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Align Stat Hours in Time Processing

You can use Align stat hours to ensure your employees are being paid the correct stat holiday hours for shift overlapping midnight

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

Align stat is a tool used by those who have their hours distribution by shift start date, and subsequently need to split these hours to cater a different in pay for shifts overlapping midnight into a statutory holiday.

In this article, we'll break down the following on aligning stat days in Time Processing:

Understanding why align stats is needed

Align stat hours

Example of Align stat hours

Important information for Align stat hours

Shift Start Date vs. Calendar Date (Midnight Cutoff)

It's important to be aware that aligning your stat days in only necessary for branches that are using Shift start date. Here's a breakdown to help you understand the difference between Shift Start Date and Calendar Date (Midnight Cutoff). Read the explanations below:

  • Shift Start Date - This is where the total hours of a shift are calculated for the day that the shift starts. For example, if an employee had a shift that was from 11pm-7am, with the shift starting at 11pm on 1st September, the entirety of the 8 hour shift would be designated to the 1st September.

  • Midnight Cutoff - This is where the hours of the shift will be designated to whichever day they fall on. So, let's use the same example as above. If a shift began on 1st September at 11pm and finished at 7am on 2nd September, only 1 hour would be designated to the 1st September and 7 hours to the 2nd September.

Before showing you how this will display in Time Processing, let's look at where to you can set your preference.

From the homepage of eTime Xpress, go to Configuration > Company Branch > Branch Bill/Pay Settings > File > Preferences. Here, you can select the distribution of your hours by Shift Start Date or Calendar Date.

Shift Start Date vs. Calendar Date (Midnight Cutoff) in Bill/Pay Settings Preferences in eTime Xpress

Which shifts can be used to Align stat hours?

Only specific shifts can be used for Align stat hours.

Shifts that are are worked and not locked (not approved), or shifts that are worked and partially locked (partially approved) can be aligned. If a single shift which is open or not worked or approved is selected, this option will not be enabled.

You'll also need to ensure that your statutory days align with the time you're trying to align stats. This can be done at Branch level in eTime Xpress, or in General Settings in Schedule Xpress.

Statutory holidays in Settings in Branch defaults in General in Schedule Xpress

Finding Align stat hours

You can find the Align stat hours under Time processing tools.

Finding Align stat hours in Time Processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Tooltip message

The tooltip message is an explanation of which shifts can be used for Align stat hours.

The Tooltip message reads:

This option will adjust shifts which span midnight into, or out of, a Stat day such that the Stat rate is only paid of billed for the part of the shift which actually took place on the Stat day. We recommend this option is only used when other shifts which would generate overtime are already approved.

The Tooltip message in Align shift stat hours in Time Processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Using Align stat hours

Once you've selected the shifts to align your shift stat hours, you'll notice that by default, Payroll and Billing is unchecked by default.

Using Align shift stat hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

If you select an option, you'll then be permitted to give your override reason. This is essentially the reason of approval.

Override reason in Align shift stat hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Shift break allocations

Shift breaks allocations helps to define how you want to allocate break hours between the current day (Shift Start Date) and the next day.

Shift break allocations in Align shift stat hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Your database will default to using Evenly, which distributes the each half of the break across the Shift Start Date and next day. The other options of Shift break allocations, are:

  • Proportionately - Proportionately means that the break will be broken down per hours of the shift on each day. For example, if you had a 3 hour shift with a 30 minute break, and 2 hours fell on the current day, and 1 hour on the next, you would have 20 minutes of break for the 2 hours, and 10 minutes break for the 1 hour.

  • Current day - Current day means that the entire break is taken from the hours of the shift on the first day.

  • Next day - Next day means that entire break is taken from the hours of the shift on the next day.

  • Evenly - Evenly means that the break is split exactly 50/50 across the two days, irrespective of how many of the shift's hours fall on each day.

  • Middle of shift - Middle of shift means that now matter where the hours fall on each given day, the break will always be deducted from the middle of the shift.

Filtering for shifts spanning midnight

For easier use before aligning your shift stat hours, we highly recommend filtering for shifts which span midnight.

You can do this by heading to your advanced filters and selecting All Shift Statuses.

Filtering for shifts spanning midnight in All Shift Statuses in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

From here, you can select Shifts spanning midnight into or out of a holiday day. This will give represent only those shifts that require the align stat hours tool.

Shifts spanning midnight into or out of a holiday day in All Shift Statuses in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

You can then highlight all the shifts and align all stat hours.

Example of Align stat hours

Moving on to an example, we're going to apply Align stat shift hours for 3 shifts, and we'll discuss how these hours have been distributed and how the shift break allocation has affected them.

Two of the shifts start on 31st December and carry over to the 1st January (stat day), while one shift begins on the 1st January (stat) and ends on 2nd January.

Example of Align shift stat hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

As can be seen prior to the change, two shifts on 31st December are paying regular hours, and the single shift on 1st January is paying all stat hours. When we align the stat day hours, we'll see a change to the hours distribution, and the pay rates total will change.

Reg and Stat pay hrs in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

So, now we'll align the 3 shifts stat hours. In this example, we'll choose Evenly as the Shift break allocations.

Align 3 shifts stat hours in Time Processing tools in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The shifts' hours will now distribute accordingly.

Shift hours distribution being distributed accordingly as per Align stat hours in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The new change of shift hours distribution will be highlighted in red.

All changes in shift distribution due to Align stat hours will be highlighted red in reg pay and stat pay hrs columns in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

The new hours will be paid as per the Regular and Stat rates, unless a change is made before approving time.

Partially locked shifts for Align shift stat hours

If you've previously partially locked a shift in eTime Xpress, then only one of the two will show when aligning your stats.

Partially locking a shift in eTime Xpress is done in the Time & Attendance module. Once inside Time & Attendance, go to Data > Lock > Lock Shift or Lock All. You'll then be given the option to partially lock if you choose only one of Payroll or Billing.

Partially locking/approving a shift in Time & Attendance in eTime Xpress

In the example above, we're locking the shift for Payroll. Let's now look at how it will effect aligning stat hours in Time Processing.

You'll see that because you partially locked the shift for Payroll, you cannot align stat hours for Payroll because when the shift is locked, it can no longer be changed unless it's unlocked or you remove the time approval.

Align stat hours when a shift is partially locked for Payroll in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Pay stat settings in Schedule Xpress and eTime Xpress

The Pay stat settings located under each employee account will affect if stat is to be paid to the employee.

Note: Both Pay stat settings work in sync, meaning that if you make a change to the Pay stat field, it will reflect in both Schedule Xpress and eTime Xpress.

Pay stat setting in Schedule Xpress

In Schedule Xpress, you can head to Manage people > choose employee > Pay info. Under Pay info, they'll be a checkbox and if it's ticked, the employee is entitled to stat pay. If not, they will not receive any stat pay.

Pay stat settings in Manage people in employee profile in Schedule Xpress

Pay stat setting in eTime Xpress

In eTime Xpress, you can head to Employees > choose employee > Pay settings. The section labelled Pay Stat will be defined by a Yes or No.

Pay stat setting in Employees in employee profile in Pay Settings in eTime Xpress

Aligning stat hours when Pay stat is unchecked or set to No

When you attempt to align stat hours for an employee who isn't entitled to stat, the pay hours will remain regular, but the bill hours will be calculated as stat for whatever portion of the shifts falls on the stat day.

Aligning stat hours when Pay stat is unchecked or set to no in hrs columns in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Shift errors/warnings when aligning stat hours

If a shift cannot be aligned for stat hours, you'll receive an error message. Including the number of shifts you're trying to align, It will read:

Error. 4 out of 4 shift(s) could not be updated: Shifts are not spanning midnight into or out of a holiday day or already aligned.

Shift error Error. 4 out of 4 shift(s) could not be updated: Shifts are not spanning midnight into or out of a holiday day or already aligned appears when a shift cannot be aligned with stat in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

This will be because of one of three reasons below:

  • The shift(s) associated doesn't span midnight into or out of a stat holiday.

  • There is no stat holiday created that associates with the shift(s) start and end times.

  • The shift(s) has already been aligned.

Warnings will still be present when making any additional changes to a shift which already has stat hours aligned.

Warnings are still present to any shifts changed for align stat in Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

For any more information on aligning your stat hours in Time Processing, please Contact Support now!

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