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Map in Team Xpress

Use your Map to show you the site address and the geofence radius for checking in and out in Team Xpress

Written by James Lewis
Updated over a week ago

You can use your Map in Team Xpress to find out your shift's site address and the geofence radius you need to be inside of the perform any checks. The Map will also show you your live position in relation to the site.

Employee inside of geofence radius at site in Map view in shift in Team Xpress app

In this article, we'll look at the following on the Map in your Team Xpress app:

Locating the Map

Map in Team Xpress

I can't check in?

Where is Map in Team Xpress?

You can find the Map inside Schedule > click a shift > Map.

Employee inside of geofence radius at site in Map view in shift in Team Xpress app

Map in Team Xpress

When you Slide to Check in, you may have a geofence at your site location. This means that you will need to be inside of the geofence radius to check in.

You can click Map to view your position in relation to the geofence radius. The location placemark will show as grey.

If you're within the geofence radius, your placemark will show in green. As can be seen on the image below.

Employee inside of geofence radius at site in Map view in shift in Team Xpress app

If you're not within your geofence radius, your placemark will show in red.

Employee outside of geofence radius at site in Map view in shift in Team Xpress app

Refresh your location

If you're currently looking at your Map view to locate yourself within the geofence radius, then you can press Refresh your location to show your current location at that exact moment.

Refresh your location in Map in Team Xpress

Location accuracy insufficient

If you're location accuracy is insufficient, then you'll have two options based on the way your account has been setup by your supervisor:

  • You'll not be able to check in.

  • You'll be able to check in by accepting a statement that your supervisor has given you permission to do so.

Let's look at how the two options will display.

Cannot check in because the device is not within the geofence:

Device not within geo-fence when checking in to shift in Team Xpress

Can check in even though device is not within geofence, based on supervisor giving authorization:

Device not within geo-fence but allows authorization to bypass when checking in to shift in Team Xpress

If you aren't receiving your GPS location on the Map, you may need to check your Location Services.

Enabling Location Services on mobile phone

Your phone's Location Services must be enabled for GPS location to be tracked. If you do not know how to enable this, then you must consult with your phone service provider, phone manufacturer or ask a member of your team to help.

See example below (from Apple iPhone).

Location services on inside Settings in Apple iPhone

I can't check in?

If you're still having difficulty checking in to your shift, then please refer to our Help Center article that addresses other possible issues behind why you can't check in. You can find this article by clicking Why can't I check in?

We would also recommend that you inform your supervisor if you cannot figure the issue.

For more information on Map in Team Xpress, please Contact Support now!

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