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Availability in Team Xpress

Find out how you can add Availability records through your Team Xpress app

Written by James Lewis
Updated over a week ago

You can add Availability as a way of notifying your supervisor that you're able to work at a set time and date. You can use the Availability feature from within your Team Xpress app.

Note: The Availability feature will only be available if you've been given access to use it.

Availability in Team Xpress

In this article, we'll look at the following on Availability in Team Xpress:

Locating your Availability

Managing your Availability

Locating your Availability in Team Xpress

You can find the Availability feature located in the Schedule section of your Team Xpress app.

Locating your Availability in Team Xpress

Managing your Availability

You can Manage your Availability by visiting the Availability section of your Team Xpress app. Inside you can view, add, edit or delete Availability records that you've submitted.

If you want to manage your Availability efficiently, we encourage that you check the date and times inside your Availability, and ensure that you've submitted exactly when you can work. If you don't, you may not be selected to work any shifts.

Managing your Availability in Team Xpress

Let's look at how you can add Availability.

Adding Availability

You can click Add new to Add a new Availability.

Add new to add Availability in Team Xpress

Inside, you'll be able to define:

  • Start Date

  • End Date (On date or Never)

  • Days available (recurring days you're available)

  • Start time

  • End time

  • All day (24 hours)

  • Customer

  • Site

  • Role

  • Type (Availability types defined by supervisor)

You can Save when you've completed the form.

Add new availability in Availability in Team Xpress

On date or Never

You have two options for your End date.

On date - You choose a date that your Availability record ends.

Never - Your Availability is continuous and doesn't end unless you delete the record. You will not be able to select an End date using this option.

Recurrence pattern

Recurrence patterns are created when you choose a sequence of days to recur an Availability record.

You can click the View recurrence option to see your list of recurrences.

View recurrence

You can click View recurrence to see any Availability recurrences (patterns) you've submitted.

View recurrence in Availability in Team Xpress

Inside, you'll see the list of recurrences you've submitted.

Availability recurrence list in Availability in Team Xpress

Continuous duration

You can choose Continuous duration option if you want your Availability to roll day-on-day. This option means you won't specify the days you want to work; you'll be available every day.

Note: You must choose Never for this option to be available.

Continuous duration means you're available every day

Multi-selecting sites and services

You can define multiple sites and services you're available to work at by multi-selecting them. You can click on either of the dropdown options below.

Multi-selecting sites and services in Availability in Team Xpress

You can then check mark the sites/services you want to be available for, and Save.

Multi-selecting sites in Availability in Team Xpress

Submitting your Availability

Once you've completed the Availability form, click Save to create the record.

Your supervisor will then review your Availability and select you to work at these sites/services if shifts are available.

Saving your completed Availability form in Team Xpress

Let's look at how you can Delete or Edit Availability records.

Deleting or Editing Availability

If you want to Delete or Edit an Availability record, you must click the record to enter it.

Delete and Edit Availability records in Team Xpress

If you click Delete, you'll be asked to confirm that you definitely want to delete the record.

"Are you sure you want to delete this Availability recurrence?" when deleting an Availability record in Team Xpress

If you click Edit, you'll be taken back into the Availability form to make changes to your initial record.

Editing an Availability record in Team Xpress

For more information on Availability in Team Xpress, please Contact Support now!

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