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Confirming and Acknowledging shifts

Find out how you can confirm shifts and acknowledge any shift changes in your Team Xpress app

Written by James Lewis
Updated over 2 years ago

You can confirm and acknowledge shifts as an indication you can either work your shift(s), or that you've seen a change to your shift(s).

Acknowledge all changes in Action needed in Schedule in Team Xpress

In this article, we'll look into the following on confirming and acknowledging shifts in your Team Xpress app:

Confirming shifts

Acknowledging shifts

Forgetting to Confirm or Acknowledge shifts

To Confirm

When you Confirm a shift, it's your way of telling your supervisor that you can work it. Any shifts that require confirmation will be in the To Confirm section of your Action needed tab.

In your Team Xpress app, head to Schedule > Action needed > To Confirm.

Note: If you're NOT required to Confirm shifts, then this option will NOT be available for you.

To Confirm in Action needed in Schedule in Team Xpress

Confirming shifts

If you have more than one shift to Confirm, then you have two choices:

  • Confirm shifts all at once

  • Confirm shifts individually

Confirm all

To Confirm all at once, you simply click Confirm all at the bottom of the To Confirm section.

Confirm all in To Confirm in Action needed in Schedule in Team Xpress

Confirming shifts individually

You can Confirm shifts individually by clicking on the shifts in your Schedule or in the To Confirm section.

Confirm shift in Schedule in Team Xpress

Changes (Acknowledging shifts)

When you Acknowledge a shift, it's your way of telling your supervisor that you are aware that the shift has been added or changed. Any shifts that require acknowledgement will be in the Changes section of your Action needed tab.

In your Team Xpress app, head to Schedule > Action needed > Changes.

Note: If you're NOT required to Acknowledge shifts, then this option will NOT be available for you.

Acknowledge all changes in Changes in Action needed in Schedule in Team Xpress

Changes to shifts will be highlighted at the bottom of each shift. For example, + Shift added or x Shift removed.

x Shift removed and + Shift added in Changes in To Confirm in Action needed in Schedule in Team Xpress

Acknowledging shifts

If you have more than one shift to Acknowledge, then you have two choices:

  • Acknowledge shifts all at once

  • Acknowledge shifts individually

Acknowledge all changes

To Acknowledge all at once, you simply click Acknowledge all at the bottom of the Changes section.

Acknowledge all changes in Changes in To Confirm in Action needed in Schedule in Team Xpress

Acknowledge shifts individually

You can Acknowledge shifts individually by clicking on the shifts in your Schedule or in the Changes section.

Slide to Acknowledge shift in Schedule in Team Xpress

Forgetting to Confirm or Acknowledge shifts

In most cases, if you forget to Confirm or Acknowledge your shifts, it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll lose the shift. It's often used as additional clarification that you can work it or have accepted the change. Your supervisor will be notified if you do Confirm and Acknowledge, and will also be notified if you don't.

If you're unsure on what confirming and acknowledging shifts means to you, then we'd recommend you speak to your supervisor.

For more information on confirming and acknowledging your shifts, please Contact Support now!

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