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Schedule Xpress Mobile

Schedule Xpress Mobile is a mobile phone application that allows you to manage your schedule away from your desk

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

Schedule Xpress Mobile is a mobile phone application that gives you 24/7 access to your schedule and allows you to manage it when you're away from your desk.

In this article, we'll look into the following on Schedule Xpress Mobile:

Downloading Schedule Xpress Mobile

Logging in to Schedule Xpress Mobile

Your Schedule in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Choosing your Schedule date range in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Filters in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Finding shift details in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Finding employee information in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Editing a shift in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Shift actions in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Schedule validations in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Downloading Schedule Xpress Mobile

Schedule Xpress Mobile can be downloaded from your mobile phone from the relevant link below:

Alternatively, you can download it using the QR codes below.

Schedule Xpress Mobile for iOS

Schedule Xpress Mobile for Android

Logging in to Schedule Xpress Mobile

You'll use the same log in credentials as you do for Schedule Xpress and Time Xpress.

Note: We do not encourage that more than one person uses the same log in at any one time.

Celayix Mobile log in page

Change branch in Schedule Xpress Mobile

If you have multiple branches, you can switch between them inside of Schedule Xpress Mobile.

Head to the My Account section, select the Change branch option, and choose the branch you want to be moved to.

Change branch in My Account in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Your Schedule in Schedule Xpress Mobile

When you log in to Schedule Xpress Mobile you'll arrive at the Shifts section of the app. This is your schedule.

You can access your schedule in Celayix Mobile

Searching for a shift in Schedule Xpress Mobile

You can use the magnifying glass to search for a particular shift or groups of shifts in your schedule. It is located in the top-left corner.

You can search for keywords relating to shifts in Celayix Mobile

You can search for Open shifts, an employee name, site name or service.

Searching for Open shifts in Celayix Mobile

Schedule colors in Schedule Xpress Mobile

The schedule colors will present based on your Branch Colors in eTime Xpress. These are labelled as State colors.

They can be found in Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch > Branch Colors. Inside here, you can assign background and foreground colors to shifts in the following states:

  • Scheduled Shift

  • Scheduled Overtime Shift

  • Worked Shift

  • Worked Overtime Shift

  • Locked Shift

  • Locked Overtime Shift

  • Open Shift

  • Tentative Shift

State colors setup in eTime Xpress

Here's an example of how it translates to the schedule in Schedule Xpress Mobile.

The colors of your schedule in Celayix Mobile is determined by state colors

Choosing your Schedule date range in Schedule Xpress Mobile

You can click the dropdown arrow next to your date range to choose the start date of your display.

Note: You can only view a maximum of one week at a time.

The dropdown arrows allows you to see your date range

The date you select will appear as the first date in your schedule. Once you select the date, you'll only be able to scroll to see shifts until the end of the current week.

If you want to switch to another week, click the dropdown arrow, or use the left and right arrows to move between weeks.

You can select the first day you'd like to see in your schedule in Celayix Mobile

Switching between weeks

You can select the left and right arrows to move between different weeks within your schedule.

Note: When using the arrows, you'll always land on the start date of that week.

You can use the date range arrows to move back and forward through weeks in Celayix Mobile

Clicking Today to move to current date

You can click Today to move to the current date.

Clicking Today will take you to the current date in your schedule in Celayix Mobile

Filters in Schedule Xpress Mobile

You can filter for the following in Schedule Xpress Mobile:

  • Employees

  • Sites

  • Services

  • Shift statuses

Filters in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Let's look at the employees filter.

Select the employee(s) or shift status that you want to filter by and press Done in the top-right corner.

Note: You can select more than one employee.

Press Done to apply the filter

Once you've pressed Done, ensure you then press Apply when you're redirected to the filters page.

Press Apply to apply filter to your schedule

You'll see all the shifts for the employee(s) you filtered for.

To remove the filter, ensure you head back to the filters section and select Reset all filters.

You'll notice the filter you've applied will contain the employees or shift status you selected

Reset all filters in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Click Reset all filters to remove any filters.

Reset all filters will remove any filter you have in place

You'll notice the filter count will be 0 and your schedule will be shown in full.

Reset all filters will remove any filters and the count will be back to 0

Finding shift details in Schedule Xpress Mobile

You can click on any shift in your schedule to find out the shift details.

Schedule Xpress Mobile will show the following shift details:

  • Employee

  • Date

  • Shift status - Scheduled, Overtime, Worked or Locked.

  • Scheduled start time

  • Scheduled end time

  • Scheduled break duration

  • Scheduled shift total

  • Customer

  • Site

  • Service

You can click a shift to access the shift details in Celayix Mobile

Understanding the status of a shift

Other than using the shift colors to understand the status of a shift, you can also click inside a shift and view the status at the top of your screen.

It will be labelled as a Scheduled shift, Scheduled Overtime shift, Worked shift, Worked Overtime shift or Locked shift.

The status of a shift will present on the top bar inside the shift

Finding employee information in Schedule Xpress Mobile

You can access employee information by clicking on their name inside of a shift.

Employee information is accessible through clicking their name in shift details

The information of an employee will present as below.

Employee information is accessible through clicking their name in shift details

Calling or texting an employee from Schedule Xpress Mobile

If the employee mobile phone number is present, you'll be able to click it to Place a phone call or Send a text message to the employee.

You can call or text an employee by clicking their mobile phone number in Celayix Mobile

Emailing an employee from Schedule Xpress Mobile

If the employee email address is present, you'll be able to click it to send an email to the employee.

You can email an employee by clicking their email address in Celayix Mobile

Editing a shift in Schedule Xpress Mobile

A shift can be edited by clicking the pencil icon in the top-right corner.

Note: You can also access Edit shift in your Shift actions.

Click the pencil to edit shift information in Celayix Mobile

The fields you can edit, are:

  • Employee name.

  • Shift date.

  • Scheduled start time.

  • Scheduled end time.

  • Site

  • Service

  • Check-in time

  • Check-out time

You can change the employee name to assign another employee to the shift in Celayix Mobile

Once you've changed any of the fields, you can press Save to complete.

Press Save to complete the change

Editing the site and service of a shift

To change the site or service of a shift, click on a shift in your schedule > Shift actions > Edit shift > Choose Site or Service to make a change.

Selecting a new site or service in Edit shift of Schedule Xpress Mobile

You can select any other Site or Service. Once you select another, you'll be redirected back to the Edit shift page.

Press Save to make the change official.

Selecting a new site in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Adding check-in and check-out times for a shift

To adjust check-in and check-out times, click on a shift in your schedule > Shift actions > Edit shift > Choose a check-in time.

Adjusting the Check-in time in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Once the check-in time is in place, you'll have the option to add the check-out time.

If the shift doesn't need to be checked out on the spot, you can press the Save button and return if it needs to be checked out at a later time.

The Check-out time option will appear once you add a Check-in time in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Shift actions in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Shift actions allow you to edit a shift or use the Find replacement tool to find the most suitable replacement based on a set of pre-created employee search rules.

Shift actions in Celayix Mobile

Once you click Shift actions, you'll be given the option to Edit shift or Find replacement. Alternatively, you can Cancel to undo this action.

You can Edit shift or Find replacement in Shift actions in Celayix Mobile

Find replacement in Schedule Xpress Mobile

Click Find replacement in Shift actions to choose your Find replacement filter.

Find replacement in Celayix Mobile

You'll then be given the option to choose your filter to ensure you're using suitable criteria to find your replacement employee.

Choosing your Find replacement filter in Celayix Mobile

You'll see a list of Find replacement filters. If you have many filters, you can use the search bar to type and find the one you want to use.

Choose one and press Apply.

Pressing Apply to confirm Find replacement filter in Celayix Mobile

You'll be presented with a list of employees who meet the criteria.

The list of employees who meet the Find replacement filter criteria will show

You can check mark any of the names and press Update shift to complete the change.

Choose the employee you want to replace the shift and click Update shift

Schedule validations in Schedule Xpress Mobile

If an employee doesn't meet the requirements to work a shift, then a warning or error will appear on your screen.

Examples of requirements would be qualified or no double-booking caused.

See the examples below.

Warning validation

A warning will show as below.

The warning will highlight the reason why the employee was unable to pass the shift validations.

Warning validation in Celayix Mobile

You can choose to Cancel the change or Override the change.

You can Cancel or Override a warning in Celayix Mobile

Error validation

An error will show as below.

The error will highlight the reason why the employee was unable to pass the shift validations.

Error validation in Celayix Mobile

An error will only allow you to Cancel the change.

Note: If this is an error you need to override, then you'll need to override the error in Time Processing. This will need to be changed by someone who has the relevant access.

You can only Cancel an error in Celayix Mobile

For more information on Schedule Xpress Mobile, please Contact Support now!

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