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eTime: Advanced Budgeting

This guide will review the features in the advanced budgeting module

Written by Celayix Support
Updated over a week ago

The Advanced Budgeting User Guide will review the features in the Advanced Budgeting module.

This article will contain the following on advanced budgeting in eTime Xpress:

eTime Xpress v7.9.2 – Optional Advanced Budgeting Module

From version 7.9.2 of eTime Xpress onwards, it is possible to set up budgets for employees, customers and/or sites. These budgets can be set to warn users if the schedule exceeds the required budgeted daily, weekly or monthly shifts hours.

Note: The existing weekly and monthly budgets for employees and sites will remain in place for those clients who do not license the Advanced Budgeting functionality.

At employee level, you can select whether to apply daily, weekly and/or monthly budgets on the Pay Settings tab. At customer and site level, the same functionality is available on the respective Bill Settings tabs.

Budgeting at employee level in eTime Xpress

Hours & Budget

For whichever scenarios are set up, eTime Xpress will then track the number of hours scheduled for the defined day/week/month at employee/customer/site level. If the budgeted hours are exceeded, there is an option to either generate a warning message (which can be over-ridden) or an error message (which cannot be over-ridden).

At a daily level, each day of the week can have its own specific budget set up as below.

Budgeting at daily level in eTime Xpress

Note: Budgets now have an effective date which means that budget applies from that date forward, until a new row entry is created with a later effective date – this allows you to plan ahead and track variable budgets.
(This feature is not available with the regular budgeting functionality)

At weekly and monthly level it is only necessary to specify the effective date and number of hours.

Budgeting at weekly and monthly level in eTime Xpress

Message Types

On the 'Branch Message Types' screen, different validation behavior can be set up for Warnings messages (can be over-ridden) or Error messages (cannot be over-ridden) for each combination of employee/customer/site and daily/weekly/monthly budgets:

Branch Message Types in eTime Xpress

Newest Budget Report

There is a new budget report which allows you to report budgets verses actuals and track variances, whether by employee, customer or site and whether by daily, weekly or monthly budgets.

Latest Budget Report in eTime Xpress
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