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Celayix Free Trial: Schedule

All the tools you need to know in your Schedule

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll dive into the basics of your Schedule within Schedule Xpress.

Your Schedule in Schedule Xpress

This article will cover the following features in your schedule:

Tools for scheduling

Next article...

Your Schedule

The first thing you see when you log in your Schedule. This is where you'll spend most of your time within Schedule Xpress.

You can navigate to different features by using your Command strip on the left-edge. Continue reading to find out what each feature means.

Your Schedule in Schedule Xpress

Tools for scheduling

Let's look at what you'll need to know about scheduling.

Date range

You can change the parameters to ensure that your schedule displays exactly the date range you would like to see. You can choose to view it by:

  • Day - A single day.

  • Week - A 7-day period.

  • Work Week - You can define your 'work week' in your layout filters.

  • Month - An entire month.

  • Custom - You can choose a start and end point.

Date range in Schedule

Layout filters

You can choose a layout filter that display your schedule as you'd like.

Layout filters in Schedule Xpress

Display options

You can use your Display options to adjust your schedule display.

Display options in Schedule Xpress

Save, Undo, Redo and Refresh

You can Save, Undo, Redo and Refresh in your schedule.

Save - To save any changes you make to your schedule.

Undo - To undo a change in your schedule.

Redo - Redo a change you previously undid in your schedule.

Refresh - Refresh your schedule to its current state.

Save, Undo, Redo and Refresh in Schedule Xpress

Schedule Tools

In your Schedule Tools, you can use:

Schedule Tools in Schedule Xpress

Shift Tools

In your Shift Tools, you can:

  • Add shift.

  • Repeat shift.

  • Update shift.

  • Delete shift.

  • Create shift template.

  • Apply shift template.

We'll look at how you can add, update and delete shifts in the next article.

Shift Tools in Schedule Xpress

Now that you know the basics of your schedule, let's move onto the next article - Celayix Free Trial: Adding shifts.

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