Documents allows you to upload and store important documents related to an employee, making it easy to revisit key information whenever needed.
This is located in the employee profile in Manage people.
In this article, we'll cover the following on Documents in Manage people:
Managing your documents
File upload guidelines
Adding a document
Click 'Add Document' to create a new document.
Viewing document content
You can click the dropdown arrow to view the contents of the document.
Editing a document
The pencil icon allows you to edit the document, while the trash can icon lets you delete it.
Adding document information
You can assign a title, effective date, expiry date, and select the employee(s) the document is associated with. Multiple employees can be selected if applicable.
You can add the document details and use the formatting tools to customize it according to your needs.
You can highlight text and click the hyperlink option to add a hyperlink to the selected text.
You can right-click to copy an image, then right-click again to paste it into the 'Details' section.
Document tags
You can use 'Tags' to categorized documents. For example, you may list bad reviews under a 'Bad reviews' tag.
Tags are built in Settings > Branch features > Tags.
File upload guidelines for attachments
If you're using the 'Attach file' option in Documents, please review the following guidelines to ensure your files meet the required criteria for upload.
You can click 'Check File upload guidelines' to find out more information.
File size limit (MB)
Files larger than 100MB cannot be uploaded. You'll need to reduce the file size before uploading.
Maximum number of file attachments
You can upload a maximum of 5 attachments per document. Once 5 files have been uploaded, the 'Attach file' button will be disabled, preventing any further uploads. To upload additional files, please remove an existing attachment by clicking the 3 dots and selecting 'Delete' before adding new ones.
Supported file extensions
To ensure smooth uploading of files, please note that only certain file types are supported. The following file extensions are allowed:
PDF (.pdf).
Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx).
Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Text File (.txt).
OpenDocument Text (.odt).
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods).
Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx).
Comma-Separated Values (.csv).
PNG (.png).
JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg).
AVI (.avi).
MP4 (.mp4).
Unsupported file extensions
The following file formats are not supported and cannot be uploaded:
Data Interchange Format (.dif).
Java Source Code (.java).
JavaScript (.js).
Python Script (.py).
If you attempt to upload a file with any of the unsupported extension listed above, you will receive an error message. Please ensure your file has one of the supported extensions before uploading.
If you have any questions regarding Documents in Manage people, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.