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What's New? - November 2023
What's New? - November 2023

Find out the latest updates to the Celayix platform in November 2023

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

This article will inform you of new updates to the Celayix platform in November 2023.

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In this article, we'll look at the following new features:

Time zone sync for Audit report and schedule changes

Dropdown with lookup options only in References

Negative allowances in Time Processing

Employee quick view

Additional error banner

Bug fixes

Time zone sync for Audit report and schedule changes

The Schedule Change Audit report and Shift changes history now show change times in your database time zone.

Initially, these were only viewable in Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Here's some examples of where you can see the time zone sync.

The time of a Created, Updated or Deleted shift in the Schedule Change Audit report will display in your system time zone.

Time zone aligns with system time zone in Schedule change audit report

The time of a shift change in your Shift changes history.

Your shift change time will reflect all checks in and outs

Dropdown with lookup options only in References

There is a new References option that only allows you to choose from a dropdown list and prevent anyone from freeform typing. This option is in place to ensure consistency of references and to prevent anyone from typing incorrect information.

This is available for:

  • Employee references

  • Shift references

  • Site references

  • Service references

You can locate your references in Settings > Organization settings > Manage codes.

Let's use Shift reference lookups as the example.

Shift reference labels allow you to define lookup options

The new options allow you to choose:

  • Allow freeform text and dropdown with lookup options - This option allows you to type anything into a reference field, as well as using the dropdown.

  • Dropdown with lookup options only - This option only allows you to click the dropdown to select reference lookups that you've added in your Manage codes. You will not be able to type in the reference field when using this option.

You can see reference lookups in the image below.

You can choose to allow freeform text or allow only the Dropdown lookups to be selected for a reference

If you use Allow freeform text and dropdown with lookup options, you'll notice that you can type in the reference field as well as choose dropdown options.

You'll be able to type in the reference box if you're using Allow freedom text and dropdown with lookup options

If you use Dropdown with lookup options only, you'll notice that the reference box is greyed out. This will prevent all users from typing.

You won't be able to type in the reference box if you're using Dropdown with lookup options only

Using Dropdown with lookup options only, you will be required to click the dropdown arrow to select from the lookup list.

You'll be required to select from the dropdown list if using Dropdown with lookup options only

Negative allowances in Time Processing

You can now add negative allowances in Time Processing. Your Allowances are located in Update rates and Hours form.

Note: These can only be added to worked shifts.

You can add a minus allowance to deduct from a shift total pay amount

Once you've added your Allowance Type and Units, highlight over the 0 pay rates and type minus (-) and your Pay rate amount.

Press Save to add the allowance. This will immediately deduct from the shift's Total Pay amount.

Ensure you highlight the Pay rates section to add your minus Pay rate

Employee quick view

You can use the Employee quick view to see basic employee information within your Schedule and Manage people. You can click the employee counter to view this information.

Note: Please Contact Support if you require this feature.

You can click the employee counter in the schedule to see the Employee quick view fields

You can also do the same in Manage people.

You can click the employee counter in Manage people to see the Employee quick view fields

Additional error banner when error field is not in visible in employee and site forms

A new update will show a double error if you've not chosen to display the section in which the error occurs. You'll need to display the section in your Employee form or Site form, dependent on whether the error is in Manage people or Manage sites.

In the example below, a double error has occurred in the References section of the Employee profile. However, you can see that the References section hasn't been selected in the Employee form.

You'll receive a double error if there's a hidden error within one of the employee sections you've not chosen to view

If you receive a second error banner, ensure you've selected the correct section in your Employee form so that you can correct it.

Note: Once you've discarded the change, you'll be redirected to the Employee form.

If you receive a second error banner, ensure you've selected the correct section in your Employee form so that you can correct it

Bug fixes

This section is dedicated to any notable bug fixes that you've reported and our Development Team have fixed.

Scroll bar issue in Manage people

Some users may have experienced an issue where employee records were hidden because their scroll bar wouldn't go the full distance in Manage people.

This issue is now resolved.

Scroll bar at the bottom of Manage people list

Got a bug to report?

If you've got a bug to report, please ensure you send this directly to our Development Team by clicking the Suggest a feature option and then Found a bug.

Found a bug in Schedule Xpress

If you have any questions regarding the November 2023 updates, then please Contact Support now!

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