No need for work WhatsApp group chats anymore. Now you can message employees using the Messages feature in Schedule Xpress - keeping all things work related in one place.
This article will cover the following on messaging employees in Schedule Xpress:
Messaging employees from Schedule Xpress
Employees receiving messages in Team Xpress
Finding your Messages
Your Messages will be located in the top-right corner of Schedule Xpress.
Contact list
Once opened, you can either use the search bar for the employee you wish to contact or find the employee's name and double click to enter a chat with them.
Messaging in a chat
You can use the direct chat to communicate directly with employees.
Receiving messages in Team Xpress
Employees will receive messages in Team Xpress and can communicate with Users (Admins), as in below image.
For more information on messaging your employees through Schedule Xpress, please Contact Support now!