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Shift Change Audit Report

How to use the shift change audit report to gain an understanding of different shift changes made by different users within Schedule Xpress

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

Schedule Xpress includes a report to review changes made to shift data by anybody at anytime. This answers questions surrounding who may have created, updated or deleted a shift.

Note: The Audit Schedule Changes report is only available to users who have user capability.

Shift change audit report

In this article, we'll be looking at the following for the Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress:

Accessing the Shift Change Audit Report

Setting your parameters

Understanding your shift audit records

Accessing the Shift Change Audit Report

To access the Shift Change Audit Report, select the Reports button on the left edge of the Schedule Xpress window. Then select Audit Schedule Changes at the top of the page.

Reports for Audit Schedule Changes in Schedule Xpress

Once inside, the audit report will look as below. You'll need to fill in parameters to find records.

Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Now let's look at defining your parameters to find that all-important information.

Setting your parameters

You need to use the Options panel to set your parameters.

It's likely at this point you'll have a shift or set of shifts in mind, so this process can be used to narrow down and keep your search as succinct as possible.

Setting your parameters in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Changes From and Changes To

One of the most important factors in finding the change you're looking for is to define your date range. The first step you'll need to take is to make sure these are correct.

When you enter the Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress, the Changes From and Changes To will default to the period covering the current day. To find changes in any given period, you must ensure you enter the formatting correctly to reflect a specific period. See the formatting below.

Changes From: 2022-09-12T00:00:00.000 = (Year, month, day / hours, minutes, seconds, thousandths of a second)

Changes To: 2022-09-12T23:59:59.999

All timestamps in the audit report will display in the time zone your database is set in.

Changes From and Changes To in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Changed By

Changed By gives you the opportunity to choose the username associated with the change(s) made. This is highlighted in the Created, Updated and Deleted strips above.

Note: As stated, it must be the username of the user's account, not the user's name.

Changed By in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Changed by will default as an asterisk, which means the search is for all users.


This section is where you determine a search based on which fields of the shifts have changed.

Note: If a field is not listed, then even if the field was changed, the shift will not be included in the report.

Fields in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

You can press and hold on the black mark below the fields and use it to drag down and open all the fields available for selection.

Fields in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

You'll also see the options All, None and Inverse. Here's what they mean:

  • All - Highlighting all fields for selection.

  • None - No fields are highlighted for selection.

  • Inverse - Inverse will works in the opposite way. For example, if you tick 3 options and then press inverse, the 3 options will then be deselected, and all other options will be highlighted.


The Events are relating the the shift change type. Do you want to look for shifts that have been Created, Updated or Deleted?

Events in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

All, None and Inverse works the same as in the Fields section.

Shift Date From and Shift Date To

Shift Date From and Shift Date To works the same way as Changes from and Changes to. However, this time, you're searching for shifts that we're dated and timed between this period.

Shift Date From and Shift Date To in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

You need to use the same date formatting. See below examples.

Shift Date From: 2022-09-01T00:00:00.000 = (Year, month, day / hours, minutes, seconds, thousandths of a second)

Shift Date To: 2022-09-30T23:59:59.999

Employee ID, Customer ID, Site ID and Service ID

These four fields can be used to find specific shifts relating to IDs. This will be useful if you're trying to find information on a single employee, customer, site or service.

Employee ID, Customer ID, Site ID and Service ID in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Shifts Reference 1

This section can be used to search for specific words relating to your Reference field 1.

If you use references, it will be present in any shift form in your Schedule.

Shifts Reference 1 in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Shift ID

You can use the Shift ID section to fill out a Shift ID if your looking for updates on one specific shift.

Note: This will default as an asterisk to ensure you search for as many shifts as your previous parameters can find.

Shift ID in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

You can only retrieve the Shift ID from the Shift Change Audit Report. It is located in shift record, in the top-right corner.

Shift ID in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Apply or Reset

The Apply button is the final step in processing your search through the parameters you've entered and selected.

The Reset button will reset any current parameters to the default selections.

Apply or Reset in the Options panel of Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Now let's look at how you can read these records to understand the data.

Finding your shift audit records

When you use specific parameters to find records, the records will display on the right-hand side.

Finding your shift audit records in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

How to tell which record relates to which shift

You can distinguish which shift has been changed at the top of each record. These will highlight in blue if their current, or brown if they're deleted.

These contain shift details for Date, Start, End, Employee, Customer, Site Service and State (Current or Deleted). These will also show in the record itself.

How to tell which record relates to which shift in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

It will then contain a line to represent the change type; Created, Updated or Deleted.

The order that shift changes will display

Shift changes are shown in reverse chronological sequence, in a block of records related to that shift. Here's a few other things to know about the sequencing:

  • The oldest action is at the bottom of the block.

  • Subsequent actions work their way up the block.

  • The most recent action is at the top of the block.

Created, Updated and Deleted shifts

When you're searching for shift audit records, you'll be looking for either Created, Updated or Deleted shifts. These are all distinguished by different colors.

See the image below.

Created, Updated and Deleted shifts in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

These strips contain the type of change, who the change was made by, on what date and at what time.

Toggling through shift audit records

You can toggle through records by clicking the arrows in the top-right corner. The single arrows are to left and right per page, and the double arrows are to move to the beginning and end of all the pages.

Toggling through shift audit records in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Searching the shift audit records for key words

It's likely that you'll want to search for key words if you can't set specific parameters to find a single record. You can use the search report section to input key wording.

Searching the shift audit records for key words in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

In this example, we've chosen to search for the name Dinesh. You'll notice that the first record containing the word Dinesh will be highlighted in yellow.

Shift audit records highlighted in yellow using key words search in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

You can toggle with the arrows on the right of the key word to filter through all records that contain the word Dinesh.

Shift audit records highlighted in yellow using key words search in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Zooming in and out for suitable view of shift audit records

You can zoom in and out to gain a view that is suitable to you.

Zooming in and out for suitable view of shift audit records in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Refreshing your shift audit records in real-time

When reviewing the details in real-time, press the refresh button to re-run the report without re-entering parameters.

Refreshing your shift audit records in real-time in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Exporting your Shift Change Audit Report

To export a report, you can click icon containing a page and right-facing arrow. This will dropdown a selection of report types.

Exporting your Shift Change Audit Report in Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

We'll use a PDF and Excel spreadsheet as an example.


This will provide a clearer view of all your records.

PDF export from Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

Excel (Paginated):

Once you've clicked Enable Editing, your data will be editable if adjustment are required.

Excel (Paginated) export from Shift Change Audit Report in Schedule Xpress

For more information on the Shift Change Audit Report, please Contact Support now!

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