You can use safety checks as a way of ensuring your employee informs you they are working their shift and are 'safe' at site.
Typically, safety checks are used for shifts where an employee may be working alone, or at a site that poses potential risks. However, in addition to health and safety, the safety check can also be used to confirm that the employee is not asleep or otherwise distracted.
Note: The safety check follows the same geofence rules as check-in and check-out, meaning that an employee will only be able to complete a safety check if they are present at site.
In this article, we'll look into the following on safety checks for employees:
Setting up safety checks
Performing safety checks
Safety check notifications
Setting up safety checks for employees
You can set up safety checks for employees in Schedule Xpress, in Settings > Security > Employee access. Underneath the panel listed Advanced Check In/Out Options, you'll be able to toggle safety checks to Yes or No, as per your requirements.
Safety check intervals
A Safety check interval is the time between an employee performing a safety check, and then performing the next. For example, if you select 1 hour in your Employee access group, then an employee belonging to this group will need to slide to safety check every hour while working their shift.
Record safety check time
Record safety check time allows you to record the safety check time as:
Actual time
Rounded time
By choosing Rounded time, you can round to the nearest, 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes.
Where are safety checks recorded?
You can see all safety checks recorded in the Safety check log entries column in your Time Processing.
If one or more safety checks is recorded, you can see them by clicking the 3 dots next to the first entry.
How does the employee perform a safety check?
The safety check can be found within a designated shift in Team Xpress.
When the safety check is confirmed, you will be greeted with a message saying 'Performed safety check'.
How do Users perform safety checks on behalf of employees?
If you are User (admin) and have access to Time Xpress, you can perform a safety check on behalf of an employee. While we wouldn't encourage this often, it can be helpful if required.
You can checkmark a shift, click eClock actions and Perform safety check. You cannot pick a specific time to perform the safety check, as it will always default to the actual time you perform it.
Safety check notifications
You can set up your eClock alerts to send Missed safety check notifications to both the employee and/or the User.
See how they'll look below.
For more information on enabling safety checks for employees, please Contact Support now!