The Manage rates module allows you to manage all of your employee, site, combination and branch pay rates from Schedule Xpress.
In this article, we'll look into the following on Manage rates in Schedule Xpress:
Finding Manage rates
Group by in Manage rates
Add pay rates in Manage rates
Update rates in Manage rates
Delete rates in Manage rates
Pay rate lookup
Export rates in Manage rates
Filters in Manage rates
Finding Manage rates
Your Manage rates will be located on the command strip on the left edge in your Schedule Xpress.
The Manage rates icon will present as a dollar note.
Group by in Manage rates
You can use the Group by option to show your rates grouped by:
Employee (employee name).
Site (site name).
Rate type (Employee, Site and Combination).
You can switch between the options using the dropdown arrow.
Let's look at some examples.
By employee
By site
By pay rate type
Add pay rates in Manage rates
You can add pay rates from within the Manage rates module. The Add pay rates option will be positioned in the top-right corner.
Note: You can also access the Add pay rate option under the wrench tool.
You have the option to add:
Employee pay rates.
Site pay rates.
Branch default pay rates.
Combination pay rates.
Note: When adding a pay rate, ensure your payroll settings at site level match the pay rate type.
First, select which pay rate type you'd like to add.
Let's look at adding an employee pay rate.
Note: Site, Combination and Branch pay rates will require different data.
You'll need to define:
Effective date
If you choose more than one service, this will create multiple lines per employee.
Once you've chosen your employee(s), service(s), effective date and rate, proceed to press the Add # pay rates.
Once the rates are locked in, you can click Save to complete.
You'll need to determine whether you want to Apply to past and new shifts or Apply to new shifts only. Here's what they mean:
Apply to past and new shifts allows you to force the system to recalculate back to the effective date.
Apply to new shifts means that only new or future shifts will show the updated rate.
Once chosen, your rate(s) will be added to the employee profile.
Update rates in Manage rates
Once a rate is saved, you're still able to update the rate at any time.
You'll first need to select the rate(s) that you want to change by checkmarking it. Then, you'll notice the Update rate option becomes available in the top-right corner. Alternatively, you can click the wrench tool > Update rate.
Note: You can update multiple rates at once by checkmarking them.
The next step is to determine whether you want to replace, increase or decrease the existing rate(s).
You'll need to select:
Replace with.
Increase by.
Decrease by.
Replace with
The Replace with allows you to choose a rate that replaces the existing rate.
To complete the replacement, ensure you click Update # rates.
Increase by and Decrease by
Increase by and Decrease by allows you to choose an amount or percentage to increase or decrease by.
Let's look at an example.
We'll increase the rate for Brianna Lewis as an Armed Guard at $25.00 by 10%.
Once the shift is checkmarked, we'll press Update rate > Increase by > Percent > 10.
To complete, click Update # rates.
Once confirmed if you're applying the shift to past and new, or just new, you'll see the rates have now increased by 10% to $27.50.
Delete rates in Manage rates
To delete a rate, check mark it > click the wrench tool (top-right) > Delete rate.
Note: You can delete multiple rates at once by checkmarking them and performing the same process as above.
You'll be warned that you cannot undo this action if you click Delete. If you want to complete this action, press Delete and the rate(s) will be removed.
Pay rate lookup
The Pay rate lookup feature enables you to find rates associated with:
Note: It also displays the pay rate rule applied at the site level.
Once you click 'Find rate,' the system will highlight any rates associated with your selections.
Export rates in Manage rates
You can export your rates by clicking the wrench tool (top-right) > Export rates > PDF export or Excel export.
Note: You can use your filters to export specific rates.
Let's look at some examples below.
PDF export of pay rates
Excel export of pay rates
Filters in Manage rates
You can use your filters to help you search for specific rates by date, type, employee, site, or service.
The filters in Manage rates, are:
Applicable types on - The Applicable types on filter allows you to choose a date to apply, which will list all the rates that have an effective date up to this date. Any rates with effective dates after this date will not be shown.
Pay rates types - The Pay rate types filter allows you to filter branch, combination, employee, or site rates.
Employees - The Employees filter allows you to select a single employee or multiple employees to show employee pay rates for.
Sites - The Sites filter allows you to select a single site or multiple sites to show site pay rates for.
Service - The Service filter allows you to select a single service or multiple services to show pay rates that include shifts relating to this service type.
Reset all filters in Manage rates
You can click Reset all to clear all your filters immediately. Clicking this option saves you the time of removing them individually.
If you have any questions regarding the Manage rates module, then please contact support now!