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Notifications in Schedule Xpress

You can access all your notifications in the Notifications panel in Schedule Xpress

Written by James Lewis
Updated over a week ago

You can access all your Notifications in the Notifications panel in Schedule Xpress.

Notifications in Schedule Xpress

In this article, we'll look into the following on Notifications in Schedule Xpress:

Finding your Notifications

Notifications panel

Finding your Notifications

Your Notifications will always be located in the top-right corner of your Schedule Xpress. They will remain in the same position when you navigate to different sections.

Your Notifications are located in the top-right corner of Schedule Xpress

Notifications panel

The Notifications Panel is home to all your Notifications. You can choose which Notifications you would like to receive in your Notifications Filters.

When you click the Notifications icon, the Notifications panel will appear

Notifications Filters

You can use your Notifications Filters to check mark the types of Notifications you want to receive.

You can choose the Notifications you want to receive in Filters

You can choose to receive Notifications for:

You have the option to check mark as many as 5 different Notification types

Notifications categories

The Notifications will be categorized using different filters in the panel. These filters are listed as:

  • All - All Notifications.

  • Alerts - eClock alerts and Shift confirmations.

  • Requests - Time off and Shift drop requests.

The Notifications will be categorized by different filters

Number of unread Notifications

The number of unread Notifications will display on the Notifications icon.

The number of unread Notifications will be marked on the Notifications icon

Mark all as read

You can mark all Notifications as read by clicking the option located under Results.

You can mark all Notifications as read at once

Pinning a Notification

If you want to pin a Notification to ensure you see it at the top of you list, you can click the pin in the bottom right.

This can be a useful reminder that you need to action a specific Notification.

You can pin a Notification at the top of your Notifications panel by selecting the pin

Notification information

You can find out more about a Notification by clicking on it.

You can click a Notification to find out more information

For more information on your Notifications in Schedule Xpress, please Contact Support now!

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