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Settings: Calendar view layouts

The Calendar view layouts allows you to view your schedule in a calendar format

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

Calendar view layouts are primarily used for those who are looking to display more than 2 weeks' worth of shifts at a time. The shifts will display in the Schedule in calendar format.

Calendar view in Schedule Xpress

This article will cover the following on Calendar view layouts in Schedule Xpress:

Why use Calendar view layouts?

Switching to Calendar view

Adding a Calendar view layout

Display options

Using your Calendar view layouts

Why would you use a Calendar view layout?

Calendar view layouts are most useful for companies looking to see an overall view of a month, which gives them a breakdown of how many shifts are in each period of each day.

Note: We don't recommend using the daily or weekly view if you have more than 5 shifts in each day. Calendar view layouts are only recommended if you're using Advanced filters for daily or weekly view.

Calendar view in Schedule Xpress

Switching to Calendar view

You can switch to Calendar view in your Schedule, as below.

Switching to Calendar view in your Schedule

Adding a Calendar view layout

There's two different methods of adding a Calendar view.

Method 1: Through the Settings cog next to the layout filter.

Using the Settings cog to go to your Layout manager

Method 2: Through Layout manager in Settings > Branch defaults > Layout manager > Calendar view layouts.

Calendar view layouts in Settings

Steps to creating a new Calendar view layout

Let's look at the steps to creating a new Calendar view layout.

Clone a filter

The first step you need to take is to Clone the new Calendar view layout.

Cloning a Calendar view layout filter

Create a Name and Description.

Creating a Name and Description for Calendar view layout

Layout grid display settings

Your Layout grid display settings allow you to define your work hours and work week. If you define a specific work week, you can choose the Work week option in your Date range selector to show only your work week and no other days.

Note: It doesn't mean you'll only see these hours and days. It just means that the date and time period outside of the parameters you set will be greyed out.

Layout grid display settings for Calendar view layout

Shift sort & display options

The shift sort & display options allow you to choose fields that will define the order the shifts display and the information that is on the shift blocks.

Shift sort & display options

Your new Calendar view layout filter

Once created and modified to suit, it can be used in your Schedule.

Your new Calendar view layout will appear in the Schedule

Display options for Calendar view layouts

If you want to adjust the row height and change your shift colors selection, click your Display options.

Press Save to layout to make the changes permanent.

Display options to adjust the row height and shift colors for your Calendar view layout

1 more...

If your shifts cannot fit into a day on the Schedule, you may that it will show as 1 more or 2 more. See image below.

To ensure all the shifts show, adjust the row height in your Display options.

1 more... in the Schedule

Using your Calendar view layouts

The Calendar view layouts can be displayed by:

Note: You cannot use a Custom date range for Calendar view layouts.

Let's look at some of the date ranges and how they'll display.

Monthly view

The most recommended use of the Calendar View as it allows you to view the Schedule for the entire month.

Monthly view in the Calendar view layout

Daily or Weekly view

Daily or Weekly will show the shift(s) as vertical blocks hour-by-hour. See examples below.

Daily view:

Daily view in the Calendar view layout

Weekly view:

Weekly view in the Calendar view layout

Overnight shifts in Calendar view layout

Dependent on the date range you're using, you'll need to be wary of how overnight shifts will display in a Calendar view layout. Let's look at some examples.

Overnight shifts in Monthly view

Overnight shifts in a Monthly view will show as crossing over days.

Overnight shifts crossing midnight in Calendar view layout by the month

Overnight shifts in Weekly view

If a shift crosses midnight from the previous night, then the shift will only display based on the hours in the day shown on that day. The example below shows the 12am-4am portion of a 8pm-4am shift.

Overnight shift crossing midnight in Calendar view layout by the week

Overnight shifts in Daily view

Just like in the Weekly view, if a shift crosses midnight from the previous night, then the shift will only display based on the hours in the day shown on that particular day. The example below shows the 12am-4am portion of a 8pm-4am shift.

Overnight shift crossing midnight in Calendar view layout by the day

For more information on your Calendar view layouts, please Contact Support now!

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