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Shift changes history

All you need to know about monitoring any shift changes history within your Schedule

Written by James Lewis
Updated over a week ago

You can use your Shift changes history to see any changes made to a shift. This will begin with the creation of the shift, and show a record of all changes made by a User or employee.

Show shift changes history in Update shift in Schedule Xpress

Finding your Shift changes history

You can double-click any shift in your Schedule, or checkmark a shift and head to Shift Tools > Update shift to open the shift panel. From there, you'll be able to access the Shift changes history in the top-left corner of the panel.

Show shift changes history in Update shift in Schedule Xpress

What changes can you see in Shift changes history?

The changes that are captured within your Shift changes history are:

  • Who created the shift.

  • Who updated the shift via the shift panel, such as date/time change etc.

  • Employee self-scheduling onto a shift.

  • Employee confirming a shift.

List of changes in Shift changes history in Update shift in Schedule Xpress

The orange will highlight the change that was made, which will be followed by the name of the User or the employee ID number who made the change.

List of changes in Shift changes history in Update shift in Schedule Xpress

You can inspect the change by clicking the Show more option, which will expand to give more details on the change.

Use Show more to expand the record in Shift changes history in Update shift in Schedule Xpress

If more than one change was made in a single update, then it will display as the number of changes, rather than the type of change.

Multiple records will show as one record in Shift changes history if the update was made at the same time

The dropdown will reflect all the changes within the update.

Clicking Show more will show all record information in Shift changes history in Schedule Xpress

For more information on your Shift changes history, please Contact Support now!

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