people

If an employee has more than one Availability record, you can click the 3 orange dots dropdown to show other records.

Multiple records located in 3 orange dots dropdown in Availability fields in Manage people

Filter availability method

You can choose the Filter availability method to show employees Without availability for a date range and With availability for a date range.

Filter availability method to show employees Without availability for a date range and With availability for a date range in Manage people

If you choose to select one of the two options, you'll notice a new filter will appear with the name of Availability records date range. Once you choose a date range in this filter, then records will show based on your selections.

Availability records date range to define a date range to search for Availability records

For more information on Employee Availability, please Contact Support now!

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